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  1. D

    vortexdumps Selling US & Worldwide dumps

    finally , he was sent me replacement...guess what?? they are all dead on the checker, i checked it instant on the trytocheck me... then i went back to this fucking ripper... and he told me they are all approved on his checker, and he said my checker trytocheckme is dead checker...what fuck...
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    vortexdumps Selling US & Worldwide dumps

    u said u updated bases, ok, so i was waiting... now your bases have updated... why u still not reply me and send me replacement of two orders?
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    vortexdumps Selling US & Worldwide dumps

    still waiting replacement, two days past.. hmmmmmmm
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    Wholesale/Retail worldwide DUMPs trade, lowest prices.

    i did biz with him for long times..he is the most trusted vendor i ever seen..i am sure he's new updates will hit high amounts with np....good luck to u, bro
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    vortexdumps Selling US & Worldwide dumps

    i bought from him 6 eu101 and 2 canada 101, and i checked instant at checker..5 eu101 not approved with the same bins.. maybe some bins not good in this vendor's bases.. now i am still wating my replacement from other bins...i will give your guys more update in near future...
  6. D

    i am looking for stolen moneybookers accounts..

    i need them a lot everyweek.. please PM me if u can get them..
  7. D - Online Dumps shop 95 % valid rate USA/CA/WORLDWIDE

    this vendor good customer service, and eu dumps worked nice..
  8. D

    Wholesale/Retail worldwide DUMPs trade, lowest prices.

    bro, u disapper for a long time, when are u going to send replacement??? only one worked of last order........
  9. D

    Introducing Panther`s glows : Asia/Usa/Ca/Europe+Many More Dumps Selling!

    panther, ur aus base not good.. please replace me as u said on the icq... but u did not reply for a week...
  10. D

    Come in and post your Zo0mer Experience!

    when people complained zoomer on the icq, he always said i have a lot of customers and do not need u to buy.... so everybody stop buying from him now....maybe he will get better of everything then,...............
  11. D

    Online SALE Dumps Eu, usa, world from Zo0mer

    he is fresh bases are suck, and do not refund bad dumps... if u do not want to lose money . leave his site alone...........
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    Dumps selling first hands

    he becomes rippe people now.. send invalid dumps and not replace.... do not buy from him anymore....
  13. D

    Dumps selling first hands

    so why u still ingnore my icq message??
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    Dumps selling first hands

    why u ingnore me on icq after i asked for replacement?? please reply me icq asap(dump requester).
  15. D

    Online SALE Dumps Eu, usa, world from Zo0mer

    z-support I'm waiting for my order as well..i have paid u wmz for a week.(dump requester)
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    i got all retain cards after bimal replacement... i am so upset he sent used cards to me... now he did not reply in the icq.... i will update what is going on.....
  17. D

    Wholesale/Retail worldwide DUMPs trade, lowest prices.

    bro, u did not reply me on icq and replace me dumps for weeks....... please send me replacement asap.(laudering man)......
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    last two eu gold dumps hold-call, please reply me on the icq and replace me asap( dump requester)..
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    World wide CC

    he has really very good stuffs and good communications.... a++++++