
  1. Brother

    NLP people as anchors

    Salute, today we will talk about NLP. Choose the feeling that you would like to have in a particular situation. (For example, you may start feeling motivated when you sit down and start working for your business.) Think back to a few moments from the past when you had these feelings. You...
  2. Tomcat

    How to build phrases using NLP

    Salute, for those who like to break someone else's account, we will give several ways so that you can understand the essence. Surely you have noticed without this article that some phrases similar in sound and meaning work in different ways? Let's take a closer look at this: Method 1. A banal...
  3. Tomcat

    NLP techniques

    Salute ZChSovtsy, now we will talk about several NLP techniques. The most famous NLP technique is anchoring, which is based on programming a conditioned reflex called an anchor. Conditioned reflexes can occur on their own. For example, when listening to the same melody at a certain moment of...
  4. Brother

    Useful habits from the NLP Master course

    Here are some tips for improving your life through kinesthetics. Kinesthetics (sensations from our body) is one of the most slowly changing representational systems. If you feel a "stone" in your chest, then quickly getting rid of this sensation is not easy. The actions described below will...
  5. Brother

    NLP technique. Intuitive Decision Making Method.

    The decision making is based on the pendulum method. What do we need in order to begin to be friends with our intuition? The pendulum will help with this at first. What can serve as a pendulum? For example, a special stone on a string (they are often sold in shops with stones, incense, etc.)...
  6. Tomcat

    Zeroing. NLP technique for solving difficult situations.

    There are several ways to perceive a situation. You can be inside and see everything with your own eyes (association), or you can look at yourself in this situation from the outside (dissociation is a breakdown of the state). Choosing a situation Please select some difficult situation for you...
  7. Tomcat

    The pattern of setting the right boundaries with others

    We develop codependent relationships when we become overly emotionally connected with other people. This is because we take responsibility for what the other person should be responsible for. Codependency includes bad self boundaries and an inability to take proper responsibility. Those who...
  8. Brother

    Six-step reframing

    Six-step reframing is one of the most well-known techniques in NLP. If we correlate it with the structure of logical levels, then it works at the level of abilities and capabilities, that is, it helps a person to cope with those of his problems, whose core is located precisely at this logical...
  9. Brother

    Installing an anchor on yourself

    This NLP exercise is designed to give you a personal experience of the anchoring process and to help you distinguish between your states of consciousness. Mostly, these exercises are based on biofeedback, where the feedback comes from your own sensory channels. PART I - Anchor to "uptime"...
  10. Brother

    NLP: Confidence in Communication

    The ability to speak kindly and tactfully is the basis of "self-confidence." It is radically different from the stress-driven communication styles of passivity and aggression. Passivity and aggression give rise to feelings of insecurity and fear. These feelings are primarily protective. They...
  11. Brother

    NLP: A Sobering Course for Beginner Magicians: Identifying Weaknesses in NLP Code

    “You will have 100% success with the device to work. During the interview, potential employers will listen to you breathlessly, even if you are talking nonsense. Your abilities will make them believe that you are the best candidate they need. Become the master of your life! Attract money! Become...
  12. Brother

    NLP: Model TOTE

    The TOTE or ADAV model is the basic template for an NLP strategy. Any strategies are formed according to the ADAV principle. TOTE means: Test (1) - Operations - Test (2) - Exit ADAV means: Analysis - Action - Analysis - Exit TOTE is an abbreviation of the Test - Operations - Test - Exit...
  13. Brother

    NLP: The Change Model

    Hello everyone, this is Stalilingus! Today I will tell you about the topic with which training begins in all NLP courses (I think that they talk about this in other educational programs). This topic: Circle of Learning, also called the "Change Model" In the figure, we see a Cartesian...
  14. Brother

    NLP: Walt Disney's Creative Strategy

    Creativity, creative thinking, creatives - these and similar words today can be heard more and more often when talking with different people. The boss at work requires the development of creativity, in private schools, experienced teachers develop creative thinking in children, some Internet...
  15. Brother

    NLP: suggestions

    At one time in American films, heroes were popular who, on their way to work, listened to audio recordings, where a pleasant voice (usually male) was broadcasting: - I'm confident in myself. I can handle. I can control my life. And this very hero, following the voice, repeated: - I'm...
  16. Brother

    NLP: control. What is it?

    Caring is the sunny side of control. Think about these words ... how do they respond to you? Sometimes what we call salvation, help, kindness is a way to control other people. Often we ask our partner: "How are you?", "How was your day?" me a person, whether I am aware of all his events...
  17. Brother

    Advertising: the NLPer view

    At a certain point, it just became interesting for me to structure the mechanism of advertising from the point of view of NLP. This is exactly the view of a psychologist (more specifically - NLPer) on how it works. Let's start to figure it out. Advertising: three stages of getting inside. The...
  18. Brother

    17 deadly sins of NLP

    This is a sensational article on the content of which many NLPers have already thought more than once. Perhaps not everyone will believe everything that is written there, but everyone who reads recognizes the value. The author of the article is Alexey Leontiev. 1) NLP is not responsible for the...
  19. Tomcat

    Viral thoughts and limiting beliefs

    Limiting beliefs arise from generalizations, omissions and distortions of information placed in the frames of a problem, error, or impossibility. Such beliefs limit us even more and are even more difficult to change if they exist independently of the experiences, values, inner states and...
  20. Teacher

    Changing Perception Filters - NLP

    So, neurolinguistic programming is the interaction of a set of models and principles, such as mind, speech, cognition, body language (facial expressions, gestures, etc.) and their influence on the formation of a subjective reality in an individual. Having understood how his internal models work...