PayPal for casino


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In this text, I will tell you how to deposit into casino or poker from paypal.
What to do next with deposit - everyone decides for themselves.
Where to deposit - google will help you.
I will give an UK example, I worked well with this county accounts.

1. PayPal's restrictions.
Casino accepts only verified paypal. In ideal there has to be a bank acc. and cc, you can use no balance paypals, most paypals have 300 euro balance. Paypal with verified cc with work too, if it has limits you need.
You need a paypal with mail. We will delete letters there, about deposit e.t.c.
Also you will need the holders address same as in paypal and dob. Casinos check players by credit reports, good dob will save you from the need to draw documents, and send them too them. It will also help you to avoid lock, and withdraw money. Also casino and paypal check the stuff you entered into both forms.
Additional: inactive account, without sms alerts.

2. Where to get
You can buy, can get yourself hacking a shop with paypal.

3. Preparing the account
Don't forget to use same dob as in e-mail. Services such as, want holder to put both dob and secret question/answer, also they let you in the account without any problems which helps to edit or just to look at details.
In other situations searching in mail helps.
Request for dob:
a) cv
b) passport, driver license
c) date of expiry
d) travel insurance policy number
e) date of brith, birthday, dob.
If you didn't find nothing - use searching service or forget about account.

3.1. If you have your own accounts - you can figure out which paypal the holder has without getting into the account.
First of all, after you get into mail search for paypal or [email protected]
And look at e-mails. Verified account differs from non-verified account by "get verified" at the end of an e-mail. After you checked that pp is verified, copypaste name and address, serch in mail for "transfer". If you find something about bank transfer account is also verified.

4. For the end
Search for cc number or bank acc. no, (sort code, satement, visa card). They will help you to bypass security measures, if you dont get lucky.
Also I recommend password of holder, they can work, if from mail doesn't.

5. Depositing
Procedure of depositing into poker doesn't differ from depositing into shop, but you have to use an RDP for poker.

Last thing.
I don't accept screamings about dying of method, if you work good - paypal if calm.
Good Luck)

(c) helixtwins for

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