
  1. V

    Valid2rspp25dijp.onion - HIGH VALID RATE DUMPS - DAILY UPDATES

    ★★★★★ VALID DUMPS SHOP ★★★★★ We only provide highest quality of DUMPS & CVV from a decade ago. We accept BTC and LTC payments for your convenience. Tor link to shop (Please use this): http://valid2rspp25dijp.onion (Use Tor Browser from WITH US: - NO REGISTRATION FEES WILL...
  2. V


    ★★★★★ VALID DUMPS SHOP ★★★★★ We only provide highest quality of DUMPS & CVV from a decade ago. We accept BTC and LTC payments for your convenience. Tor link to shop (Please use this): http://valid2rspp25dijp.onion (Use Tor Browser from WITH US: - NO REGISTRATION FEES WILL...
  3. vclub


    Добро пожаловать!!! В автоматизированный CC/DUMPS магазин VCLUB Мы всегда честны и с нашими покупателями и с нашими продавцами. Для наших покупателей: хорошие базы, с высоким VR. Для наших продавцов: лучшие условия и быстрая выплата. >>>>Регистрация: Регистрация новых пользователей в...
  4. F


    Hello everybody. Today i want to sell my service for someone need it. ICQ : 661116561 Gmail : Dumps + PIN 201: $70/1 dumps 101 + PIN : $80/1 EMV software : $760 ( for clone EMV chip ) MSR606 encoded : $420 ( include caple + 20 blank card ) Verifone VX670 + Offline...
  5. ambience

    Dump bins 1k+ / Бины дампов 1к +

    Need dump bins with good validity by 1k + transactions. Please help if you have this information. Нуждаюсь в бинах дампов, которые прокатываются на суммы от 1к. Если кто может помочь, буду благодарен.
  6. askan

    Question about cam panel for wincor 2050 and 2150

    Hello guys, What is the best option to choose panel camera at wincor 2050 and 2150? Under ATM display panel type or above display panel type? Any opinion is welcome! Thanks "Askan"
  7. N

    wav decode needed

    Hi i have a lots of wav files needed decode please help ! good price will be paid !

    Hello venerable users, The shop have been launched. You can join it at There are lots of improvements to made to the site, we are open to new suggestions, ideeas, how things you want to look or to be done. Replace time is 12 hrs and you have right to ask for refunds for...
  9. askan

    Anti skimmer sensors!

    Hello guys, I have few questions about anti skimmer sensors. If a ATM machine have anti skimmer sensor and I will put the skimmer on it what will be happen? The ATM will be shut down? If will be shut down how many minutes will do that? Is possible to initiate silent alarm at the police...
  10. R

    Fresh Dumps Cashin 101/201

    Service Back Up. Cashin Daily. Doing Most Of Work in FL and NC. Mobile 24/7 Updates Constant. High Quality Dumps Is A Must. Payment LR/WU Share Split Even Icq649678626 or PM.
  11. I - Great fresh dumps going as low as 5$! HUGE base sorted by state!!

    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to our service - launching with over 120 000 dumps! Features - real validity rates on each base - base states - checker & auto refunding system - ticket support system - LR / PM payments - frequent updates Special feature - prices...
  12. R

    Black Friday USA Dumps CASHOUT

    Its black friday in usa, anyone who wants to make some quick cash hit me up. Ill be out all today from 10pm and all tomorrow cashing nonstop. My bins preferred. Split 50/50. my icq is 649678626 contact asap to get in
  13. W

    Gas Pump Zip Code?

    Any of you smart people figure out a way to bypass gas station zip code request? Is it possible? How do machines check this? Is it some information located in dump?
  14. W

    [Need] 371751 or 372372

    Looking for 371751 or 372372 dumps. Message me if you have. Thanks.
  15. R

    Cashing Out 101 BINS ONLY

    Closed..To Many People With Dead Dumps Telling Me To Cashout
  16. R

    UK Login Cashout + Dumps Cashier

    I can Cashout UK Logins. Have many drops available in the UK. We can talk % on icq. Also cash out: 101 US first hand shit only. PM First.
  17. R

    D+P Cashout/And Dumps101

    Legit cashier from the us. I can also do dumps 101, preferred with t1. PM me for contact info.
  18. iamback

    Adding Pinrecorder to Pos Machine

    Hi, Well I'm back to carding after 3 years now!! My Money fuel tank is getting low now... Okay, I need someone to guide/make me a Pin recorder placed under the POS machine keypads, So that when customer enters his pin , it gets record. i don't care if it records to the machine or not, I can...
  19. jackblack206

    how to get get track 2 from track 1

    i got some dumps but only track 1 i can make track 2 for most of the dumps but using track 1 but for the rest i am not sure .
  20. *Robin_Hood*

    Using UK 201 in UK Stores...

    Please can anyone tell me if this is a good idea, to use UK 201 dumps in UK stores, using, "insert dead chip three times, then mag fallback" technique? I've read through the forum and seen different opinions. Some members saying it's more dangerous, and others are saying it works well since...