About security for carders in carding


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At the expense of security, everything is simple, the main thing is not to touch the CIS logs in any case, working in the USA, Germany, France, etc., there should be no problems. If someone had them, we would know about it, the carding community is not that big. Here is an excerpt from one of my articles.

So, the holder of the card or bank account discovered that money has disappeared from his account - he calls or goes to the bank.

There, the manager writes two statements - one to the police, the second to the insurance company. And he forgets about all this.

The police look at the amount of damage - if up to $ 2000 - then the police of the state, city are engaged in this. That is, these are those who do not have any special powers. 2000-4000 $ - FBI, 4000 $ and above - Treasury and Special Service.

So, the policeman accepted the application with all the logs from the bank and sends a request for the ownership of the IP address. Found that the given IP belongs to the provider, for example, VPN. A request for connection logs is sent to this organization.

And they give out these logs -because in which case there is an ACT OF PATRIOTISM 9/11. Nobody wants to receive an article about aiding terrorism.

And financial crimes - undermining the US economy, money laundering, tax evasion - are quite serious crimes.

Well, he sees in the logs that the outgoing IP is from Russia. What's next? Nobody will write any requirements and wanted lists on RU, because the jurisdiction is not right. Contact Interpol? - you have to be no lower than the FBI.

However, there is one point, if they find coincidences in the handwriting - then many cases can be combined into one and transferred to the FBI and the Special Service, and they will go further to the Interpol.

Another important detail - no one will send the aircraft carrier "Dwight Eisenhower" with the Delta Group to arrest the carder who stole 5k bucks.

It is important that any action - such as a request to another state / country - must be signed by a prosecutor or judge, who simply will not put this signature without strong evidence.

Most importantly, the cost of INITIATING a financial investigation in the United States is approximately $ 2,780 (data as of September 2017).

That is, if you drain up to $ 2780, then they won't even open a case.

At least the FBI can send a request to department K, and then they will not sign it - because Russia is the Main Carder Evil.

Let's return a little to the very beginning of the investigation. Where the bank writes a statement to the insurance. So there are Investigators over there. Usually ex-cops or the FBI. Here they are due to the fact that there are connections, knowledge and experience and can combine a series of petty thefts into one thing.

For complete safety in work, it is better to drain 10 times at $ 1,500 than once but $ 15,000.

No matter how many VPNs we hang on ourselves, we will not completely hide, but we can make it economically unprofitable to look for us. That's what he was talking about. Nobody will spend $ 5k (police work time, inquiries, approvals, communication costs, etc.) in order to find the missing 2k.

All these tales about usb modems and so on, complete nonsense, one more laptop / computer is needed only to install an English Windows on it and work with the so-called "English basis"

You can work with Russian Windows only if you use an antidetect-sphere browser that replaces all these parameters, it costs from $ 100 per month, a very convenient product.

Many people just work with portable versions of browsers, no matter what browser CH had, you can do everything from chrome, cookies from the firefox and other browsers will get there too.
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The best way to do online work is by staying anonymous.
Don't depend on VPN. Because VPN company or provider are given out information to the cap, because the are under the law.
Online deals is becoming harder than ever before, be smart guys protect your identity.
The Best tools that can be use are:
911 socks
Cc cleaner


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What is security? Security is a fucking thing for us carders. And how do we provide it for pc / android / iPhone? I'll tell you everything now.
1) PC - many people like to work for carding, because its functionality allows you to do a lot. Let's start.
First, download the firefox browser and set it up for normal operation. We go into the sections, additionally and turn on fingerprint (we are sitting from the PC, and the site shows what is from the phone, for example). Next, we need to hide our IP address. How to do it? Proxy or vpn. Regarding vpn, please do not use any free shit, they will make a request there and cunt you. Personally, nordvpn earned my respect, no matter how much he was hated, I have been working with him for several years. The second VPN is windscribe, to work in Russia we will need it (I will give out accounts in HP to anyone).
Proxy, well, fucking about a proxy, there is no point in telling how to install it can be found in Google, how to use it in Google too. Why is VPN better than a proxy? Many services with the sale of proxies declare that upon request they will give out your real IP, from which account you paid, etc. Moreover, it goes into one hand, which means you will be alone on the network, and it will be easier to find you. What about vpn? The above listed VPNs do not issue logs. And there can be a million people on one server, cool huh? And the cops need to look at everyone, where and when. They're just going to fuck everyone up and close the case. I ask you strongly not to add the left accounts to the mix with yours, and in general it is better to go buy a separate smartphone, even if they come to the microwave and threw a dick.

Have you decided on safety? Great. Let's start simple.

Food carding
The joke is funky, we go to the gas station with protection and a new account, link the card to the account, go to the store and order a couple of houses from ourselves and get high :).

What clothing sites are there without 3-d secure?
Asos, wildberries, adidas, ozon and a bunch of others, we will go through them according to the degree of training. Let's start with asos and wildberries.
Asos: you stupidly go to the site with vpn, we register and for half an hour we stupidly run through the tabs, look (warming up the account). Then we go to the desired product and buy it (if the price is not significant, you can apply for yourself, but it is better to find a drop in your city and so that you do not even know each other).
Wb: we buy an account for 1-2k where there is no longer 3ds (we made purchases with negt) and just go to it and order according to the principle from the asos (better drop of course).


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And so, we will talk about network security and protection from uncles from FBI.
Carding, when implemented, is criminally responsible, and it will be very important to talk about how to remain anonymous and reduce the chances of being caught to zero.

Let's get started!
Many people think that a VPN is super anonymous, you can do anything you want.
As far as I know, this is not the case, because if the proxy is not anonymous, then you can find out who connected to it, this is the first one.
With a proxy, the picture is about the same.

How do I protect myself?
First, you need a modem, because now almost all wired Internet providers have a statistical IP address, as well as a location in your own city.
The modem has a slightly different picture, you just need a SIM card and the modem itself.
Issuing a SIM card to the left person is now not a problem at all, but it is almost impossible to issue a wired Internet contract.
Further, all modems, no matter where you live, will have the same address. This is the city where the most central office is located. Let's say you bought a mobile modem, let's say you live in 1 city, and you will still have a provider in 2 city. Also, the advantage of modems is a dynamic ip address. Well, the 4g speed is now already decent for surfing.
Also, if you have the funds, then buy any used netbook (Such ones usually cost about $ 100). Since it will not be a pity to throw it away/drown it/burn it, if you already know in advance about the visit of law enforcement agencies. If you bought one, it will most likely have a webcam on it. Seal it up, no matter how ridiculous it sounds. An ordinary warrior has the function of viewing a webcam, not to mention the means of separating and others.
If you need a phone, then buy the cheapest one. Take the SIM card in the transition.
In any case, do not take free SIM cards that are currently distributed at train stations and metro stations (There is a chance of wiretapping, theft of funds, or complete surveillance). Keep your phone in a nearby entryway or basement with the battery removed(this is important!).Don't show your phone to anyone or carry it with you.
We need to build a so-called chain.
To begin with, I think that we need the same "VPN", connect, then connect to the RDP. On RDP, download the VM and install it, then install the proxy on the machine itself. We go through the OS to RDP. On RDP, we also launch a VPN or take an anonymous proxy for the browser. It is advisable to take a proxy from different cities, and ideally from different countries. Then it is better to use the Tor browser, where you can set your own chain of connection countries.
For what? So that criminal investigation officers can send multiple requests to different cities or even countries. And the answer may not come at all or go for a long time.
The longer this chain is, the better. But if you do something very serious after some time, you will most likely be found.
Tor Browser works on the same principle. It builds a chain of connecting ip addresses. But it has its drawbacks.
The first is that it blocks access to the registry. This may be suspicious on some sites.
Also, if I'm not mistaken, Tor Browser was developed by the US military, so it's not a fact that you are not being followed. Also, Tor doesn't have the best speed and connection stability.