Drops & DropProjects

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Who are Drop?

Drop it people do dirty work in our elegkom fact, they take goods are cashing stolen money and use wherever an enterprising Carder does not want to shine their personal data not to fall into clutches of justice.
In this article I will tell you just how to get their flea drops for purposes of a country like United States.
All other types and methods of work force we will leave behind scenes.
According to a method for producing mules can be divided into two broad categories: recruited and unrecruited.
Unrecruited drop - a person who knows what is going on and understands what he should need to conduct successful business. Plus, these drops is that they can perform certain actions to ensure successful detected or receiving stuff, they usually do not die, and in most cases do not throw. Payoff for all this is that drop will have a good idea to pay for his labor.
Recruited drop - a man tricked recruited to work, he believes that is engaged in legal work in legal firm, or helping her friend again in legal affairs. These drops are very painful and can die from many causes as a kind of movable drops you can meet a lot of throwing. Pluses of same is that these drops can recruit anyone, and in virtually any amount, you need not directly control whether drop or stay in country of all do in comfort room for laptop screen. Just drop an adjustable usually pay nothing.

How do get recruited drops?

First of all, define what you need for:
- Software for security and rabots with e-mail.
- Knowledge of language of country which are going to work, at least you have to understand written for correspondence and rang you can hire call service
- Run single with large volumes of drops is extremely difficult, I recommend you find a partner or hire a qualified tech support

Ways to mass, but most common ways of online - dating scam & job scam.
Dating not doing and tell me nothing special, if in a nutshell is in process of divorce, your "fiance" ask him or her under any pretext realties cash money or accept goods.
Dwell on Job Scam.
The first thing you need is dropproject, you can work without it, but you will be much easier to coordinate work and hire more people.

Where to get dropproject?
The easiest way - to buy a ready, so you can make a dn their hands, or find it using Google.
Legend for project - if we talk about stuff carding in U.S. it is mail forwarding. Your company is helping people from different parts of globe to shop at online auctions and online shops in United States and workers, respectively, you need to on-site to coordinate process.
Although this legend, and is used with 90s but still 90% drops. Other legends have you will have to either buy or invent themselves and markups, process of divorce drops it works, you want to succeed - you have to do everything yourself to constantly seek new ways and means, otherwise a considerable portion of money you will either not received or spent on general constant renewal projects.

What is in dropproject?
Approximate structure:
-Mail to spam, and posting
- "First" letter revealing essence of work, it send spam or postings recruited people. to this letter may come attachments to contract and / or job description.
Emails for workflow: receiving / sending of parcels, money and request various disk imaging etc
- Site
- Admin panel for drops and / or stuff carders
- Licenses, permits and other phony documents that will convince loot to legality of your activities.

How to unleash dropproject?
Ways weight - advertising in options markets, social networks, posting advertisements, spam.
The most common and easiest way to - spam. Only once searched only those spammers who sent in svvezhim Jobe databases from sites such as monster or karerbilder and always take first on test, but rather arrange to pay for response is fixed. Since many spammers like to take money from you for amount of sent letters, and exhaust with a minimum distribution.

As actually doing drops?
After ordering you receive spam email full of responses. Response - a letter from an interested in work of man, as rules in it, he sends his resume, wrote contact information and sets various borrow.
Are sending them to their first letter and wait. As you read letters you will unsubscribe people immediately or agree to work or to ask questions like "it's legal?" "You have a website / phone / fax / office / license / conscience?"
Answer questions, sign contracts, call them, punch Old to ensure that this man really lives on such a address that he was indeed a U.S. citizen, he had no criminal record.
Next comes test mules, hire 3.2 stuff carders which will send drop test product is not less than 3.2 boxes per person. As a rule adopted by entire test drops product goes stafferu but for kidki and death you should not be held responsible. But you can specify and their individual conditions.
As a result, you get a working mules. Usually number of workers is 30-70% of recruits. But there may be other indicators.

How to further manage drops?
Then everything is simple, send information about loot goods ordered after receipt give him a label, or send via PP / WU money to send goods for cash. If drop is asking questions to answer them, if going to throw or ripp you talk him about police usually can at least pick up one product that is in his hands.

Pay a drop? And if so, how?
Pay or not pay - up to you. If you're not going to pay these workers a drop in service is usually 1-2 months, but if you pay then drop will last you 3-6 months. Receiving wages drop as much more you trust. Pay as a rule 20-30 USD per processed shipment. Salary will be sent by WU, MG or RR.

In working with drops most important thing is not to make their drops, and attract smart stuff carders to working with you. With such people one drop can bring you a few thousand profit in same with dilettantes you only get a hassle.
All good work!


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Interview with drop​

Who are drops?

If you need to cash out your cards, or withdraw money from a Bank account, you can't do without a drop here to cash out. You can, of course, take a novice who is not even aware of the responsibility and specifics of this activity, and pay him a penny, but here problems may arise. The fact is that such drops, as a rule, do not know what they are doing, do not realize the full risk and do not accept any protection methods. Such Amateurs can easily be calculated, and they themselves can hardly work as drops later.

If you need stability, it is better to find professional cash drops who are aware of all the nuances, schemes and pitfalls in this area. Such specialists in their field can easily cash out your cards and withdraw money from the Bank, while being aware of the risk of the transaction. But the work of such people is more expensive.

Please tell us how the whole scheme looks and works in General.

-It's very simple, there are serious people who have been doing this for a long time, they have a lot of lawyers and accountants. Ties in the tax authorities, banks, and even a roof in such powerful structures as the police. The only thing that they lack is drops, those who will directly withdraw this money to the public.

What does it look like from your point of view, from the point of view of a person who is directly involved in all this mechanism?

"So that's how it works on my part. Every day of the drop is quite hard and difficult, many people believe that this is free money, but this is not so, this is a full-fledged job, and even associated with great risks.

How is your working day going?

-You Wake up to a call from the boss, who demands that in 20 minutes you will be standing at the designated place. You are picked up by a car with an escort and you go to ride around the banks and withdraw money that you received in a legal account a few hours ago. When you reach the next Bank, the car parks and waits for you outside, you go to the Bank and withdraw money. Go out and give them to your escort, and so on, until the entire order is completed.

How much do you get paid for each withdrawal?

-I work at an interest rate, I get paid less than a percentage, but, believe me, this is already a good amount. When you bring out more than 15 lakhs a day, imagine how much there can run up. And that's just for the day. For a month it turns out already a decent tidy sum.

How do Bank employees treat you and what is their reaction when you ask them to give you such a large sum?

-Of course, employees are surprised, ask questions about why so much and what, especially when you look at me, you don't immediately say that I have such money. But each of them understands that I have the right to say anything, or even keep silent, it's not their business, what I need this money for. Although many of them know, well, or guess who I am, then the most cunning ones offer to issue me life insurance, in return they increase the size of the maximum possible withdrawal amount. They benefit from us, and they know it.

How did you get into this world in the first place?

"Like everyone else. I needed the money. Through my contacts, a guy found me and offered me a job. I agreed, there was nothing to lose.

How long does it take you to register and how does it work?

- 2-3 weeks , you are registered as an individual entrepreneur, open accounts in various banks, and that's it, you are a full-fledged entrepreneur. All expenses related to registration are covered by the company. All you have to do is drive and check the boxes where you need them.

Many people know that there is a limit to this, how long you will not work, how long it can last, and what happens then?

-Yes, you're right, it can't last forever, a maximum of half a year, then all accounts are blocked and you end up in a Bank emergency, which means that you will never be able to open an account or take out a loan from him again, but I don't really care. Here the work begins to end, it's sad. But the story doesn't end there, you're being offered a promotion. Your task is to find yourself receivers, since you can no longer do this, and the matter goes on, bring a friend and get a bonus. As you probably already guessed, the bonus consists of a certain % of the amount withdrawn by him.

Everything is smart and fair, a referral system.

Have you ever been afraid for your life?

-No, absolutely, I always find out about the place and time of the meeting in an hour and a half maximum. Then I am always under supervision, and the cash is almost never in my hands, as soon as I leave the threshold of the Bank, the money immediately goes to other hands.

Are you afraid for your freedom?

-At first it was dumb, but now I understand that it is very difficult to catch me in something illegal. We need a serious reason. Everyone knows the scheme, but no one tries to interfere with it, since it is used by different people.

Have you ever thought about throwing your superiors a large sum and giving them a pair of Slippers?

"It's impossible, and even if it were possible, I think I'd regret it a million times."No one would kill anyone, but they would explain to me for such an action using very radical methods.

I can only add that I periodically hear about how such people are closed for various reasons. And how it relates to such earnings, it's up to you to decide.