Withdrawal (cashout) money from selfreg PayPal


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It's time to publish another article on self-regulation. So, we already have a grid of 7-10 self-regs, we have been slowly pumping them, and at least half of them have already acquired several increasing transits.

Like this: $2 > $23 > $56

Great! With this, you can already work and drag the money into your pocket!

Method 1: eBay.

Everything is the same as during the initial build-up, we are looking for an illiquid with payment by BA and beat it. Amounts from 80 to 150 bucks to start with, and then increase up to $700. Amounts of up to $ 100 can be paid as a compliment, while the rest can be sent as usual.

If it completes, then go to your merchant profile, find your order, and click contact the seller. And we unsubscribe to him that sorry dude, changed his mind about buying, return the money please. The order amount will be returned to our PayPal balance, but not immediately, but in 4-5 days.

If the payment turned out not to be a compliment, but hangs in the "pending" status, then we wait for 4 days and also unsubscribe to the seller that you want to refute. Sellers are now tricky, and if the payment has already been cleared, they can immediately send it, or rather pretend that they have already sent it. Therefore, we ask for a Ref one day before clearing the payment!

Note to the hostess: how do I find out the exact date of payment clearing? Click on the "Contact us" link in the basement of the PayPal homepage, then go to the "Resolution Center" section and click on "Report a problem" and in the table we see our transactions and status, where we will see when the payment is scheduled to "clear".

Method 2: Other stores.

Well, here I think everything is more or less clear. Just like last time, I recommend looking for shops on the BigCommerce engine, there are many shops with wild illiquid content and minimal anti-fraud. Refund is the same as eBay, only we already write or call the shop itself the day before clearing the e-check. The amount can be any, I went and $1500 in one payment. But it is better to be smaller, so as not to attract attention.

Method 3: Donates.

Make Donate for example in 220 bucks and write how to clear the payment, that excuse me, I wanted to donate 20 bucks, and accidentally sent 220. Here 50/50 can be returned, or they can not.

Method 4: Send on your swung selreg.

There is a risk that if the limit for one selfreg arrives, then the second one will also fly along the chain. This probability can be reduced if you send a send as a "gift". On the swung selfreg, the chance of deposit increases, although still no more than 25% according to my feelings.

So, we have on the balance of the PayPal fell grandmother for refund. Let's say 350 bucks. We need to get them out of there! Cash in, gentlemen!

Method 1:

Buying staff on eBay for yourself through an intermediary. Everything is simple here, we register on Mist and send it there. The balance usually doesn't have any problems paying for liquid. With Mista in the ROLL already to your drop or you can yourself, if paranoia does not torment :)

Method 2:

We are looking for a cashier and for +-50% of the balance we will pour burbot with payment for cue ball or kiwi. There are enough cash-out services. There are different ways to cash out. The cashier will tell you what to do and how to do it. But usually it's just a send to the swung selfreg.

Method 3:

We buy a bitcoin from a PayPal. While the wonderful service VirWox.com VirWox.com you can and should use it! The method is as follows: we register, buy local SLL wrappers from the balance of the PayPal, then change them to BTC and put them on withdrawal. Just don't make a big fuss and don't twitch, the office was badly battered with brutus PP, which means they had to return a lot of money to the legitimate owners of PP accounts. Don't do this! Only self-registers! The office of course has limits, you can cash out no more than $110 per day, but when small amounts come to the PayPal at the beginning, this is an ideal option.

Method 4:

Register for a full VCC card, tie it to a PayPal and display it from it, but these methods are already private and do not light up in the public. But everything is on the surface, just do not be lazy to test new services.

This is what working with PayPal looks like in general.
Of course, there are still many nuances, for example:
  • how to reduce the number of limits
  • how to draw selfreg out of the limit
  • how and where to get the right materials for self-registration
  • how to set up the system correctly
  • what's best for working with a PayPal: socks, tunnels, or dedicated servers
  • how to break through routing and accounting for a BA if it doesn't exist
  • how to increase the chance to instantly add a BA to a PayPal
  • how to break through minideposit if the BA is not linked immediately
Well, and much more :) But it all comes with experience or with a good mentor.

P.S. For the most attentive bonus: the best assistant in the buildup of self - regulation-time! I had a pack of 8 self-regs that did not give anything and I forgot about them for 5 months, and when I remembered and uncovered them, 6 of the 8 self-regs were immediately allowed to pay in shops for amounts from 200 to 1200 bucks. However, half of them had to replace the BA, because the old ones were either at zero or closed. Such cases, we draw conclusions!

Good luck!


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Cashed money in self-regs and brutus PayPal​

The PayPal system is the most widespread In the world. Most users use this service to pay for purchases in foreign online stores and trade at auctions like eBay. But here we will not consider what it is. We will look at how to transfer money to PayPal. Here everything is extremely simple and clear. A member of the system can pay in cash through mobile phone stores or connect PayPal to a Bank card. In the case of trading on online auctions, it is often necessary to withdraw funds. In the West, there are no problems with this, but the service has limited functionality, so many system participants are interested in how to withdraw money from PayPal without Commission, how to withdraw money from paypal without a card, and whether there is such a possibility at all.

Until recently, residents of the CIS countries were limited in working with the service, in particular, there was no possibility of withdrawing funds from the PayPal account. However, the service is actively developing and increasing its influence in developed countries. As a result, the list of features available within the system has increased for users of former Soviet countries. At the moment, we already know how to get money on PayPal in Russia . However, a limited number of ways are still available to system participants.

How do I withdraw money from PayPal ?
  • Withdrawal of funds from a paypal account to a Bank card;
  • Via PayPal and Payoneer;
  • How to withdraw money from paypal via an exchange.

The PayPal system suggests using a Bank account or Bank card to withdraw funds. Rfr withdraw money from paypal to a Bank card? Basically, this is the only official way. However, if this option does not suit You for some reason, then you can use alternative methods. Below you will find a detailed description of all current options for withdrawing funds from your PayPal account.

Withdrawal of funds from PayPal to a Bank card

How to withdraw money from PayPal to a Bank card. Currently, there is only one official way for PayPal users to withdraw funds from their wallet. Each participant of the system can withdraw money from the account's account to a Bank account or card. In principle, this is not the worst option, and besides, it does not provide for a commission. For comparison, it is worth noting that it is almost impossible to work with QIWI. PayPal commission – when withdrawing funds from a PayPal account to a Bank account-is not charged . There is also no limit for the minimum withdrawal amount. Before withdrawing money from PayPal to a Bank card, you should learn more about the conditions specific to This method.

How to transfer money to a Bank card with PayPal and how much can I withdraw from paypal:
  • No commission is charged for withdrawing money;
  • Funds can only be withdrawn to a confirmed Bank account;
  • There is no limit on the minimum withdrawal amount in rubles;
  • The minimum amount of funds to be withdrawn depends on the user's status in the system (see );
  • The minimum withdrawal amount in another currency must be equivalent to $ 10;
  • Withdrawal of funds is possible only in rubles (when withdrawing another currency, money is automatically converted to rubles, taking into account the current exchange rate);
  • The minimum amount of funds to be withdrawn in a foreign currency should be equivalent to $ 3.

These are probably all the conditions that users who plan to withdraw money from PayPal to a Bank card or account should know. Again, if you use other payment systems (WebMoney, Qiwi, Yoomoney), then you do not need to tell that PayPal provides users with fairly good conditions for withdrawing funds from the system. Of course, in terms of possible options PayPal is inferior to other electronic payment systems. But you do know how to withdraw money from paypal to a Bank card without commission. In addition, now almost everyone has a Bank card and a Bank account. So even if there were other options, many people would choose this one. If you are satisfied with withdrawing money from paypal to your Bank card, please follow the instructions below.

To withdraw money from PayPal, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to your account and go to the "Overview" section»;
  2. In the "PayPal account Balance" tab, select " Withdraw funds»;
  3. Enter your details and click " Continue»;
  4. To complete the operation, click Submit.

Please note that you will need a Bank identification code (BIC) and an account number that is linked to the card. If you don't have this information, check with the Bank that serves You in advance. You won't be able to withdraw money immediately. We'll have to wait a bit until the verification process is complete. This procedure is performed without any difficulties for the user. Initially, the service will send a small amount to the specified banking details. After that, you will need to specify the amount received to the account in the PayPal merchant profile. You may receive several verified amounts. After that, you can easily withdraw funds from the system to the specified card. The verification procedure takes from 2 to 4 days.

Important: one bank account can only be linked to one PayPal account. If you need to withdraw money from PayPal to another card, you will have to delete the old account and add a new one.

Withdraw money from Paypal via Payoneer

Previously, users were not able to withdraw money from PayPal to a Bank card. Therefore, we had to use alternative options. At that time, many users used the Payoneer service to withdraw funds from PayPal. However, this method is still relevant today. Payoneer provides an opportunity to open a card that allows you to spend funds on your PayPal account without a long withdrawal process. Any adult citizen can apply for a Payoneer Mastercard. It is also worth noting that the issue of such a card is possible in other CIS countries. The Payoneer card is no different from a regular Mastercard card. You can also use it to pay for services, make purchases, and withdraw cash. However, there were some pitfalls here. Before withdrawing money from your PayPal account to your Payoneer card, please read the terms and conditions that apply to this method.

Conditions for withdrawing funds from PayPal to a Payoneer card:
  • A Payoneer card can only be issued in dollars, so when withdrawing a different currency, the system automatically converts funds at the internal exchange rate;
  • Annual maintenance of the card will cost almost $ 30;
  • When transferring funds to a Payoneer card from PayPal, the Commission is already 1%;
  • Cash withdrawal provides for a fixed Commission of 3 dollars and 15 cents (when withdrawing rubles, the currency will be converted at the Bank's exchange rate).

Let's be honest, withdrawing money to a Bank account or card directly from the PayPal site looks much more attractive than using a Payoneer card. However, if you still prefer to use this option, then go to the Payoneer website to issue a card, register in the system and send a scanned copy of your passport to the address indicated on the site. The card will be delivered to You by mail within 25 days. After receiving the card, you must activate it and activate the virtual account service. The corresponding instructions will be provided by the service, so we will not describe the sequence of your actions, and the order of activation and activation of the virtual account may change.

Withdraw money from PayPal via an exchange

It is known that you can withdraw money from PayPal through electronic exchange offices. However, this option allows you to withdraw funds only to the account of another payment system. If you need WebMoney or Yandex money, then you can consider the terms of exchangers. Again, you should not count on favorable terms, because exchangers keep a fairly large Commission. It is more profitable to withdraw money from PayPal to the attached card, and then top up the account of another payment system . In this case, you will not lose anything. If the savings are not important for You, or there is another reason that does not allow you to withdraw funds from PayPal to the card, then you can use exchangers.

How do I withdraw money from paypal? Currently, there are quite a lot of electronic exchange offices that will exchange money from a PayPal account for the electronic currency of another payment system. Of course, depending on the exchanger, the exchange rate will differ. To find the most favorable offer we recommend using the main exchange office monitoring service – bestchange.ru if you have been using e-money for a long time, this service will be familiar to you. The service allows you to study the offers of several exchangers at the same time and choose the appropriate option. Withdrawal of funds from PayPal to the wallet of another payment system via an exchange is carried out instantly. The main disadvantage of this method is a rather high commission (from 5% to 20%).

Virtual payment system PayPal it is one of the most popular in the world. In fact, this is a real luminary among such online services. Today, the financial market is quite saturated and there are many good payment systems, but PayPal surpasses them all in scale. Currently, the system serves customers from more than 200 countries around the world. And the main thing that interests many domestic PayPal users is how to cash out money?

Article content:

Standard methods by default

By default, this payment system supports the following withdrawal methods:
  • Bank transfer;
  • To a plastic card;
  • To virtual wallets of other payment systems.

At first glance, everything is simple. In fact, for domestic users, withdrawing funds from PayPal is not such an easy task. In fact, only US residents can use this system on "preferential" terms. The rest are forced to put up with large commissions, long withdrawal periods and other problems that can kill a lot of nerve cells. In total, for those who are looking for opportunities to cash out PayPal In Russia, the following methods will be relevant:

PayPal withdrawal to a Bank account

You should immediately make a reservation: due to the fact that international sanctions have been imposed against some Russian banks, you should pay special attention to the fact that you need to study the status of your financial institution by reading the sanctions list or contacting the payment system support service. If the Bank is under sanctions, the withdrawal of money will not be possible - PayPal will simply block the transaction.

If everything is clear with the Bank, you can start withdrawing funds. You can only do this to a verified Bank account. To do this, go to Your PayPal merchant profile, open the "Withdraw funds" tab and click "Add Bank account". The system will ask you to fill out a form in which you need to specify all the required banking details, namely:
  • Account type (individual or legal entity);
  • Full Name;
  • Bank name;
  • Bank identification code;
  • Account number.
After that, the owner will be checked. PayPal will send you two checksums, which you need to enter in the verification window.

Depositing money to a Bank account takes an average of 5-7 days. If the Bank rejects the transfer for any reason, PayPal will still deduct the refund fee. In General, users who have previously worked only with Webmoney or Yoomoney. MONEY will not be happy with this scenario.

You can watch a detailed video on how to withdraw money from PayPal to a Bank account:

How to exchange PayPal For cash and make money on it (without intermediaries and exchanges)

You probably know that PayPal works directly with eBay. You can simply buy a good and popular product at a bargain price, and then sell it for cash. If you buy for less than you sell, you can still make money on it.

If you need to regularly withdraw money from PayPal, for example, for $ 300-800 a month, then you can simply buy some fashionable equipment or accessories by selling them in your city.

You can buy not only on eBay, but also from others . This method may be the best, because instead of giving 15-20% of the money, you can choose to pay for it % . You can get cash not only without interest, but also with a profit for withdrawing money to a Bank card that you still pay a Commission for maintaining the card and withdrawing money from.

There are 2 ways to cash out PayPal via a Webmoney wallet:
  • By creating a request on the payment system's website yourself;
  • Use the services of third-party exchangers.

To withdraw money directly, you need to go to the WebMoney exchange https://exchanger.money/emoney and create a request:


Before creating an application, you need to specify the exchange directions at the top.

After creating a request for a certain amount of exchange, it will appear in the general list. All you have to do is wait for confirmation, which can be sent to your Merchant profile or Keeper WM. When you receive the message, click on the link and follow the instructions.

The second way is to use the services of exchangers. This method is one of the fastest and easiest (it takes a maximum of half an hour to complete everything). As for the disadvantages, these include a high Commission (on average, 16-17%). However, many people agree to such an overpayment in order to get their money quickly.


Offers and commissions for exchanging PayPal to WMZ through exchange sites.

There are also some requirements. In particular, this is:
  • The presence of a personal certificate on Webmoney.
  • Register PayPal and Webmoney at the same email address.

The minimum transaction amount is $ 3.

How to cash out PayPal via QIWI (urgent, but expensive)

The Qiwi payment system impresses with its ease of use and versatility. But these advantages, unfortunately, do not apply to working with PayPal. Payment services do not provide for making direct transactions, so you will have to use network exchangers (for example, bestchange.ru or its equivalent). Losses in this case can reach a killer 30% of the entire transfer amount. However, this is partially compensated by the high speed of the transaction (from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes).

To withdraw money using this method, you need to find a suitable exchange through monitoring bestchange.ru and then follow its instructions (the exchange terms may differ on different sites).


Exchange offers for withdrawing money from PayPal to Qiwi.

Withdraw money from PayPal via Yandex.Money

For this service, the process of withdrawing funds from PayPal is generally identical to Webmoney. There are several ways to get paid:
  • Withdraw them to an e-wallet via exchangers;
  • Place them on the account of a real or virtual YAD card, which can be linked to your PayPal account.

When converting to rubles, the total commission will be approximately 20%; the transaction completion time is a few minutes.

PayPal withdrawal via the company's office

Is there a scheme for how you can easily cash out paypal quickly and with minimal commissions? Such a scheme exists and it is a direct receipt of funds from the wallet in the company's office. This method could be considered ideal (cash is immediately issued on hand, and the commission is a measly 5%), if not for one weighty.

PayPal withdrawal to a Payoneer card

Payoneer is a popular international payment system owned by MasterCard . It works all over the world and supports transactions with PayPal, which a domestic user can use. Withdrawal to a Payoneer card can generally be considered the most interesting and convenient way to work with PayPal. The main problem here is to issue a Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard. This process takes place according to the following scheme:
  • Register on the Payoneer website;
  • Creating a virtual account in the United States;
  • User verification (here you need not only to send a passport screen as in Yandex. money OR Webmoney, but also specify the sources of transfers to the card);
  • Waiting for the finished card to be issued and delivered to your residential address (on average, it takes 2-3 weeks);
  • Activation of the card by phone or on the website.

The Payoneer account is linked to the wallet in the PayPal merchant profile (menu "Virtual Bank account in the USA"). Using the card is paid ($20.95 per year), the transfer speed is 3-5 days, and the average Commission is 5-6%.

Risky methods

Another option is to use the services of private intermediaries, whose ads regularly appear on thematic forums and groups in social networks and look something like this: "I will cash out PayPal carding; I withdraw both white and gray; I turn it into cash, transfer it to a card or send it to any account».

Such intermediaries can sometimes be very useful indeed. For example, if you need money urgently or need to withdraw money from a "gray" wallet. In addition, such dealers are lured by relatively low commissions (on average 5-10%, not counting the Commission for the transfer itself). However, you need to understand that using the services of such people, you can get caught by a fraudster and be left with nothing.

Withdrawal via a virtual intermediary (problematic method)

Tired of crazy commissions, savvy users have come up with another interesting way to withdraw money from PayPal - to use as an intermediary various commercial sites that support replenishment through PayPal. These sites include some Forex brokers, gaming sites, online casinos, and other resources. The process itself is as simple as two times two - first you need to top up the Deposit from your PayPal wallet, and after a while withdraw the funds, but in a different way (to a Bank card or wallet of another payment system). Moreover, it is not necessary to spend money on the site at all.

However, such an exotic method can also be fraught with some problems. In particular, not all sites work with PayPal. In addition, the administration is usually already aware of such tricks, so the rules for all such resources indicate that you can only withdraw money in the same way that they were replenished. Accounts created purely for withdrawing funds are usually quickly blocked.

How to withdraw money from PayPal in Belarus

The operation of the PayPal payment system in Belarus is subject to some restrictions. In particular, users can only pay for purchases in online stores that work with this virtual currency, and withdraw funds to the accounts of some local banks. What is the easiest way to cash out PayPal in Belarus? There are also different options available here, but the most preferred one is QIWI output .

Why Qiwi?

The main advantage is that to register in the system, you only need a SIM card of a mobile operator with international roaming enabled. This phone will receive confirmation codes, passwords, card numbers, etc. Using Qiwi is completely legal in Belarus, so residents of this country will not experience any legal difficulties when working with the payment system.

In conclusion
As you can see, for non-residents of the United States, working with PayPal is quite a headache. However, despite all the inconveniences, the advantages of this payment system are much greater than the disadvantages. You can also withdraw money from PayPal without much damage to yourself. The main thing is to weigh the risks and choose the most appropriate method for a particular situation. In addition, PayPal's influence on the domestic market is gradually growing, which gives us hope that working with it will become more convenient and faster in the near future.

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I once wrote about the Moneybookers payment system, and after that I didn't return to the financial issues of the Internet. Today I would like to write again on financial topics. One of the most popular payment systems on the Internet is PayPal. However, it is not the first year that this popular system restricts the ability to work in it for citizens of Russia and Ukraine. Such discrimination looks incomprehensible, especially against the background of the fact that even Indian citizens can fully work with PayPal, and we still can't withdraw money through PayPal, but only enter it. It's a shame, because there are some promising photo banks and other resources for making money as a freelancer, where you can only work through PayPal, and it seems that you can't cash out money from PayPal. But, for example, the same Bookers allows all such operations, although the system is located in the UK, which also has relatively strict financial regulations. By the way, I have already written, and as You can see from that article, there are no special difficulties with this. Many people work with PayPal through various intermediaries, such as exchange offices, individuals, etc. But it turns out that there is also a relatively clear scheme that does not require the use of third-party services with an incomprehensible reputation. In this article, you will learn about it.

The above-mentioned scheme of work for cashing out money is as follows. Money from the PayPal Account is withdrawn to an account in the Payoneer service, from which you can already use a payment card this money can be cashed out by withdrawing via an ATM (terminal) or paying for purchases. Commission losses are relatively low compared to the rates of online intermediaries, who charge up to 20% of the amount for withdrawing money from PayPal. Just want to clarify that the original of this article is on the forum for webmasters called rebuild. me. Although, I have seen articles on this scheme in a more concise form on other Internet sites.
So, here's the article itself:

I'll start with what we know about PayPal? Someone a lot, and someone nothing and yet English-speaking business networkers: designers of brooches on etsy.com, apartment owners on craigslist.com, record sellers on eBay.com or Forex traders - they all use the services of a stick (common pronunciation of PayPal), so I'll start my article with a review of this payment system.

The PayPal account is linked to a Bank card or Bank account the user. Until you enter your Bank card details in your account, your account is considered unverified (unverified). The user can receive and transfer money from the funds accumulated in the PayPal account, and if these funds are not available or not enough, PayPal charges them from the account or card specified by the user when making a payment. Thus, when depositing/withdrawing funds, the participation of any kind of intermediaries is excluded, and the funds do not lie dead weight and can be transferred to the user's Bank account at any time.

There are three types of PayPal accounts that can be opened:
- Personal Accounts;
- Premier Accounts;
- Business Accounts.
Personal Accounts - only for individual use (for direct transfers to friends, relatives, clients, etc.). This type of account does not involve receiving payment from credit cards and is intended for internal transfers in the PayPal system. The turnover limit for these accounts is $ 500. per month. And for an unverified account opened from Ukraine or Russia, the limit is set at $ 100 per month. Exceeding this limit may result in the account being blocked. In addition, as mentioned above, accounts opened from Ukraine or Russia do not have the ability to receive transfers in the PayPal system, regardless of the type of account.
Premier Accounts - for users who have a larger turnover than the Personal Account allows, and need to accept payments from credit cards or special PayPal tools (for example, integration of the PayPal payment service with the site).
Business Accounts - accounts for firms. They are issued on behalf of the company, under its logo and with its banking details. Such accounts can only be opened by companies that have a TAX ID (tax payer's number).

Registration in the PayPal system is quite easy.
1. On the first page of the registration form, you specify your country of residence and your preferred language for working with the system.
2. Next, you need to select one of three types of accounts (see above).
3. On the next page, enter your name, correct email address, email address, and phone number.
4. You will Then be asked to enter your credit or debit card details. However, this step can be performed later. Required condition — to allow the issuing Bank to make payments via the Internet. By the way, a virtual VISA card is quite suitable for registration, which can now be opened at almost any Bank.
5. At the final stage of registration, you must verify your email address: PayPal will send you an activation code. You will not only need to click on the link, but also confirm this action by entering the password you selected when registering with PayPal.
Your account will not be activated until you enter a special code on the site - your membership number. To do this, you need to top up your account by Bank transfer or payment from a plastic card.

Your credit card will be charged $1.95 as a membership fee, which will be refunded to you later. You will receive a payment receipt from PayPal for the withdrawal of this $1.95 at the email address you specified. This receipt will contain a special code that you will need to enter on your account to activate it.
After this full verification of your email address, email address and credit card, $1.95 will be refunded to you as a bonus, you will become a full-fledged PayPal user and have the opportunity to make purchases in The system.

Each of the types of PayPal accounts has its own pricing, which varies depending not only on the type of account, but also on the country of its registration. That is, for example, a business account from the United States is charged one Commission amount, and for the same account registered in Australia or Europe, another amount is charged). The lowest rates are for users from the United States. The transaction fee is charged to the payee.

PayPal offers users the following services:
* Sending a payment (Send Money). A PayPal user can transfer a certain amount from their personal account in the payment system. In this case, the payment recipient can be either another PayPal user or a person who does not have a PayPal account.
* Request to receive a payment (Money Request). Using this type of service, the user can send their debtors letters containing a request for payment. You can address your email to either an individual or a group of debtors.
* Placement of special tools for accepting payments (Web Tools) on the user's website. This service is only available for Premier and Business account holders.
* Tools for auction trading (Auction Tools). The payment system offers two types of services. First, the automatic payment Request is sent out automatically. Second, auction winners can make payments directly from the website where the auction is held (Instant Purchase for Auctions).

It's a little dry, but it's okay, now we know a lot, and knowledge is a great power, so let's create something like this! If you have carefully read all of the above, then you probably came up against such an item as linking to a Bank card or a user's Bank account from the very beginning, and there is simply no one or the other yet, otherwise you would not have read this article. So while it's too early to register on PayPal, you need to find a Bank card or account to link to the PayPal account. And then a useful service comes to our aid under the name payoneer.com. Here's what they tell you about themselves in their promo video:

Should I trust the Payer? Currently, Payoneer MasterCard is used by more than a million people in more than 200 countries around the world. Recently, Payoneer has started to actively promote itself in the Russian market. The main activity of the service is simple: recipients of payments (freelancers in all niches), using the link received from the Payoneer partner company, quite confidently order a top-up MasterCard card. Payoneer itself responds to this in return, producing another shiny card in daylight and sending it by mail to the applicant. After receiving the card, the payment recipient must activate it on the site payoneer.com after that, the funds transferred by the payer (partner company) to this card can be withdrawn at any MasterCard ATM or used for payment in stores or online. The card is embossed and issued for a period of three years. The card is a dollar card. Access to card statements is provided on the Payoneer website. Payoneer's support service is available via email, phone, and online chat in a number of languages. So, if we came to the Network for a long time and in a big way, it's time to get your own personal plastic and life will become brighter and more fun. How to do this, now I will publicly outline, because I said "A", then I must not forget "B", and all the remaining letters in the word - payoneer.com. So, not so long ago there was a case of passing the registration process in pioneer. Actually, now we will talk about the routine of registration, everything is as always: there is a registration option in Russian, but this is completely for small children, so I used the default – English localization. So, on the system's website, go to the tab - My Account:


I click on Sign Up Now, and then I get to this page, where my eyes are immediately directed to the upper green rectangle marked Start Here - I start without risking my life.


Well, here I am forwarded to a simple form for entering my personal data, we fill it out, carefully rechecking what we entered, so that Ivanov does not become Ibanov, etc., after waiting for me-Step 2


and this time everything is predictable, verification of soap, typing in the password and a secret question to restore this farm, after how to roll - Step 3


Here's an interesting thing, you need to enter the National ID, what is it and where to get it? All you need to do here is fill out the form with information about some additional document of yours (driver's license, social security number, etc.). in Addition, do not forget to specify the country and put all the boxes at the bottom that we agree with everything and then click on finish


If you did everything as I showed you, then we are waiting for an email on the email that you need to send a scan of the document with the National ID that you specified in the registration form. Here is a conditional translation of this email:

Dear John,
The Payoneer account approval Department requests a copy of a valid official document, an identity document, so that we can process your card in the app. Acceptable forms of identification include a driver's license, passport, national identity card, and military ID card.
Please make sure that the ID matches the information provided in the Payoneer card app and that the document is clear and has your name and date of birth clearly displayed. Documents that are difficult to read may cause further delays, so please increase and lighten the copies when scanning, for a clear image.
You can scan your ID (we prefer JPEG files) and upload it automatically to your account for us to review using the link below:
Add a link
Or, if you prefer, you can attach the file in response to this email. Please note that documents uploaded using the download link above are processed faster than email responses.
Need some help? Please reply to this message, contact us using the Payoneer contact form, and / or chat live with us Sunday through Friday, from 9: 00 AM-6: 00 PM (EST

And this is a screen of the message that was translated above, with a link that you need to click on to continue registering with the Payoner:


There is a redirect to the page for uploading personal images with National ID


Now we must be patient and wait for a manual update within 1 to 5 days (depending on the clear visibility of the national ID – the quality of the scan that was uploaded). In case of a positive approve, we receive a message on the soap that our application was approved and our plastic went to its destination in the village to our grandfather:

Dear John,
Your Payoneer Prepaid Debit MasterCard ® card order has been approved!
There are 3 steps to be completed:
Step 1: Registration completed!
Step 2: Approve completed!
Step 3: Delivery » You are here!
Estimated arrival date on your card is July 10, 2021

Now it all depends on the speed of the post offices that will meet on the way to the cherished card. The time frame for receiving a pioneer payment card will be different for everyone(in my case, it was two and a half weeks). But this is already the fruit of our efforts and efforts: an envelope with a card and a price list in A4 format with all the card maintenance rates (term condition):


Now you need a little more patience to revive the card, that is, activate it. To do this, log in to your Payoneer account and click Services => US Payment Service:


Click on the green "Active" button. Each time something changes, but usually you need to specify the XXXX digit security code (pin) on the back of the card. Next, we see a message where we are informed about our personal account details in the pioneer payment system (sorry for the quality of some images):


That's all, now you can add funds to this card and withdraw funds via an ATM from this card. All the above actions, including sending the card, are free of charge for us. However, the first time I made a Deposit to my card, I was charged an activation fee, which is usually $ 10. This is the only payment, and after that you will only pay the monthly payment. for card maintenance, which usually does not exceed $ 3. These rates depend on the selected system partner through which you received the card. Some do not charge any activation fee at all, while others have monthly payments of only $ 1. When choosing a partner, don't forget to check their pricing plans. Here is a list of those who officially support Payoneer cards and who issues them (to get cards from such a partner, you must first earn money there, and when you accumulate the minimum amount for withdrawal, you will be offered to get a card as one of the payment options).

Withdrawal of funds to the Payoneer card is quite fast. At the same time, there is either a regular Deposit, which can be free at all, but lasts 1-3 days, or an instant Deposit, which costs 3-5 dollars, but the money will be available on the card immediately. Cashing out a Payoner card via an ATM costs $ 2.15 + up to 3% of the amount in case of currency conversion. In practice, when withdrawing amounts of more than $ 500, the Commission is quite modest. There is also a possibility to add funds to Payoneer via Webmoney. To do this, use a third-party service, such as www.epese.com. You need to link the card to your Epese account as usual, and send the ticket to technical support, where you can specify the card number and the issuing partner. After that, the card will be permanently linked to your account and you will be able to withdraw to it any funds received to your account via Webmoney or another payment system. The Commission for adding funds to your cards is 1%, but not less than$5. That is, again, it is advisable to transfer amounts from $ 500 and above. Although Webmoney also issues Payoneer cards, as stated on their website - cards.wmtransfer.com.

Pay attention to the tariffs column, where there are minor formalities that are inherent in WebMoney, that is, to get a card with a certificate with a BL less than 8, you will not be able to get a card.

You can read the rest of the details in the WebMoney Fax at cards.wmtransfer.com/ru/products/faq/payoneer. But even here, apparently, there may probably be some further problems with such a card, if it is tied to a stick, so if the goal is not to withdraw money from PayPal, but just a banal withdrawal of funds in the CIS countries, then it will do, and so I would not hope for a chance, so Payoneer cards are issued through an offsite. We can easily track all operations on the Payoneer card in our account. If you have any questions about card maintenance or other nuances, you can search for a solution on the forum page - http://community.payoneer.com/forum/ - there is a separate branch:


So, we revived the card and thus came 80 percent closer to our goal-to cash out money from PayPal, but we will not rush. You need to wait a little so that the plastic can stand for at least 3-5 days. Now you need to bring everything to its logical conclusion, and to do this, we can safely go to the PayPal merchant profile to link the newly created plastic card. In the account profile, select the Add / Edit Bank Account column:


If you can't add an account to your account, then I recommend that you pay attention to the advice given by one of the users in the comments to this article:"No one covered up anything. Everything works fine. The only thing but, as not related to the Pioneer, is the PayPal chip, when adding a Bank, you will have to call technical support. Also, when confirming the email, you will have to call technical support. And finally, when adding a card, you will have to call technical support. they confirm all requests manually».

Carefully and accurately enter the data on the map, select the country – United States. For information on the Bank's name and required account numbers, follow the link in your account: https://myaccount.payoneer.com/MainPage/VirtualUsAccount.aspx. Don't forget that the minesweeper makes a mistake once, so double-check all the completed fields seven times:


Only after a thorough recheck, we click on Continue, after which we are waiting for a professional aptitude check - GET VERIFIED through automatic transfer of two microtransactions (mini-Transfers) to the Payoneros account. Now we check our virtual BANK ACC Payoneros and find there two minidep up to a dollar each (0.12 and 0.02):


Return to the PayPal account again, where they are kindly asked to report microtransfers - no problem, we inform you:


And here is our light at the end of the tunnel-the stick was verified. We now have the option to feed plastic with greens (ADD FUNDS):


So, with straight hands, a gram of patience and a detailed navigation route, we made a megaplastic Pioneers out of ordinary plastic with the ability to TRANSFER anywhere in the United States. Congratulations, your PayPal account is working.
By the way, a plastic card Payoneer's email address will be sent to You at the address that you specify when registering with the service, so it's better to specify the address where you can safely get the card. The same address is indicated for some operations with the card via the Internet. In the future, if you change the address, you can change it in your account via your merchant profile or by contacting the Payoneer support service. In general, there are two fields for the address-the address of registration and the address where to send the card. The delivery address - shipping address, and your official address (by registration) specified by You will be used as billing address (invoice address). By the way, in order for a letter with a card to reach You faster, write the address in shipping address as we do, without translation, but in latin letters. So it will be clearer for our postal workers, and the delivery speed mainly depends on them.
Use this door carefully while it is still open, but everything changes.

The material in this article is quite thoroughly chewed up and I think it will be useful for those who are looking for the least expensive ways to withdraw money from PayPal. I haven't tried it myself yet, but now I might also try to cash out some money via PayPal.

P. S. Please note that this article about the Paypal and Payoneer bundle was written in 2013, over the past years everything has changed quite a lot and this material may well have lost its relevance.

The article is available for review in the following categories. If you liked my article, you can get new content via RSS or subscribe on my profile for updates on.

Much has been said about Paypale, and it has long been known that every person who has made an account for himself in.
This system believes that he is a full-fledged money launderer. But this is far from the case, this company already has its own proven carders-launders, you can say
old-timers of the office who know what day, when how much to whom, etc., and they know this better than any American user of the Paypal system. For those who do not know what paypal is, I will tell you, it is a system of instant electronic transfers that are carried out via an email address, that is, you or your friend you create an invoice in the system and you can pay them for a certain service from your account to do this, you only need to know their email address. After receiving your transfer, a person can use an account in the United States or in one of the European countries to cash out money. Transfer from an account to a US Bank takes 3-4 business days. What is the special feature of PayPal and its minus and the reason that It gives carders for money laundering? Any person living in the CIS can open an account in the system, hereinafter referred to as Unverifed - and can send $ 250 with a credit card added to this means that anyone who has a credit card can open a Paypal account and send $ 250 from this card, for example, to a person who has an account in the United States.

It should be noted that it is quite difficult for a Russian person to get an account in an American Bank, and this is the beginning of working with PayPal.
In terms of money laundering, PayPal is the best it has ever been, as it is practically a merchant that you get when you have an account with a US Bank. There are many ways that everyone can easily find out for themselves, by receiving an invoice and taking credit cards, you open accounts for yourself in PayPal and as it immediately becomes clear, you send money to yourself.

Opening procedure
1. Go to www.paypal.com
2. Click sign up and enter your credit card information.
3. Specify the email address you created earlier.
4. it will receive confirmation that the account was created by you. you will need to confirm this by specifying your account password in the link sent by email.
5. After that, you should log in to your account and click the Add credit card option.
6. If you see that the card has been added, you can use it to pay.
7. Feel Free to pay, but remember that PayPal has started tracking the IP addresses of system participants, and if someone made transfers using this IP address before you and chargebacks came from them, they are blacklisted.
8. When you See such an IP address when you create an account, PayPal will immediately close your account without giving any reason. An Account sign will appear on the account restriсted.
9. After that you can forget about the account search for a new proxy and create a new account
10. It is not recommended to take a proxy from popular addresses such as proxycheck.spylog.ru. If you are lucky enough to get an unused anonymous USA proxy, and the cardholder doesn't notice or slows down the chargeback, you will successfully transfer money to the account of an American or any person who has attached their Bank account to the Paypal account.

How does money laundering work?

A person, for example, your friend finds a sucker in America, who will create an account for him and will receive money there for a certain percentage, or you yourself, through knowledge of English, will find on the Internet and get acquainted with an American who can make such an account in his own name and receive money for a certain percentage.
But here the case of kidalov is possible. He, having received the money, may not send it to you,
so you need to look for decent American robots, stupid to the point of horror :). It is very difficult to find an account in the US, and at one time the company was working www.paycard2000.com which gave all the participants of PayPal the opportunity to have a kind of defective American account, that is, your account remained in the system as Unverifed (unconfirmed), but you could safely transfer any amounts to it.

The owner of this project became a moron who did not understand that for 6-8 months there were illegal transfers worth more than 600-900 thousand USD. All of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine bought these cards for money laundering, for which there will be no penalty.
The project owner knew that he would not get anything for this case, since his company is poor, and PayPal millionaires will only lose by suing them.
95% of Paycard users were carders. But one fine morning, PayPal got tired of suffering massive losses, and it blocked GOLETA NATIONAL BANK, from which Paycard worked, in its system. And the war ended, but many residents of Russia earned a fortune, and Paycard did not remain offended.
Now Paycard cashes checks and other nonsense, but they'll never see real money again.
PayPal could not do anything to this office, as the courts will take much larger amounts and this case was closed.

A transfer from 1 Paycard via PayPal of more than 60 thousand USD was recorded. Many people have made their fortunes thanks to paycard. Now a new service has opened in Spain calling itselfwww.emasterbank.com. They make real accounts in Spain, but I think in the future they will not allow you to make theft through them, since their service will be closed, and this company wants to have a clean legal income. Money laundering through PayPal has been going on for more than 2 years, this company wanted to close down due to a lot of carders, but decided to increase the prices for its services and continue to exist.

Previously, it was possible to work on PayPal from any ip address, and withdraw a much larger amount from the card, but times are changing.
Now PayPal has taken into account all its disadvantages and made illegal sending of money almost impossible.

Experts and security guards of PayPal claim that it is still possible to fight against PayPal, but it costs a lot of effort, since a lot of ip addresses are blacklisted and you manage to spend scanty money up to $ 500 through them, but there is no accuracy in how you will benefit, but it is recommended to send amounts not larger than 450 at a time, this makes it less likely that you will burn out. They came up with 1 more way to bypass PayPal, to send money via the American Internet, which is much more expensive, some say that there are results, although I don't believe it.

What should I recommend to people working with PayPal:
1. do not spare any money and buy access to a site that sells proxies.
2. Change browsers.
3. Don't forget to clear cookies.
4. Don't get too hot. Better less - Yes better
5. And luck should be on your side, if your account is resktrikted do not lose heart open a new one, and another new one, and you will definitely be lucky.

English land is waiting for a English carder to help it survive.
Do not despair, and power will come to you in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit.

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Reaction score
Cashed out through PP USA

Method 1

Go to https://www.paypal.com/us/gifts/brands/google-play
And the first one we click this is gift and write our mail there (if you click this is for me then it will come to the mail that is registered by the item).
Choosing the amount of the gift card.
We add to the cart we go to our account, and if the card had so much money, a gift card comes to the mail.
Go to https://paxful.com/ru/buy-bitcoin/google-play-gift-card?hasScroll=true reg acc and sell (there you can sell it. It's like btc banker EXCHANGE).
After buying bitcoin through a gift card, we sell these bitcoins for qiwi or somewhere else on our wallet.
And all successfully the card is recovered.

Method 2
What is required
CC - card
Vpn - proxy (sphere)
Stick - (PayPal)

We rebuild a new stick.
We take the CC, go to the ivi.ru website and buy a subscription for $ 0.5, this is done in order to check the card for validity (operability).
If the payment goes through, add the card to the stick, and go to the site donationalerta.ru
We set up an account there and went to the page for sending a donation, we enter the amount that we want to withdraw from the card, and click pay, choose the payment method, choose a stick, we are transferred to the site of the stick and if the balance on the card was we successfully pay.
Over time, the stick is blocked so that the post is worth more than you can buy in the shops.
Then, as the grandmothers came to donate, we add kiwi to the donate so that the grandmothers were brought to kiwi and everyone is happy with the money.
Do not forget to put the card in the stick as it is preferable for online purchases, otherwise you will not succeed, and decide the stick without a proxy, etc.
IMPORTANT! I advise you to create several accounts in donationallerta, and not pour your millions for one account)
Desirable! 1 account - $ 200 - $ 500 / day.
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