We hijack skins and Steam account. Profit!


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Complete hijacking of Steam account. Profit on games.

Let's consider 2 options. Attack, the main purpose of which will be skins and attack for the sake of the account.

Steam is a very large platform. You can earn huge money. My acquaintance on the incentive scam stirs up about Leam a month. The figure is quite real, the main thing is to have knowledge and experience of SI. It's no secret that the scam has been dying a bit lately, many have already noticed this to me. But as soon as he dies for the crooked hands, the slag is sifted out. Forgive me if you offended anyone. By the way, the recruitment of the team is still underway.

Steam is introducing more and more features to keep users safe. Not really from crackers, rather from carders) Well, that's another question. The incentive has items that are very expensive. A good scammer should get from 20,000 rubles from one mammoth. And the accounts themselves are not worth a penny if the games are good. There are only nuances. But what if the victim has time to regain access to the account, and we do not have time to cheat the skins?

There are some very good options, it all depends on the stupidity of the mammoth

So, there may be skins on the account. There is a separate story about them. It is quite possible to screw them up in 90% of cases. There are many options, but everything is complicated there, because we do not know how to code, so let's try to hijack the account along with the skins.

To do this, you first need to infect the victim's computer with a backdoor or warrior (google Dark Comet Rat, if not fumble). It is quite possible to do this through Steam. In general, I advise you to breed it through Steam, no groups in VK or FB. Well, maybe how to distribute the botnet, but the accounts will be of low quality, most likely.

If you have a specific goal, then you can use the following option or come up with your own.

We need to configure the Discord server so that when a new member connects, the server will oblige to install a plugin or update the driver. Come up with yourself. "Hello, we are not enough for the tournament 1 person, play with us pliz, how you play is not important. After the game, I promise to give you a part of the winnings). Fly into our discord." Well, I think you get the idea. You can also create a dummy program in PHP Devel Studio, you will figure it out too. There are many options and you can come up with your own.

Hijacking an account

So we have remote access to the victim's computer:
1. Waiting for the account owner to log out. - steam.
2. We go to the mail.
3. We go to the steam Client.
4. Click "Recover password" Enter Login of the hacked steam account.
5. A letter arrives in the mail.
6. You make your password.
7. Go to the hacked steam account.
8. You should receive a letter about steam Guard on the "hacked" mail
9. You enter the Code of the letter.
10. You are on account!
11. Next click Settings
12. Next change Mail [change email address]
13. You do link your account to your MAIL / domain is not important, but yandex / gmail is better
14. Next go to the victim's mail
15. Add the address "[email protected]" to the blacklist - so that messages from this address no longer come!
16. Make screenshots or forward all emails from Steam to yourself and delete everything related to Steam from the victim's mail. Delete all @ steampowered.com emails from the hacked mail!
17. Log into the Steam client from a hacked account - and change the secret question.
18. Wait 7 days and throw off the gift you need / things of the games = yourself!
19. Make sure to check your hacked mail every day!
20. If possible = change the security question / password / phone number on the hacked mail.
21 - always add "[email protected]" to the blacklist
22. Before picking up the acck, create or restore the support account from the hacked mail! that is, look - the owner will not get the support account, but if he restores = letters will not come to him

1. Do not register a lot of steam accounts for 1 mail
2. For each steam account = new mail


We hijack skins:
This is purely my idea. I have not seen this before. We write in the incentive something like "hello, listen, my friends and I are developing a game. Do you want to protest? We will pay 10 bucks" and then also a backdoor for android or ayos (about ayos xs). If we could not find Guarda Stimovsky on the device, then when the victim tells us that the game does not start (of course, but the backdoor started) "Probably does not support or a bug, are there other mobile devices and which ones?" - I think you understand

Trade substitution and other complex things will not be considered today.

Successful scams!