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  1. gamersoffline

    Need Nike Shoes Carded

    @Ninja thanks bro the shoes are really nice, i need them this week up
  2. gamersoffline

    Need Nike Shoes Carded

    If any carder can get a pair of shoes that I want , I will pay you a fair price for them. Shoes are widely available in US & Canada. I've searched every UK / EU shop and I can't find it. I need this item as soon as possible. Must be the original genuine product, not bought from a counterfeit...
  3. gamersoffline

    understanding dump codes 201 101 090 100 etc..a

    The first number determines where you can use the map: 0: Reserved for future use. 1: For international use. 2: For international use, with restrictions. 3: Reserved for future use. 4: Reserved for future use. 5: Only for internal use, except for pre-negotiated agreements. 6: Only for internal...
  4. gamersoffline

    flaw in chip and pin cards

  5. gamersoffline

    Caught Carding from my city

  6. gamersoffline

    Have you ever felt bad for carding

    this guy is right, in uk too many people getting arrested for bank transfers, and most are seeing jail time..
  7. gamersoffline

    nigerians.carders. what you think about them?

    90% of the Nigerians fucked up the carding business.. they are the authors of the yahoo email names ([email protected]) and they rip from there, they even made boards in 2008 and ripped big bucks from there.. Fuck all nigerians I hate them, I have some nigerians friends but they...
  8. gamersoffline


    if you have all this, then the economy world is in serious trouble.. get the fuck of here fool !!!
  9. gamersoffline

    Another Bust in Skimming
