Alleged International Credit Card Trafficker “Badb” Extradited from France to the United States


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I wonder what he was doing in France, there are 3rd world country he can and do is business so far there is internet and live like a king.... Because these country's don't have centralized DB system to monitor their citizens... Fake info thrives, my internet access was never registered in my name, my home address. So are they gonna track me? For the records am John Doe in my 3rd world.


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You know, I dont know if badb was using his real identity, I think he was smarter than that, however throughout the years, it wasnt just once that I stumbled by mistake into people's true identity.I would always let them know how easy it was what I did and that anyone could do it, and they would always freakout and dissapear without a sign.

For instance, this one guy was using hotmail 2-3 years ago. We would always talk there with simp over hotmail. One day I just randomly google his hotmail email address, and guess what? He had that email registered to a domain he had bought in his real name and real address. I know for a fact because I knew his country, and because the website was legit, it was like a blog about his life lol. As soon as I showed him, he freaked out, dissapeared and never talked to me again. He never even used that hotmail id. And im sure he hadn't just ignored me ;)

People need to separate their real lives from the virtual ones. Its tough if you're 15 and just started out from your gaming pc curiously surfing the web and ended up here. However, if thats the case, its still not too late! You should still borrow 1k from grandma, invest in a laptop and a 4g mobile broadband anonymous PayPal, and start over.


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
may be online and working with cops under [email protected] & 569692 .
this guy contacted me like 1 month ago .. so be aware

Yes, this is true. A lot of badb contacts and user names are still used by someone. He's probably co operating with LE atm. That's what you get when livin' it fast and not thinkin proper. Online criminals should raise their awareness on how to stay safe. Not many are aware of how easy and very IMPORTANT it is to stay protected and as anonymous as possible even big names like badb until they face a judge with 40 years of sentence to life.


Online Criminals threat this matter very lightly, a very big error. Never underestimate your enemy, in this case, Law Enforcement, Unless you're incredibly intelligent wich is very rare within 14 to 25 year old online millionaires.

Stay safe.


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I think if you choose to be a carder the posibility to use the internet for personal related stuff has to be cut from your mind 100%

don't use facebook, don't use twitter, don't upload a photo to the net, don't be a dumb...

You know, I dont know if badb was using his real identity, I think he was smarter than that, however throughout the years, it wasnt just once that I stumbled by mistake into people's true identity.I would always let them know how easy it was what I did and that anyone could do it, and they would always freakout and dissapear without a sign.

For instance, this one guy was using hotmail 2-3 years ago. We would always talk there with simp over hotmail. One day I just randomly google his hotmail email address, and guess what? He had that email registered to a domain he had bought in his real name and real address. I know for a fact because I knew his country, and because the website was legit, it was like a blog about his life lol. As soon as I showed him, he freaked out, dissapeared and never talked to me again. He never even used that hotmail id. And im sure he hadn't just ignored me ;)

People need to separate their real lives from the virtual ones. Its tough if you're 15 and just started out from your gaming pc curiously surfing the web and ended up here. However, if thats the case, its still not too late! You should still borrow 1k from grandma, invest in a laptop and a 4g mobile broadband anonymous PayPal, and start over.