About the essence of carding and ways to avoid it


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We are accustomed to thinking that carding is the carding of someone else's property. To avoid it, it is enough to be vigilant and observe the biblical commandment “thou shalt not steal.” Not so simple!

In fact, carding can deprive you of not only what you have acquired through back-breaking labor, but also of energy, emotions, reason, and even completely destroy your life. In this case, the role of a thief can be either a stranger or a loved one, or you yourself.

Philosopher and writer Evdokia Luchezarnova revealed to our correspondent the various facets of the concept of “carding” and explained how to act correctly to eradicate this phenomenon in your life.

– What is the essence of the concept of “carding” from your point of view, and what pushes people to it?

– You can steal anything, not only objects, money, food, clothes, but even life: if you enslave a creature, it will live your life. You can steal from others as well as from yourself. One of the most common types of carding is energy carding. Each of us has our own personal reserve of energy, but part of the general energy reserve is also attached to it. The one who starts working on what is common only when his own ends does not steal. If you have your own energy to solve a problem, but you move from personal energy to general energy, you are committing carding.

People can be driven to steal either by personal gain or by a lack of understanding of what carding means in its global meaning. Those from whom they steal can also be encouraged to steal. Carders are divided into two types: some are ready to lose, others are only ready to take and not part with anything. It turns out that both are involved in carding, but from different sides. Some deliberately condone the thief, since they readily give away what is theirs, while others themselves become thieves, because they do not give away anything of their own and appropriate what belongs to others.

– You mentioned that a carder can steal from himself. What did you mean?

– It’s simple: when you start stealing your own health, part of your own life. You understand that this is bad, that you don’t need it. However, if no one sees, you persistently reach for an extra piece of butter or, conversely, give to someone else what was intended for you personally. This is the most obvious example of stealing from oneself, but there are others.

Carding is the conduct of natural, planetary connections through the brain. It is the human brain that is involved in the biggest carding. Let's say you heard someone's idea that you really liked. It has entered your brain and begins to flow through the convolutions. And when it finally goes out into the world, processed by you, then, as a rule, it worsens - it simplifies and becomes flatter. It turns out that we give to others much worse than we took for ourselves. As a result, we committed carding, not only from others, but also from ourselves.

The carder brain always tries to justify itself: the formula “I am good” is embedded in it. If “I am good, then I have more rights than the people around me, which means I have the opportunity to take something for myself and use it for my needs, regardless of other people.” The brain begins to absorb what does not belong to it, and stores it inside itself for a very long time - the carding of your own mental program, your own brain development has occurred, since you occupied it with someone else’s and unnecessary things, and there is no time or energy for your own enough.

– Is it possible to have relationships with people without carding on both sides?

– In a global sense, the essence of carding is the destruction of someone or something. When someone loses something they need, it is called carding. But if we lose of our own free will the part that we do not need, carding does not occur, but giving occurs. If we deliberately tune in not to “loss”, but to “gain,” our brain will interact only with those who will not destroy our program, but will complement us, while developing their own program. We will complement each other. In this case, carding will not occur.

Who are "friends"? These are carders who, without destroying their mutual trajectory, begin to intertwine with each other and go in the same direction thanks to a common energy package. They never interfere with each other.

– So how can you learn to avoid carding in your life?

– To facilitate interaction with the topic of carding, I can recommend that everyone master the Rhythm Method, which allows you to manage the events of your life. Before you do anything - lose or find, use the technique I have given and make a sign of the object that is now in front of you. Then, analyzing the lined up signs, you will understand whether he is yours or not. Signs will help you find out what is truly yours, which means it needs to be protected.

Most importantly, do not condone carding in either direction. This life is structured this way: in order to bring some event into it, you need to make room for it in advance. Perhaps you need to say goodbye to something old, outdated and no longer needed, so when someone takes it, you will breathe a sigh of relief and thank them. To avoid carding, you should easily give away everything you don’t need, not allow anyone to take what you need from you, and not take what doesn’t belong to you.

And remember: at any moment when you have lost or found something, analyze the signs and only then make a decision whether to part with it completely or, on the contrary, accept what has come into your life. The appropriate Rhythmometers will help you develop the skills of understanding signs and your own intuition.

(c) https://www.msk.kp.ru/daily/217168/4269588/