Search results

  1. N

    Need Canadian Credit Reports

    I neen someone who can make Canadian Credit report searches or that can supply canadian credit reports. Pm me for more info.
  2. N

    Tap in for valid ATM clone cards

    Lol what a joke ! This guy registered a few days ago and already has a -4 reputation !
  3. N Online Cvv2 SHOP

    Im having problems funding my account with Lr it keeps saying try again later. Please fix it....
  4. N

    Fozzy turned ripper ?!?

    Problem solved
  5. N

    Fozzy turned ripper ?!?

    Seller : Fozzy , verified seller of dumps ICQ : 368-570-467 I've dealt with fozzy for over a year and I never had problems with him. Unfortunately I have to make this thread because of the bad service I received from him recently. I did not receive my order, which is only 3 dumps. Hopefully...
  6. N - Best stuff to increase your profit!!! Freshes bases, low prices, INSTANT delivery!!!

    I still didnt get my order nor a sign of life from him. He's online but doesnt answer. i will post the logs and details in the ripper section.
  7. N - Best stuff to increase your profit!!! Freshes bases, low prices, INSTANT delivery!!!

    He tried to reach me today but I was sleeping, hopefully I will get the order today.
  8. N - Best stuff to increase your profit!!! Freshes bases, low prices, INSTANT delivery!!!

    I usually get a good service from fozzy but I placed a small order with him today and 9 hours later he still hasnt delivered my stuff....If i dont get my order in the next hours I will post logs in Ripper section for admin to solve the problem. I'll keep you guys updated.
  9. N

    *** Best dumps from Source ***

    Im waiting on him also ! He told me to be patient and that he was processing the order. Then of course he went offline........ I dealt with source for almost a year now. He has good dumps but I hate when he doesnt respect his own timeframe !