social engineering

  1. Lord777

    Cyber threat # 1, or how to deal with social engineering.

    Companies often build cyber defense, focusing primarily on technical attack vectors. Such systems can have a high level of maturity and appear reliable, but at the same time remain vulnerable to one of the most dangerous threats - social engineering based on the manipulation of human...
  2. Father

    Social engineering: why people give money to scammers themselves

    The great schemer Ostap Bender honored the criminal code. He preferred psychological tricks to banal robbery, so that the victims of his charm voluntarily give the keys to the apartments where the money is. Later, a special name was invented for such machinations - social engineering. We will...
  3. Father

    One of the SE points. Manipulation of Fear.

    Fear is the most powerful emotion. Absolutely everyone has their own specific phobias and this fact speaks volumes. But the most important thing is that we can use it. Throughout human existence, fear has ruled it. Fear of being killed, robbed, exiled. Fear of the collapse of the country or...
  4. Hacker

    Attacks on organizations using SE

    Talk about social networks. engineering can be continued indefinitely, but this will not protect you from intruders of all stripes. Among them, there are such talented guys who use non-standard and sophisticated methods. There are no typical counteractions to social engineers. Each situation...
  5. Lord777

    Magicians, sorcerers and their methods of social engineering

    This is not an instruction. This is an article, one of many that any businessman who is trying to hone his practice will not be amiss to read. Once upon a time there was a girl named Marina in the town of Krasnoarmeysk near Moscow. She loved and believed, so much so that she was ready for...
  6. Hacker

    Developing SE skills

    Amigos, I have already read many topics and articles in various forums dedicated to SI and none of them turned out to be exhaustive. This is because this discipline cannot be simply taken and learned and become a guru. This needs to be learned constantly. Teaching ALWAYS consists of studying...
  7. Hacker

    Leadership. Ability to manage people.

    Bandits, do you know how to make one reckon with one correct look, how not to succumb to pressure from other people and even the most vile acquaintances to communicate with sincere sympathy and kindness? I present to you several ways to manage people, this is really useful for everyone, both in...
  8. Hacker

    Manipulation in trading

    Trying to sell more and more expensive at all costs, resourceful sellers use many tricks. Part 1: banal tricks. "Get the second item for free» This trick is performed under the motto: "Buy one thing, take the second one for free!". However, many people "bite" on this bait. Gifts from the...
  9. Hacker

    How do I get consent to any request?

    The two psychological techniques discussed above have been tested many times in practice. Both of them allow you to get what you want in a roundabout way and minimize the risk of rejection in response to almost any request. 1. If you want to ask for a serious favor, then the tactic known as...
  10. Hacker

    The secret weapon of social engineering

    The art of reasoning is the art of deceiving oneself. Introduction: Even the most advanced security system is useless if it is managed by a psychologically unstable, naive and / or gullible person. Remember the joke about the dissertation on the topic of the dependence of the speed of brute...
  11. Hacker

    Acceptance techniques and adjustment for managing other people

    Technique of acceptance is used by psychoanalysts, helping the patient to relax, trust the specialist and, accordingly, accept help from him. But it is also indispensable in many other cases: when communicating with children and parents, lovers, friends-always when trust and understanding are...
  12. Jollier

    Fundamentals of Social Engineering

    Almost all articles on social engineering describe some specific case from questionable practice. In this article I will try to focus the reader's attention on the math part: to tell how the brain works when making a decision, how to influence this decision and what technologies can automate the...
  13. Carding 4 Carders

    5 types of manipulation

    You and I communicate with different people, and each has its own view of things and their own ways to get what you want. Here are the five most common types of manipulation - recognize yourself in the situations described and don't get caught! A bad person is a bad argument Here is a very...
  14. Carder


    Just for the sake of Education only, we don't recommend this. Join private group for more such HQ Ebooks leaks. Requirements: - Being in a developing country - Having balls - A brain Warning: Please do not abuse this method, it is private and can bring you serious legal problems. Vocabulary...
  15. Carding

    Social engineering

    Social engineering is a method of manipulating the thoughts and actions of people. It is based on the psychological characteristics of the individual and the laws of human thinking. Sometimes you can find the interpretation of social engineering as a method of unauthorized gaining access to...
  16. Carding

    Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking

    Download with pictures: Chapter 1: A Look into the World of Social Engineering Why This Book Is So Valuable Overview of Social Engineering Summary Chapter 2: Information Gathering Gathering Information Sources for Information Gathering Communication Modeling...
  17. CUK77

    Bank Tutorials

    Classifieds Bank Cashout Method Introduction. In short this method involves using a stolen bank account, contacting someone on a classifieds site and sending them the payment via wire and collecting the item. While I realise there are more anon methods (IBAN for example), sometimes you don't...
  18. Bablo

    Social Engineering -- The Basics

    this was written by me! fuck its been forever since i read this guide:) i hope u all like it, i was little bit of beginner when wrote so just relax:D just hope it helps! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Alright, before I start. This isn't a step-by-step guide to every fucking...
  19. dofkiuxas

    Social Engineering Ninja v0.3 - phishing pages

    “S-E Ninja is a Social Engineering tool, with 20-25 popular sites fake pages and anonymous mailer via mail() function in PHP. It is a Phishing Web Application Written in PHP,XHTML,CSS,JS.” This is the official change log: This version is coded from the zero. Fixed broken Phishing...
  20. slacker

    How to Card Instore With Confidence

    This article is to help the newbies card instore without shitting their pants. I wish I had read this when I was first starting out because I was scared shitless when I started out. Sometimes I would get scared and not go through with it. I would drink a little beer or pop pills to get me over...