Search results

  1. S

    UK Allstar fuel cards

    I can get quite a few of these. Would anyone be interested in buying/cashing them out or give pointers in good ways of cashing them out? I believe the card has the car registration number embossed on the front of the card and they sometimes ask for the mileage of the car when you use the card...
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    UK Prepaid Cards

    use neteller?
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    UNICVV.RU - unique CC shop (service)

    Need UK update man. We're dying out here.
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    UNICVV.RU - unique CC shop (service)

    @Buls: don't label me as an unhappy customer. I have very little complaint with unicc's site. Checker has been correct most of the time and generally his stuff has good valid rate. The point i brought up was to do with another customer of his who i happen to know on icq. He just pointed out an...
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    UNICVV.RU - unique CC shop (service)

    So i spoke to a kid on ICQ who apparently bought a dump from unicc with an 'expired' expiry date. When he checked the dump it came back approved. Could you please confirm if this is true unicc? Here is the screenshot -
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    UNICVV.RU - unique CC shop (service)

    Bad Gateway Error. Fix it bro!
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    If they accept non-avs, what countries work good with it & if it has any sort of bin-block or their reaction speed to a certain bin being used frequantly
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    Anyone have any experience with this payment system? I am currently trying to figure it out.
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    [SELL] Amex American Express Gift Card Codes

    It certainly is a shame if he's turned ripper.
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    [Buy] Pokerstars & Ladbrokes

    I am interested in Pokerstars and Ladbrokes balances. If you have please PM me for more info.
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    UNICVV.RU - unique CC shop (service)

    And it's down again
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    M3sr ICQ: 677305565 is Moneypak RIPPER!!!!

    If you read some of the comments on his previous thread where he was selling moneybooker and neteller funds, you'd see that he was a very fishy character. Stories that didn't add up and many red flags. Anyways be more prudent in the future if you value your money.
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    sell limited paypal $965

    Until the 6 months is over, there is a risk that the account could possible be charged back. Asking for $550 is ludicrous in my opinion.
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    [UKASH/PAYSAFECARD] Anyone interested?

    What will you buy (Ukash/PSC) : Both How much worth of voucher will you buy : 10k+ a day How frequently will you buy : Daily What % are you willing to pay : To be discussed. (If ukash) which country you need : Uk mainly. Others too. (If PSC) which country you need : "" "" PM me if you...
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    Need help with penny shares/stocks.

    I essentially want to pinpoint stocks where i can buy the stocks with account A, then place a sell order at a higher price and get account B to purchase that stock. Obviously to do that would mean the volume of selling would have to be low enough so that the sell order of account A would be one...
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    [FOR SALE] Amazon e-gift cards | Neteller eWallets | Moneybookers (Skrill) Accounts with Balance! and more

    I didn't demand any method, just screenshot that its a US account. I don't recall asking for bins or which method you use, only which country the account is from. Maybe you have secret method to upload US CC to MB, but if you do its very rare, so don't be offended if someone asks for a...
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    [FOR SALE] Amazon e-gift cards | Neteller eWallets | Moneybookers (Skrill) Accounts with Balance! and more

    Yeah i can understand if thats how it's done, but he told me its US account and that US CC upload is working fine. That instantly puts up some red flags...and when i asked for screenshot, he said wait an hour and then never replied. I suggest everyone to trade with caution until feedback and...
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    I am looking for virtual credit cards

    Worked with extensively. As legit as they come!
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    [FOR SALE] Amazon e-gift cards | Neteller eWallets | Moneybookers (Skrill) Accounts with Balance! and more

    So i had a conversation with him and he told me the moneybooker accounts are made with US COBS (change of billing). As far as i am aware you cannot upload funds through US CC on moneybookers, only pay through CC merchant. Can someone clarify this as 99% sure im right.