Search results

  1. admin

    Reported content: Conversation message from scammer

    Conversation message in 'Hello Mr. Schizophrenic :)' by Botnet_ has been reported by admin. Reason given: Content being reported:
  2. admin

    Здравствуйте. Ваша спорная ситуация рассмотрена и по ней вынесено соответствующее решение в вашу...

    Здравствуйте. Ваша спорная ситуация рассмотрена и по ней вынесено соответствующее решение в вашу пользу, ознакомиться с которым можно по ссылке:
  3. admin

    Free CC or money from the Pope - Бесплатные СС или деньги от Папы

    Уважаемые участники форума напоминаю вам о том что создание мультиаккаунтов запрещено правилами форума. Тем не менее, ели вы будете делать это с благими намерениями, то мы можем допустить такую возможность. Система обнаружения клонов работает по идентичным куки-файлам на одном устройстве...
  4. admin

    ESCROW SERVICE - Just 6%

    Dear forum participants. I inform you that our forum is suspending free services for the provision of a guarantor (escrow) service. You can use the guarantor services of any other forums you trust. By means of a general vote, it is planned to select a new guarantor service from among the proven...
  5. admin

    ГАРАНТ СЕРВИС (против кидал) - 6%

    Уважаемые участники форума. Сообщаю вам о том что наш форум приостанавливает бесплатные услуги по оказанию гарант-сервиса. Вы можете воспользоваться гарант-сервисами любых других форумов, которым доверяете. Путём проведения всеобщего голосования планируется выбор нового гарант-сервиса из числа...
  6. admin

    How does Turkish scammer work?

    Arbitrator's decision on a disputable situation. Subject matter of dispute: Compensation for posting an unverified topic with a link to a fraudulent service. The parties involved in the arbitration: 1. The plaintiff (the applicant is the author of an unverified topic) - a forum member under the...
  7. admin

    Как работает скам-обменник

    Здравствуйте, мы понимаем что вы в очередной раз копипастнули тему и сами не проверили её работоспособность + очевидно приукрасили что получаете с её помощью миллионы каждый день. Вы сами видите как обернулось ваше желание помочь другим ребятам зарабатывать. Пожалуйста, в кратчайшие сроки...
  8. admin

    Free Legal Prepaid Cards with balance

    Yes, our forum needs high-quality thematic traffic. We want to become a popular project and earn a reputation. When our forum gains momentum, we want to go into a private mode of operation, but so far we really need high-quality filling and new members. Please contact me for anyone who can...
  9. admin

    Reported content: Bad members

    Hello. You have always posted very good threads and have been very helpful. You have always helped our project to become better and develop. You have always answered newbie questions. If you are disappointed that you did not receive free CCs from the seller, then we can buy CC and provide for...
  10. admin

    Why are scammers leaving reviews about RNJLOGS?

    Hello. This store has been verified and paid for advertising on a nearby forum. In this connection, the advertising theme of this store was placed in the verified section. If the store has passed the test on other good forums, then it is not necessary to pass it on ours. At the moment, there are...
  11. admin History

    Please do not try to create new accounts. The fact that the system is installed and working, you can make sure to study the caches of search engines (the section will be located at the very bottom of the forum). Negative comments about the forum are left by a fraudster under the main nickname...
  12. admin History

    Hello. Almost from the very foundation of the forum, the technical security and support of the forum was provided by a very respected and well-known person under the nickname OldEr (he has his own blog and reputation on the engine support forums). His copyrights have always been indicated in the...
  13. admin

    Free Legal Prepaid Cards with balance

    1. The telegram contains thousands of fraudulent groups who can claim that they have been verified on this forum, but this is not the case, they are simply cheating. 2. In his advertising theme, there was never a link to any telegram group. 3. He wrote that he does not have any channels and...
  14. admin

    Free Legal Prepaid Cards with balance

    Fake accounts on other forums can say anything and try to cheat. You must confirm that you have passed verification with him on this forum and provide convincing evidence. He does not communicate his contact to those who are not suitable according to his conditions and requirements. He has...
  15. admin History

    He does not communicate his telegram contact to those who do not fit his conditions and requirements. He has written about this many times. Please provide a screenshot of personal messages in correspondence with him on this forum as he informs you of his telegram contact so that we can check...
  16. admin History

    Hello, the system for detecting and preventing fake cloned accounts has found numerous matches @0101010 = @BigHead9000 = @Frusen I thought it might be an accident and looked through all the records of coincidences. This detection worked more than 10 times! It was decided to block the suspect...
  17. admin History

    Hello. The knon prevention system found a 100% match with the user account @0101010 and @BigHead9000 This user was recognized as a fraud and did not comply with the arbitrator's decision to reimburse the injured party: In addition to this...
  18. admin

    Free Legal Prepaid Cards with balance

    Thank you very much for the warning, we will definitely heed it. Unfortunately, a lot of competitors and scammers post fake reviews about trusted sellers and services. To substantiate your words, please provide the following evidence: 1. On what grounds do you claim that this seller offers to...
  19. admin History

    Hello. The forum has a clone system - detecting multi-accounts. It automatically blocks all suspicious multi-accounts. This system works on the basis of cookies. The administration of the forum never changes the contact information and passwords of users, even if they are recognized as scammers...
  20. admin History

    Many people ask for proof of the existence of a private forum. We decided to make a small gift. A public version of the private forum is expected to open at the end of summer. This will be announced later. At the moment, technical work is underway with the database. We restrict access to obtain...