malicious software

  1. Tomcat

    How the creators of malicious software try to avoid detection: let’s look at the example of Spy.GmFUToMitm

    Specialists from the Positive Technologies Expert Security Center (PT Expert Security Center) have discovered an interesting example of malware spreading in the Chinese segment of the Internet. This software is used, among other things, to carry out MITM attacks, and its main feature is the...
  2. Father

    What does malicious software look like?

    The variety of security tools is largely due not only to the number of" entry points " in different ICS, but also to the number of different types of malware, each of which can solve a specific task or several at once. Malicious software (VPO) or malware is the collective name of all utilities...
  3. Father

    The FSB reported on distributing malicious software in Telegram Moskvich

    The FSB stopped the activities of a Muscovite who was involved in the distribution of malicious software via Telegram. This was reported to TASS by the press service of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the city of Moscow and the Moscow region. "The Federal Security Service of Russia...
  4. Teacher

    In Komi, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the police of the republic identified a teenager who sold malicious software

    In the Komi Republic, employees of the Department for Organizing the Fight against the Illegal Use of Information and Communication Technologies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, together with colleagues from the republican police, as a result of operational search activities...