
  1. Lord777

    Get traffic from banners on Casual Dating in the Netherlands

    Affiliate program: ProfitSoical Platform: Exoclick AdFormat: Banner GEO: NLD Offers:,, SOI mob / web $ 4 ROI: 20.11% A short story about how I tested the banner in dating. For me dating is about stability. Probably one of the eternal verticals, where...
  2. Lord777

    Malicious traffic research

    This article will tell you how to analyze and detect malicious network interaction on the network. The information is provided for review. Here we will discuss the main tools for analyzing network traffic and consider the sources of examples for practice. Network Interaction Analysis For the...
  3. Jollier

    10+ ways to get traffic

    Vkontakte targeted ads In my opinion, this is one of the fundamental and very effective types of advertising, I think that it is not necessary to explain why we use it. Promo posts on Vkontakte We distinguish this type of advertising as a separate one, despite the fact that it belongs to...
  4. Jollier

    Traffic arbitration. The basics.

    I have prepared a series of articles that have one main task in mind: Explain in simple and understandable language how a novice can start earning at least the average salary in the all world in this niche on traffic arbitration. The material is quite voluminous, it is definitely not possible...
  5. Carding

    Raising the Shadowsocks proxy with traffic encryption and minimal speed drop

    Shadowsocks is a free open source SOCKS5 proxy. The essence of the work is as follows: the client pretends to be a proxy server, receives incoming connections and encrypts them. After that, it sends it to the server and then releases it to the Internet. Why is it so good? All data that passes...
  6. Carding


    Hello again. We have one of the most important articles in my series about arbitration coming up. Today we will talk about attracting traffic: What is online advertising today? What types of traffic are there? Which ones are most effective? How do free methods of attracting customers work? How...
  7. Carding

    Traffic encryption in Linux

    There are many ways to bypass blocking sites and ensure online privacy. Terms like TOR, VPN, and proxy are well-known. You don't need any special knowledge to connect and configure them, but there are also more elegant solutions. Today I will talk about the method of bypassing locks in Linux...
  8. Carder

    Ways to get traffic for installations

    All methods are rewritten and modified by the authors, all coincidences are random. A couple of ways are supplemented by yourself: 1. Bushing 2. Sweepstakes 3. Torrent distributions 4. Distribution of free software 5. Freelance websites 6. Thematic site 7. Advertising 8. YouTube videos 9. Fake...
  9. Carding


    Доброго времени суток поговорим о том как гнать трафик на партнерки, стиллеры или майнеры, да и вообще куда угодно с Фейсбука. Давайте больше активности и будет больше полезных статьей! И так начнем! Сразу скажу это не тот способ где нужно лить за чужие как за свои, мелкие вложения - хороший...
  10. R

    Need traffic нужен трафик

    Need US traffic, 100k+. PM me.
  11. kkOS

    Selling IFRAME spot on HIGH TRAFFIC WEBSITE - TORRENT TRACKER | TOP in Google pages

    Selling iframe on HIGH TRAFFIC WEBSITE . TOP in google pages on torrent tracker keywords. Price: Negotiable (contact me) Payment Methods: LibertyReserve (LR) Contacts - Sales kOS - Only real contacts: ICQ:644697011 Jabber:[email protected] TORchat: on request
  12. TrafikKuplyu

    High-paying job for a specialist phreaking

    Freaking of phones = $$$$ You know and you can use phreaking telephone exchanges or other telephony? Prepare a purse for money))) There is a huge volume of work and workers, partners for long cooperation are invited. Accepted VOIP, voice traffic (phone calls) and SMS to international numbers...
  13. TrafikKuplyu

    Buy voice traffic (phone calls, SMS)

    Buy VOIP, voice traffic (phone calls and SMS) to international numbers. Payments on a daily basis. Payment of 40 cents per minute. Accepting calls from fixed and mobile numbers.Accepted fraud, accept IVPN providers, black traffic Also calls with Skype, yahoo mesen, gtalk, etc etc. For more...
  14. ADM1N

    RU/СНГ TRAFFIC - Трафик на любые сайты!

    Я предлагаю: 1000 посетителей - 15руб (минимальный заказ 2к) Трафик не ген, только реальные посетители с РУ и стран СНГ Настраиваемый Referer - подмена реферера на нужный Вам! Оплата по WebMoney, Yandex Геотардеринг (страны, города) Составление индивидуального расписания...