
  1. Brother

    The situation with telephone scammers has reached unprecedented proportions

    In 2021, scammers called at least a third of Russians, and in the first half of 2020, the total number of crimes related to cards and transfers increased by 600%, according to Roskachestvo. This means that not all subscribers can recognize fraudulent calls...
  2. Tomcat

    Scammers hacked into servers at gas stations for free fuel

    Law enforcement officers of the city of St. Petersburg detained two scammers who stole fuel from gas stations by hacking into servers. Two attackers from St. Petersburg, using malware, made more than 417 free gas stations at gas stations worth over 2.1 million rubles. A 40-year-old previously...
  3. Tomcat

    Scammers steal money from Russians using the topic of paying child benefits

    The scammers have latched onto a new topic that has gained popularity in Russia over the past few days. This time, the criminals came up with a way to build a fraudulent scheme around child benefits. Recall that at the beginning of the week, Vladimir Putin promised to pay ten thousand rubles...
  4. Hacker

    How do scammers hide their sites on the Internet?

    Analyzing fraudulent sites, you sometimes marvel at the ingenuity of crooks. Either they offer you free pizza, or morgencoins ... There are also resources that you cannot say immediately that they are fraudulent: these sites simply collect contacts, so that later, after forming a database, they...
  5. Teacher

    5 films about scammers

    Salute to fans of fucking up someone else's account, today I want to advise you 5 cool movies about scammers and scammers. Maverick (1994), by Richard Donner The story is about the tough gambler and sharpie Bret Maverick from the Wild West and the charming thief Annabel. Their main goal is to...
  6. Hacker

    Useful information for young scammers

    There is a problem I think all those who cheat on prepayment are familiar with the moment when mammoth merges, refusing to pay: "I'll pay when I see the track number and track the parcel." Yes, this is really a problem, because of which more than half of the warmed mammoths are lost. There is a...
  7. Carding

    Scammers stole millions using mobile emulators

    The use of emulators allows cybercriminals to replace mobile devices tied to online banking systems and withdraw millions of dollars from victims' accounts in a matter of days. The identified fraud scheme is targeted at financial institutions in the United States and Western Europe...
  8. Carding Forum

    Credit Card Scammers on the Dark Web Credit card fraud has been on the rise for about a decade. In 2016 alone, losses topped $24 billion worldwide, half of which affected cardholders in the US. With a virtually unlimited amount of money to be made scamming, some tech-savvy criminals have...
  9. Friend

    Trump campaign website defaced by scammers

    Hackers defaced a website used in Donald Trump’s campaign website,, displaying the following message: “This site was seized.” “The world has had enough of the fake-news spreaded daily by president donald j trump.” The hack was first reported Gabriel Lorenzo Greschler on...