All about real carding - plastic cards and dumps


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I hope that this will slightly reduce the number of questions that sometimes just get boring. Therefore, I will try everything on my fingers and in simple words.
This case does not pretend to be complete coverage of everything in the world in terms of real plasticity, but simply provides some directions for reflection. And again - no ready-made recipes - you will have to chew, swallow, and find the information yourself. Under the word "credit cards" in this article mean only VISA, MasterCard, JCB, Diners Club, Discover or AmEx, while debit cards and SMART-cards require a separate approach to the projectile.

First, some terms, to make it clearer for those who did not deal with this at all, and then I will spread my thoughts along the tree:
A dump is a collection of information that is recorded on the magnetic stripe of a credit card. The dump can consist of tracks 1, 2 and 3, or 1 and 2, or 2 and 3.
A track is a text file with certain information that is recorded on the magnetic track of a credit card. The main functional load is carried by track 2 or the second road. Having track 2, you can manually create track 1, based on the data available in track 2. Functionally, for some recording methods, only the second track is sufficient on the recording card. Usually, track 1 and track 2 are used. Track 3 is used by various financial institutions on credit cards to record some additional information - for example, if the card is issued by Citibank together with American Airlines, then the third track may contain information about the accumulated flight points to AA, and so on. The track 3 is not interesting for us.
For the manufacture of credit cards, various types of plastic are used, but in 90% of cases - the so-called CR-80, on which all kinds of passes, certificates, membership cards in the casino and so on are made at the same time. That is, it is globally distributed and is used not only for making credit cards.
POS terminal - a terminal for rolling credit cards when buying something there - seen in stores.
Dove and Globe - each VISA or MasterCard currently has a hologram - on Visa a dove, on MC - hemispheres. We must pay tribute, the AmEx does not yet have a hologram (although there is on the Optima card - AmEx).

The balance is not on the credit card! “Lads, how to kill 100 bucks of balance for 10,000 on the credit?" - I didn’t come up with it, these are the questions that are asked. I explain that the balance is NOT on the credit card, that is, the money does not physically lie there. A credit card is, as it were, a pass to the account of this credit card in the bank that issued it. That is, the credit card simply identifies the account holder - whether he can take money from the chest that is in the bank.

Where to get dumps?
Four ways of getting dumps are currently taking place:
1. They buy, make, get readers - portable, battery-powered (like PMR-202, PMR-102, MSR300, MSR500, Smart Mag-DC), or stationary like AMC C722, MSR206 - and depending on the country of stay, experience, circle acquaintances are distributed to agents: foreign exchange prostitutes, cashiers in decent stores, employees of cafes, hotels - wherever there are foreigners who pay with credits. The wages for this work range from $ 10 to $ 200 for each dump collected by your agent.
2. A very large processing center of a bank, or a processing network, through which payments of physical, not virtual stores, and all other things pass, breaks down (hacked), and a database is torn out from there.
3. Agree at the bank with the banker who sits exactly on the issue of cards, or on their embossing, so that he would give you all the cards made on a floppy disk at the end of each working day. The most unrealistic way, but sometimes it occurs, especially if the banker lacks a sense of self-preservation.
4. Dumps are simply bought from those who took possession of them using one of the above methods.
Let's go from the beginning - you got a dozen dumps from somewhere, and you dug up a dozen clean CR-80s from somewhere.

What further? Let's go from simple to complex:

How to write these dumps onto this white plastic so that everything is the right way?
Simple - for this there are writers, or in other words encoders (AMC C722, MSR206), by connecting it to the computer, and having dealt with the program, you roll white clean plastic through the encoder, as a result of which at the output you have plastic with an applied magnetic stripe - a real dump credit cards. In other words, you have a magnetic copy in your hands. If suddenly your agent, who filmed this dump from the terpily, gave him a drink to such an extent that he shouted out his PIN in ecstasy (or where he found it in his notebook), you can safely go to the ATM and try to get money. With a high probability, if there was no suspicion when the owner was taking a dump, and he does not suspect that a copy was taken from his card, you will receive money - another thing is that it is not known what the limit is, and whether there is any money on it at all. But, as practice shows, PIN does not shout even in ecstasy. Thus, you have a duplicate on white plastic, with which, of course, you will not go to the store on the corner, or to the ATM, since there is no PIN. What can I do? Again - from simple to complex. First out of a series quickly finely sleep ... uh, steal and get drunk beer: you agree with the seller in some decent store that accepts cards, that, they say, Vasya, here I have such garbage, I will come to you, buy a laptop, then we will sell it , and the money in half. It goes away. For players of heavier weight - a suitcase of such plastic with recorded dumps is being assembled, an office opens (probably, it is possible in the Union, did not try), starts working - sells some kind of pups. A bank account, an agreement with a bank, a POS terminal is placed, and at one point all this suitcase of white plastic is driven through it. The money falls into the account. Take cash - and to the girls. Of course, everything is not so simple, at the beginning of any such topic, you need to carefully study the country, the banking system, possible pitfalls, the security system of the bank (on what grounds are the red flags thrown out), which put this terminal to your United Carders office, the terms of enrollment, the ability to withdraw money, think over ways of withdrawal, of course you cannot open such an office for yourself, calculate the costs - much more.
Let's go further - to a more complex one. Initially, there is a clean CR-80 plastic and dumps.

How would you print and make a credit card at most one to one?
With such a credit, you can safely go to any store in any country, and something else, about which below. First you need to buy ready-made plastic with doves or a globe, or buy these holograms separately. Then you need to find a printing house, or buy your own equipment that will allow to print something beautiful on clean CR-80 plastic - and practice shows that it is absolutely all the same which bank is indicated there, and whether it corresponds to a real bank. The printing is, of course, double-sided. Pay special attention to the quality of the dove and the globe - if something is wrong with them, it is very alarming for sellers and bankers. Printed with grief in half. Now we need to make these indented credit card number, name, and so on. Again, you can negotiate with a banker who will emboss this business for you, or buy the equipment yourself. In addition to this, on the back of the credit, you need to stick a strip of special paper on which the cardholder's signature is put. Less than six months have passed, and you already have a suitcase of duplicate credit cards, which no one will pick on. What are the options with a suitcase: if for clothes - buy a ticket to Singapore, for example, or to Pretoria, and buy up there tightly until the suitcase runs out. Then somehow, somewhere, you attach all this iron or silver-gold, sell, distribute.

Option two - dump absolutely give a damn about what name you indicate on the track 1 - either the real owner, or, for example, the name that you have in the second left passport or in the international license. You can manually change the name of the cardholder inside the tracks. That is, in the slip-e that comes out of the POS terminal, the name that you yourself made in the dump will be stamped. I hope it is clear that in the same way no one bothers you to emboss all cards with the same name. Or, for example, make John Smith on 20 cards, make Moisei Abramovich Petrov on 20 more, and Boris Berezovsky on 20 more. Order passports for these three names with rights for reliability. And boldly go to the Coolest Main Commercial Bank of Ivanovo in the same Ivanovo or there in the Union Bank of Switzerland in Zurich, and, presenting a passport and a credit card in the same name, withdraw money from it to the maximum. Cash. It is clear that you need to enter the country with a different passport, just in case. In general, think over everything. If you took it off in one bank, you go to another with another credit card in the same name, and so on. Change the country. And on a new one. With a different passport and other credit cards. Shura Balaganov was very amazed when Ostap bought an ink set for the Horn and Hoof office. “Ostap Ibrahimovich, were you not ashamed to pay LIVE money for this ink set?” Shura was right.

The third option is simple and classic. Stupidly acquire a left-hand passport. Stupidly go with him anyway to which bank and in which country, and just as stupidly open an account with a credit card. As a result, you have on hand a credit card with the name of Zhenya Sokolov with 5 dollars on it, there is a passport in the name of Zhenya Sokolov with your photograph. Erase all data from the magnetic stripe. Prepare a dump from those that you have - no matter whose and which country. Change the name in it on the tracks to Zhenya Sokolova. Write this dump to this credit card. And forward - even to the bank, even to the store - everything is there. You run out of money on this dump - you erase it again, cook and write a new one. And so, until Zhenya Sokolova starts looking for all the banks and shops all over the world. Then you buy a new passport - and around again. Well, if they begin to recognize it by sight, then only plastic surgery then.

I'm tired of pressing the keyboard, so I wrap up. I apologize to everyone who is aware of the topics covered for the fact that I have outlined all this in a somewhat simplified form - the article is not focused on bison, but on those who are new to this business. Of course, the topic is endless, with many pitfalls at each stage. If someone gets hurt and wants to take on - the directions are clear, look for information on each of the issues, study materiel, read the manuals, banking systems, countries, languages, communication psychology, security systems - the space for a fight is simply huge. Well, if someone from all this chewed didn’t understand anything, and it’s good, then it’s not for you. It's also okay - Garik Kasparov is playing chess, although he could have done carding. And he feels good financially. Take up chess. Or checkers. Or continue to practice ordinary virtual carding.

And the last remark - if suddenly you once again see somewhere that someone is selling dumps with PINs - do not believe your eyes. If you have carefully read this case from top to bottom, then, I hope, it is clear that dumps with PINs are like cash in your pocket. And no one has yet sold something for $ 100 for $ 20. If the $ 100 is printed in Washington, of course, and not in Grozny or Tehran.

P.S. Do not forget that video recording equipment is installed in almost all ATMs. And video recordings are stored indefinitely - depending on the degree of chaos in the bank, which owns a particular ATM.


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
I hope that this will slightly reduce the number of questions that sometimes just get boring. Therefore, I will try everything on my fingers and in simple words.
This case does not pretend to be complete coverage of everything in the world in terms of real plasticity, but simply provides some directions for reflection. And again - no ready-made recipes - you will have to chew, swallow, and find the information yourself. Under the word "credit cards" in this article mean only VISA, MasterCard, JCB, Diners Club, Discover or AmEx, while debit cards and SMART-cards require a separate approach to the projectile.

First, some terms, to make it clearer for those who did not deal with this at all, and then I will spread my thoughts along the tree:
A dump is a collection of information that is recorded on the magnetic stripe of a credit card. The dump can consist of tracks 1, 2 and 3, or 1 and 2, or 2 and 3.
A track is a text file with certain information that is recorded on the magnetic track of a credit card. The main functional load is carried by track 2 or the second road. Having track 2, you can manually create track 1, based on the data available in track 2. Functionally, for some recording methods, only the second track is sufficient on the recording card. Usually, track 1 and track 2 are used. Track 3 is used by various financial institutions on credit cards to record some additional information - for example, if the card is issued by Citibank together with American Airlines, then the third track may contain information about the accumulated flight points to AA, and so on. The track 3 is not interesting for us.
For the manufacture of credit cards, various types of plastic are used, but in 90% of cases - the so-called CR-80, on which all kinds of passes, certificates, membership cards in the casino and so on are made at the same time. That is, it is globally distributed and is used not only for making credit cards.
POS terminal - a terminal for rolling credit cards when buying something there - seen in stores.
Dove and Globe - each VISA or MasterCard currently has a hologram - on Visa a dove, on MC - hemispheres. We must pay tribute, the AmEx does not yet have a hologram (although there is on the Optima card - AmEx).

The balance is not on the credit card! “Lads, how to kill 100 bucks of balance for 10,000 on the credit?" - I didn’t come up with it, these are the questions that are asked. I explain that the balance is NOT on the credit card, that is, the money does not physically lie there. A credit card is, as it were, a pass to the account of this credit card in the bank that issued it. That is, the credit card simply identifies the account holder - whether he can take money from the chest that is in the bank.

Where to get dumps?
Four ways of getting dumps are currently taking place:
1. They buy, make, get readers - portable, battery-powered (like PMR-202, PMR-102, MSR300, MSR500, Smart Mag-DC), or stationary like AMC C722, MSR206 - and depending on the country of stay, experience, circle acquaintances are distributed to agents: foreign exchange prostitutes, cashiers in decent stores, employees of cafes, hotels - wherever there are foreigners who pay with credits. The wages for this work range from $ 10 to $ 200 for each dump collected by your agent.
2. A very large processing center of a bank, or a processing network, through which payments of physical, not virtual stores, and all other things pass, breaks down (hacked), and a database is torn out from there.
3. Agree at the bank with the banker who sits exactly on the issue of cards, or on their embossing, so that he would give you all the cards made on a floppy disk at the end of each working day. The most unrealistic way, but sometimes it occurs, especially if the banker lacks a sense of self-preservation.
4. Dumps are simply bought from those who took possession of them using one of the above methods.
Let's go from the beginning - you got a dozen dumps from somewhere, and you dug up a dozen clean CR-80s from somewhere.

What further? Let's go from simple to complex:

How to write these dumps onto this white plastic so that everything is the right way?
Simple - for this there are writers, or in other words encoders (AMC C722, MSR206), by connecting it to the computer, and having dealt with the program, you roll white clean plastic through the encoder, as a result of which at the output you have plastic with an applied magnetic stripe - a real dump credit cards. In other words, you have a magnetic copy in your hands. If suddenly your agent, who filmed this dump from the terpily, gave him a drink to such an extent that he shouted out his PIN in ecstasy (or where he found it in his notebook), you can safely go to the ATM and try to get money. With a high probability, if there was no suspicion when the owner was taking a dump, and he does not suspect that a copy was taken from his card, you will receive money - another thing is that it is not known what the limit is, and whether there is any money on it at all. But, as practice shows, PIN does not shout even in ecstasy. Thus, you have a duplicate on white plastic, with which, of course, you will not go to the store on the corner, or to the ATM, since there is no PIN. What can I do? Again - from simple to complex. First out of a series quickly finely sleep ... uh, steal and get drunk beer: you agree with the seller in some decent store that accepts cards, that, they say, Vasya, here I have such garbage, I will come to you, buy a laptop, then we will sell it , and the money in half. It goes away. For players of heavier weight - a suitcase of such plastic with recorded dumps is being assembled, an office opens (probably, it is possible in the Union, did not try), starts working - sells some kind of pups. A bank account, an agreement with a bank, a POS terminal is placed, and at one point all this suitcase of white plastic is driven through it. The money falls into the account. Take cash - and to the girls. Of course, everything is not so simple, at the beginning of any such topic, you need to carefully study the country, the banking system, possible pitfalls, the security system of the bank (on what grounds are the red flags thrown out), which put this terminal to your United Carders office, the terms of enrollment, the ability to withdraw money, think over ways of withdrawal, of course you cannot open such an office for yourself, calculate the costs - much more.
Let's go further - to a more complex one. Initially, there is a clean CR-80 plastic and dumps.

How would you print and make a credit card at most one to one?
With such a credit, you can safely go to any store in any country, and something else, about which below. First you need to buy ready-made plastic with doves or a globe, or buy these holograms separately. Then you need to find a printing house, or buy your own equipment that will allow to print something beautiful on clean CR-80 plastic - and practice shows that it is absolutely all the same which bank is indicated there, and whether it corresponds to a real bank. The printing is, of course, double-sided. Pay special attention to the quality of the dove and the globe - if something is wrong with them, it is very alarming for sellers and bankers. Printed with grief in half. Now we need to make these indented credit card number, name, and so on. Again, you can negotiate with a banker who will emboss this business for you, or buy the equipment yourself. In addition to this, on the back of the credit, you need to stick a strip of special paper on which the cardholder's signature is put. Less than six months have passed, and you already have a suitcase of duplicate credit cards, which no one will pick on. What are the options with a suitcase: if for clothes - buy a ticket to Singapore, for example, or to Pretoria, and buy up there tightly until the suitcase runs out. Then somehow, somewhere, you attach all this iron or silver-gold, sell, distribute.

Option two - dump absolutely give a damn about what name you indicate on the track 1 - either the real owner, or, for example, the name that you have in the second left passport or in the international license. You can manually change the name of the cardholder inside the tracks. That is, in the slip-e that comes out of the POS terminal, the name that you yourself made in the dump will be stamped. I hope it is clear that in the same way no one bothers you to emboss all cards with the same name. Or, for example, make John Smith on 20 cards, make Moisei Abramovich Petrov on 20 more, and Boris Berezovsky on 20 more. Order passports for these three names with rights for reliability. And boldly go to the Coolest Main Commercial Bank of Ivanovo in the same Ivanovo or there in the Union Bank of Switzerland in Zurich, and, presenting a passport and a credit card in the same name, withdraw money from it to the maximum. Cash. It is clear that you need to enter the country with a different passport, just in case. In general, think over everything. If you took it off in one bank, you go to another with another credit card in the same name, and so on. Change the country. And on a new one. With a different passport and other credit cards. Shura Balaganov was very amazed when Ostap bought an ink set for the Horn and Hoof office. “Ostap Ibrahimovich, were you not ashamed to pay LIVE money for this ink set?” Shura was right.

The third option is simple and classic. Stupidly acquire a left-hand passport. Stupidly go with him anyway to which bank and in which country, and just as stupidly open an account with a credit card. As a result, you have on hand a credit card with the name of Zhenya Sokolov with 5 dollars on it, there is a passport in the name of Zhenya Sokolov with your photograph. Erase all data from the magnetic stripe. Prepare a dump from those that you have - no matter whose and which country. Change the name in it on the tracks to Zhenya Sokolova. Write this dump to this credit card. And forward - even to the bank, even to the store - everything is there. You run out of money on this dump - you erase it again, cook and write a new one. And so, until Zhenya Sokolova starts looking for all the banks and shops all over the world. Then you buy a new passport - and around again. Well, if they begin to recognize it by sight, then only plastic surgery then.

I'm tired of pressing the keyboard, so I wrap up. I apologize to everyone who is aware of the topics covered for the fact that I have outlined all this in a somewhat simplified form - the article is not focused on bison, but on those who are new to this business. Of course, the topic is endless, with many pitfalls at each stage. If someone gets hurt and wants to take on - the directions are clear, look for information on each of the issues, study materiel, read the manuals, banking systems, countries, languages, communication psychology, security systems - the space for a fight is simply huge. Well, if someone from all this chewed didn’t understand anything, and it’s good, then it’s not for you. It's also okay - Garik Kasparov is playing chess, although he could have done carding. And he feels good financially. Take up chess. Or checkers. Or continue to practice ordinary virtual carding.

And the last remark - if suddenly you once again see somewhere that someone is selling dumps with PINs - do not believe your eyes. If you have carefully read this case from top to bottom, then, I hope, it is clear that dumps with PINs are like cash in your pocket. And no one has yet sold something for $ 100 for $ 20. If the $ 100 is printed in Washington, of course, and not in Grozny or Tehran.

P.S. Do not forget that video recording equipment is installed in almost all ATMs. And video recordings are stored indefinitely - depending on the degree of chaos in the bank, which owns a particular ATM.
What am I gonna do now henceforth I need the dumps of any track and price?


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Next, you need to buy a dump from trusted sellers in this section:
This dump will include track1 and track2.

To write down this data you will need:
- Recorder - any card reader
- Blank plastic cards with a magnetic stripe
- Software for writing dumps
You can buy all the necessary materials inexpensively on Aliexpress.

After you receive the equipment you need:
- Enable recording device:
- Launch the software and connect to the hardware
- Insert a blank card with a magnetic stripe into the card reader
- Specify the map data (dump tracks) in the appropriate fields of the software and click the "Save" button
The card is ready, now it can be used for its intended purpose.

You can find a detailed guide on how to properly write blanks in the "Real Carding" section.