
  1. D

    Facebook, MySpace, Bebo and more Poker Chips.

    Are you looking for a great place to purchase online fun poker chips for Bebo, Hi5, MySpace, iPhone, Tagged or Yahoo and more! Or are you looking for tangible poker products like Clay Poker Chips and Poker Chip Sets. Im are here to serve you with all your poker needs! Are You Tired Of Playing...
  2. Friend

    Poker manual. Part 2 – fraud inside the room.

    So we already have an account with money. Further we can: - bet and win till $2000 on balance and: 1) sell for 10-20% from balance (deposit without withdraw 15-20%. To withdraw is possible only on Visa CCs which were made not in USA). Maximum profit from account is about $400. 2) “lose” won...
  3. Friend

    Poker manual. Part1 – carding.

    Countries: Best: ES, FR, DE, AU, IT, FI. (possible deposit withdraw, acceptance of lots of bins) Where can be problems: US, CA, UK. ( USA and CA don’t accept gambling money, UK cards are dying quick and can have too little balance or SMS-alerts); Some rooms which accept USA CC: SportsBook Poker...
  4. Friend

    True story about casinos.

    Hi everybody! So this story began in rainy autumn some years ago. Me and my partner had stable profit from stuff carding but we want something more than simple order-waiting. We want passion, adrenaline. And we turned our mind to casino. We didn’t have casino-carders among our friends, so we...
  5. Friend

    Why casino gives bonuses? (Tale about Russian bonus-hunting).

    Answer this question seems is easy: to attract new players. For about 7-8 years ago when gambling business in the Internet just began to promote it was so. For carders working with casino it was “gold time”. Casino from microgambling accept any payments from credit cards with pleasure. Even CVV...
  6. admin

    As we played a casino and that from this has turned out

    In general, business was so we have decided to play in a casino to learn, what yes as Object have chosen <delete link>. At first there was a studying moment have come on a site had a look, what yes as have loaded a software. Then registration have made all have hammered a card balance to eat...