
Reaction score
The article was written solely for informational purposes, for decent and law-abiding citizens who do not want to be a victim of heinous fraud. We ourselves do not do

this. In this manual I will try to explain:

1. What are these your Logs.
2. Where to farm them.
3.How to buy a high-quality mat so that you don't get fucked up.
4.How to set up the system.
5. I will give some advice on **** y

1. Logs
First, I think, you need to explain what kind of animals these are your logs. In short , a Log is data from one user's PC , received by a virus and converted into a TXT format. In a more in-depth sense, a log is the end product of a long chain of gulfs using a virus / botnet.

Imagine - this is your pc. He's right in front of you now.) You have surfed the world wide web for several months in a row, made various purchases in shops. We registered accounts on various platforms, perhaps sent the details of their documents to someone, say, for hiring or registering government documents. services. Or they paid for a communal apartment. We corresponded with the chick who is your friend on Facebook. We watched a gang bang or drove a snake to the mother of a school friend ...
... Or maybe they even did real things- for example, they mined and raised money on the crypt. And on top of all this, you are a well-to-do, average American. And do not fuck with pigeons, for a loaf of bread, living in the outback of Russia. And as a bonus, you also don't regularly clean your cookies and browser history. In general, we understood what I was getting at) All this will become available to our stealer.

A lot of data can be stored in one log. Login and password data from sites, soap and shops. Paypal accounts, zelle. Bank accounts(Chase, Fargo, Boof, etc.) Soc. networks and instagram. Steam and various toys. Booking. Crypto wallets. IP address of the user by which you can find out his place of residence on 2ip. Information about the user's hardware, with the name of the parts and serial numbers. Percentage, vidyah, boards, acoustics, monitor resolution, etc. Also, thanks to the Keylogger (keyboard capture) included in the functionality of some stealers, we will see all the combinations of user clicks in a separate file. And most often clicks are credit card data, SSN and DOB, billing and shipping addresses, phone numbers and zip codes, water certificates and various documents, and in general everything that the user could enter during purchases, registrations, etc. Our smart stealer will be able to filter all this and make it accessible for your understanding. Well, the sweetest bonus will be the presence of Cookies, in addition to the above.

What does cookies give us? Many of you probably know. Thanks to cookies, most sites perceive us as the real owner of the account, often even ignoring the login-password entry form (If the session has not been terminated) and don’t give us fraud points for connecting from a new IP address. All this greatly simplifies the process **** a. There are cookies - you Kx.

Often, experienced **** sharks, having once tasted **** s under cookies, never return to work with primitive akkas obtained with the help of brutus) Heaven and Earth. Like a left hand and a right hand. Well, you get the idea.

Actually, there is probably no single mechanism for working with logs., because the log provides a fairly extensive option for actions and everyone can choose what they like. You can beat the staff, you can deal with banks or gulfs, scam or blackmail, squeezing accounts, with the subsequent sale, you can craft a mate, etc. Complete freedom of creativity (Although I still lean towards the first two options). But it is worth remembering one golden rule - You can pull something out of almost every valid log.

2. How to get Logs.
There are only two options for extracting logs. Either buy or spill)

Naturally, I strongly recommend buying logs yourself from sellers, because the process of uploading through a stealer / botnet is a rather difficult, painstaking and expensive operation. But just in case, let's briefly consider both options.

And perhaps I'll start with the second.

Initially, there are people (people call them traffic), distributing installations of all kinds of software among ordinary users. Simply put - installations. Why are they good? For example, the fact that often the programs in which our virus (stealer) will be hidden are downloaded by the user from official markets - google, epl store. Accordingly, the highest level of user confidence. Or from reputable portals and rating distributions. Also, their weight is an advantage - usually up to 30mb. Well, the ease of installation for the user, 1-2 clicks and that's it - the envelope has happened. In this, by the way, installs have an advantage over gambling and a product (for those who seriously decide to start traffic). Installing them takes minimal time for the user. Progs can be different. As well as various patches, cheats, torrents (mainly for young people), and more commercialized software - all kinds of bulette journals, fitness, applications for reporting, collecting statistical data, online accounting, software for IT specialists and even exchanges. I even saw some kind of cleaner with a stilak. In general, I think they understood. The virus can be hidden everywhere. You choose the audience yourself.

Actually, the prices for installers vary, depending on the quality and source of the installs, as well as the country. USA installs are considered the best option. Their prices are from 500 to 800 bucks for 1000 installs. YES, guys, already at this stage, be prepared for large investments, because 1000 installers are most often the minimum possible amount to be purchased from a traffic)

Also, to bypass the work of the user's antiviruses, before the process of the spill, a cryptocurrency occurs (a game of hide and seek for our growing style))). Next is the choice of the stealer itself, with which you will spill the goods you bought. Azor and Arkey are the most popular now. Also, when buying a stealer, you need to resolve the issue of bulletproof hosting, so as not to waste all the money invested with a screwed-up socket. Or risk using a free host - but in this case, you risk losing everything))) Well, then, the process of the bay takes place. Ultimately, from the N-th number of installations, we get the N-th number of logs. A good pitch is 70-80%. The kickback may depend on the quality of the installs, crypto, hosting, etc. But if you follow all the precautions and do not spare the money, from 1000 installs the sprinkler will be able to get about 700-800 logs, of which about a third, after elimination, it will be suitable for sale and processing. Although, as you understand, the numbers here are different for everyone. Someone even contributes to zero).

And don't forget. Trafer - may turn out to be a scam and shove you slag or double. Look for trusted people.

3. Shop diffchat
Actually, I will not teach you to buy a mat in the darknet . I think you can find sellers on different boards yourself. Well, or you can ask me, I will recommend someone) I will leave the contacts below.

I'd better tell you what you should pay attention to and how not to get caught by a shitseller pushing slag and working off.

Log prices vary widely... Some logs can cost from 10 to 40 rubles, some go up to $ 20 apiece. The price, first of all, is influenced by the type of the stiller used during the filling. Stillers with broad functionality are considered good. They have a keylogger (keyboard capture function), thanks to which you can see the key combinations typed by the user, they are able to process the login form of passwords of all major browsers (Chrome, Mazila, Opera, etc.), include settings for the form grabber for file transfer from the user's PC and utilities for determining the hardware. In the log of such a stealer there will be accounts of shops, wallets, banks, stick, crypt, ss, etc. In a bad stealer - accordingly, there will be only a primitive set of login password, and the log itself will consist of several accounts for toys, social networks, soap, possibly incentives. Well, any slag. The most top stealer is Azor and a little less Arkey.

After buying, first of all, we look at the date it was added to the admin panel. Acceptable, a log no older than 2-3 weeks is considered. Ideally 1-3 days after flooding. Usually, the date will be displayed in the name of the archive file itself, which the seller will send you. Pay attention , sometimes clever mining sellers rename the original archive (for example, like this) Why? To hide the age of the log from you. But it doesn't matter - you can see it here. I strongly advise, before buying a log, to ask the seller for something from working off or invalid from the last made bay. For a normal seller, who has about 300-500 logs for sale, this will not cause any difficulties

... But for a scam who worked out a log a few months ago and wants to sniff his pitiful ten logs from mining, this will probably cause the burning of the sulfur layers of the atmosphere.

Why is the age of the log important? It's simple. Cookies help us if they are fresh. You understand that the user, whose data we use, does not seem to be waiting decently until we suck the money out of his money. Of course not. He does not even know about the process and continues to use the PC as usual. And if the log is old, it will have more recent cookies when entering its own account than yours. What would arouse suspicion of the anti-fraud system. Is it reasonable? Well, I'm not even talking about the fact that the user could interrupt the session and change the password from those accounts that you decide to hack.

Further, having received the probe, we made sure that the log is fresh, that the stealer named by the seller corresponds to the promised (We can easily recognize it by the structure of folders and files stored in the archive - an example of Azor's log). Now let's check the log for the source of the installs. Most people are unaware of this important point. Including the sellers themselves. If our stealer has settings for form grabbers in the functionality (for example, Azor) and sends us files and screenshots of the desktop, we check them in detail for cracks, patches, activators. If you find them, it is possible that the transfer was streaming from the installation cube (Center for monitoring file traffic). The quality of such installations leaves much to be desired and I do not recommend to work. Instals are considered good, for example, those obtained from stock exchanges.

So. With age, stealer and installations of our kid we figured it out. You bought a log.

Now, after the purchase, the first thing we do is check the content of our files and the presence of cookies. If you, suppose, purchase a sample log from a seller (from azora such a log costs about 10-20 dollars, depending on the request), for example, a paypal, you should first check the Password-list.

It is not necessary to read everything from start to finish (although not harmful), thanks to a simple combination of search in notepad (Ctrl + f), we enter the query "paypal". We will be automatically transferred to the required line in the document . If there is no request, feel free to ask the seller to replace

... You can, of course, forget about this and try to pick up a password from the available ones (most often users use 2-3 permanent passwords) or recover through soap - but why, if you can ask for a replacement?). If everything is ok with login + pass, go to the folder where our cookies are stored. We open the notebook, doing the same simple combination with the search. If the log contains the lines of the required query, then there are cookies. However, if you see the value False, it means that the server received a negative response when connecting. They could not get into the stick. For example, kx forgot to pass and this unsuccessful connection is the only memory of us stored in the stick's server. Formally, the seller has the right to refuse the replacement, because there are cookies, but try to negotiate. Perhaps it will enter the position.

If all of the above conditions are met, we will finally move on to setting up the system.

3. System and Ip
Actually, I have come across many different opinions on how to adjust the IP and where it is better to beat. There is probably no definitively correct solution here. Someone takes the ip under the state, someone under the zip. And someone beats with vpn under the Russian ip (I know such people personally). I still advise you to focus on your request. If you decide to work on not the most famous Yusa shops - a clean IP address without black cards and ports, a holder will be enough for the state. However, I advise you to take long-lived tunes, because the process of tracking an order can take from several days to a week and, in addition, the native DNS will save us from dubious operations with the public. If, for example, you specialize in Amazon, which, in turn, is very capricious and case-sensitive from a new IP address, for which it immediately throws fraud points, it is better to take a zip holder. Yes, definitely amaz can give you the opportunity to easily ***** goods on kx, for pickup and reroute, but most often alerts arrive within a few hours, to the kx mail, and the account is held and all transactions are reset. Also, they can cancel the transaction and send an alert 24-36 hours after **** a, when you just go to check the status of the order. Probably, such a transaction was manually verified. In general - decide for yourself which IP to use. The main thing is cleanliness. If the VPN is Windscribe, OpenVpn, Vanish. If socks - Face. such a transaction was manually verified. In general - decide for yourself which IP to use. The main thing is cleanliness. If the VPN is Windscribe, OpenVpn, Vanish. If socks - Face. such a transaction was manually verified. In general - decide for yourself which IP to use. The main thing is cleanliness. If the VPN is Windscribe, OpenVpn, Vanish. If socks - Face.

We pulled on a sock / tun / vpn - let's check our IP address. Usually everyone is advised to check for Whoer and Whatleaks. I'll be honest with you guys. This is not the first time I have seen information about the fact that the databases of these servers willingly share data on check requests with anti-fraud offices and allegedly, allegedly, are the IP addresses checked there? are entered in some register. There is no reliable information, maybe it's just fake and ballads. Maybe not. You decide. I still usually check in the sphere, because. I use it, or on the ip-score. You can also check whether your IP is good or bad on the vector (for those who know). The main thing is to achieve 90-100% of the IP frequency indicators. All ports are closed, there are no black cards, the time and time zone are correct. And remove to fuck your TeamViewer, seriously

Next, where to surf.

There are actually many options, but the most popular 3 are Mazila, Chrome, Sphere (only paid).

1. Setting up Mazila. Downloading 54 - 56 English version of Fox. Setup 54.0.exe

(Idownloadedhere, but then someone from the Kent shouted that the warrior allegedly found .Just in case, inspect. Or download from the public)

Next, immediately after installing and running Mazila, you need to disable auto-update. Otherwise, after the 1st session, you will have to redo everything.

In the address bar of the browser, type

about: config

and press Enter. It will

give an allergy with a request to be careful - we agree.

In the Search bar (just below the address bar) type app.update. A list like this will appear. Looking for - automatic browser update app.update.enabled - browser update

Switch to false. Ready. Now the muff will not update without your permission.

Further, for work we need to install 2 plugins.

Importing cookies

Exporting cookies

The first plugin is for adding cookies to the browser, the second is for unloading, when, for example, you drive a staff and you need to save more recent cookies, for subsequent control over the delivery process.

Putting the Werbtc limiter

You can also put the User Agent plugin

Since the log stores information about the browser from which the kx logged in to the account, you can adjust to it, in the user agent. Do you need it or not? Decide for yourself. Where it is not useful at all, somewhere it will help you not to score fraud points, but somewhere on the contrary, the presence of a user agent will be burned by the system and you will attract suspicion to yourself.

After restarting Mazila, open import cookies and import files with cookies of our login (From the Browser folder). We ship each one separately.

When we downloaded the last one, we can start working.

2) Chrome
We put again English. chrome version. Next, you will need the extension - Editthiscoockie. Set the Werbtc


Well, and the User-agent, which acts similarly to the fox.

In the same way as with the grease, we import our cookies into the browser one by one.

Why am I not using these two options , despite the simplicity and free of charge. Firstly, the old version of the fox on the user's PC is already suspicious for the fraud system. Are there many users in Yus who are so picky about the old version of the muff that they refuse to update it on purpose, in manual mode? It's like living your whole life with one woman, I guess. It also happens of course, but in turn it arouses curiosity and attention. Which we just don't need))

The second is Werbtc. It is difficult to find useful information on the work of this fag comrade on the public page. But remember - Werbtc, one of *****'s worst enemies, which we often don't even pay attention to. It seems to us that just turning off (pale) or substituting (pale) the value under the IP Sox / Tun will be enough. But this is not true. Remember, this bullshit is shooting hard. And setting it up properly is extremely difficult. Basically, to solve the issue with this shnyaga without proper knowledge, you can only buy suitable antiques, actually such as the Sphere, which will be discussed below.

PS If you still understand the importance of the above, as an option - the use of home Dedicated and VNC. Load Mazila or chrome on them and do the same, excluding only plugins with Werbtc. Native values from Dedicated and your own IP would be the best option. However, if you need an IP for a zip, it will not be easy to find such a Dedicated Server.

3) Sphere
There is no particular need to write about setting up a sphere. You do not need to download anything there, cookies are loaded with the button in the import cookies menu, in the session settings (right-click). The site has a detailed analysis and configuration in an interactive mode. I'd better not write, one hell)

In general, guys, I'll say right away - Sphere, in my opinion, is the best and most convenient browser for working with logs(do not consider it an advertisement, but the antique is made to last). And yes - it is paid. One month of the standard version of the sphere costs $ 100. There is a more advanced version, as far as I remember, $ 500 for half a year. Why not a free crack? Crack shit. Take my word for it. What good is the sphere? The first is multi-mode. You can have 8 sessions with different logs and easily switch between them, using your own IP and hardware settings for each log. Convenient and fast. The second is a well-tuned Werbtc, which is very important. You do not sleep before every 2nd shop. As well as customized WebGL and fonts, especially Canvas. Debugged DNS (many people think that taking dns from the public and ***** in the adapter settings will be enough, lol). Also, basic options for customizing system configurations for the holder. In the VIP version there is even an automaton mode (Auto-warming by the shop browser. You don't need to follow the links yourself, set a timer and the browser warms up the shop for you). In general, there are a lot of pluses and a useful thing.For those who are on the verge of spending $ 100, you can start with the trial version . Seven days for $ 30.

4. Recommendations for **** am.
I will not describe how to correctly work with each shop and bank in this manual. Every shop, every bank, stick, and even different email domains needs to be handled differently. In detail, I will consider all these questions as part of my detailed training on working with logs, which I am planning to launch in the near future. The dates of the beginning of training, details and the price tag, if you want, you can check with me personally) But I will voice some recommendations for work.

First of all, when starting to work with the log, you must make sure that the seller is decent and that the log is sold to one person. How to do it? Simple enough. If someone has already checked the account before you, you will probably notice the traces left by ******. For example, unpaid goods in the basket, or staf in denominations of 500-900 bucks (what is available for redirect and pickup), or gift (email digital code) - various keys to games, psn and xbox code, because many ** **** s are trying to snatch from the log immediately, hoping for instant payouts. Or, by checking the list of connections from different IP addresses, on the soap, by clicking on "additional information" in the lower right corner. As here on the screen

If the ip is only yours and kx, then no one except you has used it. Well, also check the folder for deleted messages and alert dates from various shops.

When you have made sure that the log is only yours - first of all, check access to mail. Even without cookies or passwords, with only access to soap and a little digging in keygen files, you can get access to many shops. For example, the same Amazon, although it has a very capricious system, can be easily restored from the holder's soap. When asked to recover a password and enter a verification code, Amazon resorts to an additional measure of protection - a security question. Fortunately, the questions are dumb and primitive, and the answer can almost always be found in the log. For example, it asks to indicate the holder's zip code, which can be easily found either in the log, or determined by breaking through the IP address, or by simply going through other shops where there is information about the billing address. Or a phone number, with the search for which the algorithm is similar. Holder's birthday, full name and surname, card number, etc.

PS A tip that I will give you. Don't try to ***** amaz after recovery. But you can find subsidiary shops with amazon merchandise screwed on, which will give you the opportunity to ***** stuff even after akka hold, using cardboard tied to the amaz, but without disturbing the amazon itself. In such a story, amaz itself will not affect the cancellation in any way.

Also with banks, which usually require an ssn number and a credit card number for renewal. With a log and all the information on hand, you practically are kkh, with the same knowledge that is in his own head. For those who are especially persistent, you can even crawl social networks and get information there.

PS Lol, one day I decided to have some fun with some black bitch's page. As it turned out, she had a snowball lover, and her husband, as usual, was a deer. He was a hefty-looking negro, he had seen him leave more than once and, for sure, with a huge black bat, which the snowball could have found out about later) Actually, I got in touch with him, from the left page, and leaked the correspondence between his wife and his lover, collecting doves at a predetermined time at their home , from the page of the heifer. For which the Negroid, kindly provided me with the data of the cardboard box of his selfishness, as a gratitude and an extra way to punish the wrong one, which I immediately and gratefully used. There was not much money, but I got my own penny. As well as + to karma, with a wild scream from this whole story)))) - This is what I mean? Oh yes. You can make money here on anything).

Also, I strongly advise you not to be greedy and beat a bunch of stuff. Even if you have opened a bunch of shops, there are map bindings everywhere, and so on - don't be mean. There are many shops, but there are fewer credit cards and ba. Banks will suspect a bunch of suspicious transactions and freeze everything at once. As a result, you will be left with a bare ass. Remember - you kh. You don't run into one day to buy 100,500 laptops, gopro, 10 iPhones X and lam gifts for your play store. You kh - you save up for a shitty, not the best laptop for weeks, or even months. Pick up a product picky, save on delivery and do not chase a bunch of additional services and bells and whistles. Money kh is your money. And you know exactly what "saving" is, I will fucking))))

Also, when working on yusa, I recommend that you find out in advance what kind of delivery the shop sends the staff to the address kx... For a successful **** does not guarantee you that your pack will be sent by mail suitable for re-routing (preferably Fedya). Or that kh lives in a pickup-accessible area. Go in, then the staff will go - but will he get to the stingy? Another question. Although some guys even manage to fuck yusy ***** in the middle and send it to ru. I personally know such people.

Buy logs from 20 pieces. Yes, it might be expensive. But. If you buy 3-5 accounts, you simply won't be able to understand anything. If it doesn’t come in, you will have only negative experience in your memory and you will continue to piss to buy the mate. And if it enters, during the next fucking, you will think that you just got lucky once. And through such fluctuations and savings, in real life you will spend even more money, and the result will be worse. Take an acceptable amount, based on which more or less adequate statistics can be compiled. Logs are similar to gross in this - you need to work with quantity, especially for a beginner. Feel free to experiment.

Don't be discouraged if your first attempts fail. Sometimes you have to try many times before you realize that you have been shoved by a shitty machine all this time and you finally found a normal seller. Or your method is **** and not canal.

Check your logs quickly, don't let them age. 1-3 days. Not more. Whoever had time - he ate.

If you do not know what to do with the account, remember that it can be sold. There is a BA with a balance, but you don't know how to drain it? Do not ruin the mat. Write on the forum and try to sell. At least pay back the purchase of the log with interest.

For beginners, I advise you to get your hands on older logs and testing. Pick them up. You will see different workarounds. Then it will be easier with a fresh one. Separately study the ways of working for each shop, with a gross. This experience will be a plus.

And finally. Find yourself a mentor. A good mentor is one of the fundamental factors in achieving success in our business. Few people are able to dig for days in the darknet, stiflingly extracting information. But there are always people who have already gone your way back in 2015 and didn’t want to share it)

PS Also, by the kindness of my soul, I will fill in an updated archive with all Sorter, Cheker, Parser Logs + AZORult Stealer 3.3.1, the last really working version.

Gods save you, from declines and suckers!