
  1. Lord777

    Spam email newsletter – 5 secrets for successful marketing

    Most likely, you have already thought about how to quickly launch an email newsletter in your business. And the first thing that usually comes to mind is spam sending emails to someone else's database. I admit that I was inspired to write this article by the fact that I received several such...
  2. Lord777

    How to send millions of emails without getting into the Spam folder

    Today I want to talk to you about the thorn many marketers call "Spam". In this article, I tell you how to make mailing lists correctly and not become a spammer by accident. Enjoy your reading. Every day, 122 billion spam messages are sent by email in the world — this is 85% of the world's...
  3. Lord777

    Spam on websites and forums

    Spam on various sites and forums differs from other methods in its simplicity. But today, this method is more effective if you pour traffic to your own sites, rather than to affiliate programs. But if you pour it on affiliate programs, then 1-2 Leads a day take place, with a responsible and...
  4. Teacher

    ? We bypass the spam filter

    • According to the MITER database (, many APT groups begin their attacks with phishing mailings to corporate mail. To protect users, there are Security Gateways, or Email Security Gateways ( But they...
  5. K

    Selling German bank fulldata / logs.

    Hello, we are looking forward to buy EZ sparkasse bank account logs. The logs must include * Name of the bank * Username password * Phone number of the victim and address if possible... ACCOUNTS MUST HAVE ECHTZEIT BOX SELECTED! Here i drop some sample data: Kartennummer: '5171165145...
  6. S

    ?Sale базы для рассылки mail:phone:name address // I will sell databases for mailing mail: phone:name

    Germany Germany-France firstname|lastname|address|city|zipcode|country|phone|mobile|email имя|фамилия|адрес|город|почтовый индекс|страна|телефон|мобильный|электронная почта Стандартный поиск для рассылки. ??? Поиск любых стран Search for any countries Цены от 100$ 10к строк. Формат поиска по...
  7. christo_

    i need a trick hosting for beginner

    Hello, I'm a beginner in spam, and I'm looking for a way to hosting scam page on shell or cpanel for free (Please) Because I don't have money to buy domains
  8. Mutt

    How can we spam bank logs?

    Using same method of spamming but this time you make bank scampage + letter or buy hope you saw the samples of bank scampage letter and tut on how to make your own then you make keyword based on the name of bank you want to spam. Make dork and make mail list then spam it... or dump email and...
  9. Hacker

    Email spammer 3.8

    This program is designed to spam (send) a large number of emails to any E-Mail address. All you have to do is write an e-mail address and press Enter, and emails will start arriving immediately. Before spam, it is advisable to enable vpn, because some emails show your sole proprietor. Current...
  10. Jollier

    Spam by calendars

    At the end of 2016, users of calendars from postal services began to receive invitations to various events. However, through the iOS and Google Calendars, users were invited not to attend the event, but to get a loan or register on the bookmaker's website / online casino. Google and Apple have...
  11. Jollier

    Raising $ 1000000 on spam

    Introduction An explanation of the specifics of working in each of the social networks will be supported by a successful case study. WhatsApp Spam Operating principle: We EN masse register WhatsApp accounts and send messages from them. Spam methods: By personal information in messages By...
  12. x_mode

    Help with bulk sms

    Hello everyone! I'm looking for a program or service to send bulk SMS. I need to send 500K messages. I recently had a conversation with a member @Carding. He sent me a few links for bulk sms but they didn't help me..... ( But in any case, thank you for the help ) Here is a link to my topic ...
  13. Carding 4 Carders

    Old scam spammer - socks5 seller cheats on users

    Please pay attention to the topics of this seller and socks5 checker: Created by user Created by @vn5socks Created by user...
  14. Carding 4 Carders

    ☎ How to protect yourself from spam emails

    Every day we are annoyed by emails offering us loans, credit cards, various medical services and health products. All of these unsolicited emails are called spam. Now, cybercriminals also send spam emails for phishing purposes, that is, they send phishing emails through these spam-related...
  15. Basic Spamming Tutorial

    Basic Spamming Tutorial

  16. Carding 4 Carders


    You can easily hack alot of Credit cards by this method! Its just a simple way to get CC FULLZ. Just follow instructions below and you can easily be able to get Credit cards! What you will need? A Web host A Script A Brain Step One - 1st you need to get the web hosting from any cheap...
  17. Carder


    HOW TO SPAM Tutorial FIRST RULE: MONEY ATTRACTS MONEY Spamming require the use of much tools to bypass verification of alotta site firewalls, securities and passwords. So with that in mind you need to spend money to make money! Now we are good to get started: NECESARRY TOOLS: 1 piece of...
  18. Carder


    Форматы данных: Группы в txt (каждый с новой строки) - (обязательно мобильная версия) Аккаунты в txt (каждый с новой строки) - логин:пароль Картинки - выбираете папку, где находятся нужные картинки. Все тексты (в txt) в формате - просто текст или...
  19. Carder

    Огромный пак спам ботов в telegram

    Приветствую друзья! Если вам по какой либо причине понадобился sms-bomber, то не тратьте свое время на его поиски. Просто перешлите данный пак к себе и в нужный момент обратитесь к нему. Для тех кто не знает, SMS-Bomber - программное обеспечение, предназначенное для массовой рассылки (спама)...
  20. Carding

    Бомбим по полной!

    Привет, кпардеры! Решил поделиться с вами полезной штукой. Точнее, штука сама по себе вредоносная, но полезна для тех, кому нужно обездвижить чей-то ящик. Ну и, конечно же, лучше не пробовать на своем мыле. Ну и вдобавок прицепил SMS-бомбер. В общем, что-то запизделся я, как обычно. Короче...