Carding Safetly And Tips


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Ever got your hands on some fraud CCs? Never know how to use them safetly, get your clothes online without getting caught? Here are some basic tips to prevent yourself from getting caught and getting packages!

Note*: I have put some resources at the end of this guide. If feel free to go straight to them, if you wish to.


1. You never ever, use card more then 1.5k, mainly because most cards, assuming mastercard/visa, don’t have more then 1.5k in them, even if they do, credit card companies are usually called up before the transaction goes through, and the result is, your finished.

2. The second rules in carding, is the make sure you hide yourself well enough to make sure no one ever can find you. My personal recommendation is that you use a proxy (socks is ideal, never use transparent). VPN is not really recommended, read below for more info.

3. It is STRONGLY advised that you read the law in your country regarding cyber crimes, so you know what happens to you, incase you get caught, how to deal with the situation.

4. Use your brain when you card. Its simple, when you card, buy small items, don’t buy big. Think about it, which nutcracker would hire a lawyer, run all over the world, chasing you just for a 150 USD package? The cost is of hiring a lawyer for a trial is already much more then his law. Lesson here, buy small, sell big in your country. Convert Virtual cash to REAL cash.

5. Which period of the month is it best to card at? For me, its the middle of every month. Simple, most CC owners, get their financial papers at the 1st of every month. I find a good date is 15-16-17…

6. Do not buy anything that has to be delivered to your house. If you do, and the card gets reported, you will get in major trouble.
If you do decide to order something, send it to a neighbor, or someone who is out of town. I suggest purchasing overnight so you are not waiting and there’s a chance someone comes home or whatever else.

7. The best items to buy online with any CC, is stuff that does not have to be delivered, such as VIP, site access, or other similar material. This works well because you cannot be traced to an address. However, if you continue to use the site, make sure you use a CGI or PHP proxy, which most sites, and forums will allow, just not to make the purchase.

8. Do not use your ISP’s e-mail for any orders. Such as: [email protected]

9. The key to using fraud CC’s, is don’t get caught. Don’t open your big mouth about carding, if you do, good luck.

10. Do not create any payment gateway accounts with fraud CCs, it will alert the CC owner due to many security processes and verification of the card, you will most likely FAIL to complete it, and the card owner will be notified.

11. If you intend to do money laundering, get yourself some buyers first, buy the items they want with your fraud CC, ask them to pay you via egold. Why egold? Cuz there’s no charge back

This guide is not foolproof, its just here to guide you along the way on NOT to get caught.

I stated earlier not to use VPNs, the main reason for this is being, VPN companies such as Veralinx will COOPERATE with the law, and probably hand over your IP address and info to them. My advice stays, use a socks proxy

Some Recommended Procedures you could do to make a purchase with fraud CCs smooth is:

1) Get a proxy near the country of the CC owner itself

2) Offer to verify yourself, by getting a phone spoofing account (Visit Resources below)

Some resources for IP Addresses:

Check your IP Address to make sure its not yours

Proxys - Recommended you use the first few as it normally is pretty fast.

Phone Spoofing to “Verify Yourself”


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20 best tips for carding

Some Tricks For carder to card things easily on any website they want :) Kindly read all the point very carefully if you really want to be a good carder :)

1. Always clear your history and clean cookies and change mac address.

2. Always clear your flesh cookies.

3. VPN is not good for carding now as most of the IP of vpn have been blacklisted by Good shops.

4. Always use socks 5 which is live and not blacklisted.

5. You should match the IP of same state and city.

6. Always match the timezone of cc same state.

7. Always try to type the details of cc as many site now have script to check copy paste of cc details as most of the time carders copy paste the details of cc. Actual owner always type all details.

8. Get the maximum information of cc owner from background check sites there you can found DOB , MMN and sometimes SSN . Most of these sites are card able with public cc.

9. If you want to be a pro carder than stop using free email sites as yahoo, gmail, AOL etc.

10. Better solution is first card a domain and hosting and make a small site and then create a email of cc owner their of the same name on cc. you can also use free domain or sub domain sites but carding your host & domain is better.While carding domain and hosting you should use Amex cc as there is less chances of charge back.

11. Check the cc live before using site not on checker as sometimes it kills cc. Find a most easy cardable site and make a bogus account and checkout for small amount like 2$ if it work then go to original site.

12. Always study the site carefully which you want to card and its seller.Most of the time seller who sell refurnished Mobiles etc are in hurry to ship the item. So search them.

13. When you card some big Items of a new account from site it is suspicious.So you can make new a new account and leave it for some months after that card small items and always give good feedback.
But the better way is to buy old accounts of the site with good feedback.

14. Always Use Skype ac with credit and call forwarding services. If you call the shop with the number of cc owner and ask customer care of site some help before filling cc details your chances of success or much higher.You should always use it if you want to card high value items.

15. Always Use Trusted drop of same country if you are carding a international Site. Because shipping to another country is always suspicious.

16. Always try to carding on Weekends as shops not able to contact and verify extra details from bank by calling them. You can also check closing time of bank and card after closing timing of bank.

17. Always Send a Email instantly to seller after order complete to ship order fast as you need it urgent as there is some function in your house.

18. Don't use a cc at Same Site from different Accounts.Use it at one account maximum 3-4 Times.

19. One of my friend Using a new trick he calls from the mobile number of cc owner with Skype to the cc issuing bank that he is going to shop some goods and they should make the approval fast. I don't know the full trick and working on it you should also find your ways. If you succeed to convince cc issuing bank that you are original cc owner than you will rock with high amount purchase.

20. If you use the pp in carding then buy pp with email access and delete the order related emails from inbox and trash box of email.


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1. Take a laptop and turn it the internet connection off.
2. Start and Run CCleaner, after that change(spoof) your MAC address with TMAC(Technicum MAC address changer).
3. Go to a public or hacked wifi and connect with it(if you success to login in the router settings than OK).
4. Start your RDP with Remote Desktop Connection.
5. Instal VMware workstation and CCleaner in your RDP.
6. Install the following tools in the Virtual machine who you will create in your RDP:
6.1. CCleaner.
6.2. SocksCap64.
6.3 Your Vip72 plan software.
6.4. FraudFox browser or Antidetect.
7. Change the system time zone of both RDP and VM match your victim time zone.
8. Clear the DNS cache of your RDP.
9. Put your checked by socks5 proxies in SocksCap64.
10. Start and configure FraudFox or Antidetect through SocksCap64.
11. After your carding shit, Don't forget to delete the virtual machine from VMware.
(Optional) 12. Look the end of step 3. (if you success to login in the router settings than OK). Login in that settings and try to change the username and pass. I'm talking about 192.168.x.1 user and pass. Than when the cops come to investigate the devices connected with this router they need to reset it but your spoofed mac address will be removed. And while the router get restart you must turn your wifi off.
13. After all that just do step step 2 again.