
  1. Carding

    Python's Double Life: How Versatility Turns into a Hidden Threat

    It turns out that the PyPI and GitHub repositories contain many mysteries. Python is considered to be one of the most flexible programming languages. Compatibility with various platforms and technologies makes it particularly popular. However, these same functions can be potentially dangerous...
  2. Carding

    Северокорейские хакеры развертывают новые вредоносные пакеты Python в репозитории PyPI

    В репозитории Package Index (PyPI) были обнаружены три дополнительных вредоносных пакета Python в рамках продолжающейся кампании по цепочке поставок вредоносного программного обеспечения под названием VMConnect, признаки которой указывают на участие в угрозах, спонсируемых государством Северной...
  3. Bill Gates

    Первый 2 части курса програмирования на Python от Яндекс за 168к руб.

    Расширенная программа для тех, кто только знакомится с миром IT и хочет стать сильным python-разработчиком. 1 часть Python-разработчик создаёт бэкенд сайтов: мозг, который принимает запросы, общается с базой данных и передаёт нужную информацию пользователю. Разработчик проектирует алгоритмы...
  4. Hacker

    Create your own stealer in Python + server

    The answer is simple - if you send it directly to a telegram, then the bot token can be intercepted and so steal your logs. Therefore, we will make it so that our stealer first sends a log to our server, and then the server sends us a log to Telegram. Preparing hosting. We buy hosting. I...
  5. Hacker

    Perfect shape. Handle Complex Forms in Python with WTForms.

    The content of the article Why is this needed? Installation Form creation Working with a form Form generation (GET /users/new) Payload parsing (POST /users) Options for Partial Parsing of Payload Validators Dynamically changing properties of form fields Prefabs and inherited forms Populating...
  6. Hacker

    Machine vision in Python. Teaching a neural network to recognize numbers.

    The content of the article How a neural network works The simplest neural network Digit recognition - MLP network Digit Recognition - Convolutional Network (CNN) For each example, I'll provide Python 3.7 code. You can run it and see how it all works. To run the examples, you need the...
  7. Mutt


    Python is an interpreted high-level general-purpose programming language. Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant indentation. BUILD YOUR SKILLS WITH PYTHON AND GET BEST JOBS! ? Download Link-...
  8. Mutt

    Example Authentication Python Code For SMTPs ?

    import smtplib, ssl port = 587 # For starttls smtp_server = "" sender_email = "" receiver_email = "" password = "password" message = """\ Subject: Hi there This message is sent from Python.""" context = ssl.create_default_context() server =...
  9. Teacher

    How to create a simple Trojan in Python

    Why would anyone write malware in Python? We're going to do this to learn the general principles of malware development, while at the same time you can practice using this language and apply this knowledge for other purposes. In addition, Python malware occurs naturally, and not all virus...
  10. Hacker

    Finding out someone else's IP - Python implementation

    Installing Python Click on the link - Download the latest version and install it. Creating A Bot Enter the name "@BotFather" in the search bar. We start a dialog with it and create a new bot, which we need to come up with a name with the ending "_bot". After that...
  11. Jollier


    Python Mailer
  12. Lord777

    Install Python bots for free on hosting

    And so, straight to the point. The essence We go to the site (as a free example, it can be under heavy load, but it gets better soon), register. You can use any mail, even temporary, it is not necessary to confirm it, but various useful notifications come to it. After...
  13. Carder

    Как работает Python

    Python - популярный язык программирования, используемый для веб-разработки и разработки программного обеспечения. Если вы только начинаете программировать компьютеры и другие устройства, скорее всего, вы пытались выяснить, какой язык программирования лучше всего изучать в первую очередь. В...
  14. Carding 4 Carders

    How to create reverse shell using python

    I'll show you how to make a sample Python Reverse Shell The first thing to do is the server. You have to create a python script server and enter the following code in it (you can change anything you want in it). import socket, os, sys def socketCreate(): try: global host...
  15. Carder

    Tiny Python Projects (2020) - Ken Youens-Clark 2020-12-28

    This book will turn you from an amateur to a Python pro, as it will create 22 programs that are several bytes in size. Each new little project teaches you a new programming concept, from the basics of lists and strings to regular expressions and random variables. Advantages: ➕Relevance of the...
  16. Carder

    Python One-Liners (2020) - Christian Mayer 2020-12-28

    Python One-Liners teaches you how to read and write One-Liners: short comments on useful functions packed into a single line of code. You will learn how to quickly understand any line of Python code and write eloquent, highly concise Python code like an expert. You will also learn to: ✔️Use...
  17. Carder

    Data Science Projects with Python (2019) - Stephen Klosterman 2020-12-28

    This book is a hands-on guide to common data analysis and machine learning tools in Python. It will help you understand how pandas and matplotlib can be used to examine datasets with summary statistics and graphs, and to extract the useful information you want. While reading the book, you...
  18. Carding

    Пишем свой чекер аккаунтов на Python

    Что нам необходимо - Python 3 (Желательно последней версии) - скачать​ - Редактор кода, например PyCharm, VS Code, Notepad++​...