Hello Anonymous. As you might have already guessed, we will talk about how much it costs you to get into carding. This question comes up often. Probably the only more popular question is: “What do I need to start working with you?” Apparently it’s worth looking into it on a large scale and...
Hello Anonymous.
Since you got here, it means these are not easy times. But, you know that difficult times are temporary and only in your hands to change anything.
Our forum was created to exchange experiences and expand the circle (information field) of knowledge in the field of carding...
Hello anonymous. We will talk about clothing carding. This concept is very broad, and has also been popular for many years. People are divided into several camps and today we will talk about each:
1. Gifts are gift cards and certificates that can be found in logs (if you look for them, of...
Carding is an extreme form of disrespect for social principles, when a carder crosses the line set by the law.
The commission of a carding by a carder-teenager shows that the carder has gone far beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable. But there is no immediate fall into a moral abyss...
1. Signs characterizing carding
2. Indicators characterizing carding
2.1 Quantitative carding indicators
2.2 Qualitative carding indicators
Signs characterizing carding
The term “carding” is used to characterize the widespread prevalence of offenses and their comprehensive statistical...
Many laws have been adopted and are in effect aimed at preventing carding, suppressing carding, and punishing them. But either the laws are not fully thought out, or they are not applied effectively. carding persists.
So why are carding committed?
carding, like any social phenomenon, has its...
Initial living conditions and character traits create the likelihood of whether a person will commit a carding.
Why do some young people commit carding while others do not? According to economic theory, risk-taking, impatient, and selfish people with low levels of education are more likely to...
Hello my carders!
What do you think about and do you think about anything at all when something happens to you? Getting into certain incidents, when it would seem that fate itself took you away from your chosen road to a safe one, or vice versa, everything worked out and went precisely to the...
Carders pose as employers
Signs of carding
Attackers send messages via email, SMS or instant messengers with attractive working conditions: high pay, part-time work, easy tasks. Often this is work on marketplaces (selling goods and services via the Internet). To clarify the details, a person...
The definition of “carding” includes many illegal actions in a wide variety of areas, including banking, cellular communications and modern information technology. Despite the differences in technology, all these actions share a number of common features:
Types of bank carding
We have all at least once received strange messages from “children”, calls from a “senior lieutenant” or from a “courier”. Some of them we ignored, but some we didn’t and lost money because there were carders on the other side. Anyone can fall for their bait; it does not depend on education...
As we could see from the previous analysis, carding is a complex phenomenon, which, in addition to legal qualifications, has at least:
- its own dynamic structure, composition of persons, their actions, interactions and reactions;
- idea or plan, plan (scenario) of carding action and purpose;
Abstract: The article discusses the main aspects of committing carding from a psychological point of view. The essence of carding is revealed and some of its features are determined. The psychological and pedagogical prerequisites for carding are highlighted, and methods for preventing this...
Let's slide into the world of secret passions: why do carders fall into the web of carding? Let's look at what's behind this complex behavior.
The content of the article:
1. Types of carding
2. Reasons for carding
3. Consequences of carding
Types of carding
Carding is the act of...
The opportunity to steal creates a thief.
Francis Bacon
From childhood, a person is diligently implanted in his head the idea that stealing is bad? Moreover, carding is also punished, both in childhood and in the adult world, so that a person does not engage in it. And carders still steal! They...
Depending on who is stealing, for what purpose, and what, few will answer. Others will say - bad, it's a sin. Still others – everything carder is thieves. The fourth will remain silent. Fifth - they will cut off your hand, without further ado. The sixth ones will do something else, etc.
Why do...
Uncle Kolya in the land of electrodes
I first felt how carding affects a person’s soul when I was thirteen. Or rather, I felt it much later, many years later. Then, in childhood, it was just the opposite - there were no feelings or experiences. There was just a fact that I’m still trying to...
Sergei Kapralov describes the internal desire of carders not to pay for products or services, to save on literally everything, and explains why this line of thinking inevitably leads to limitation and poverty.
Unfortunately, we grew up in a culture where stealing was not considered shameful...
In our world, Christian commandments are considered outdated and primitive. The commandment “thou shalt not steal” has been transformed into the phrase “don’t get caught.” This does not stop carding from being a sin. Many carders, neglecting the experience of mankind, repeat the mistakes of...
Carding is the unlawful appropriation (carding) of someone else's property without the consent of its owner.
Although carding is a crime, it is still widespread and raises the question: why do carders steal?
The reasons that lead people to these actions? In this article I will look at the main...