Why doesn't everyone make money from carding schemes?

Carding Forum

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There are many schemes for making money from carding that promise carders easy and quick income without much effort. Some of these schemes really work and can bring good income, but why doesn't everyone make money from them? In this article we will look at several reasons why this happens.

1. Expectations do not match reality
One of the main reasons why carders don't make money from money-making schemes is because their expectations don't match reality. Many carders think that they can make a lot of money quickly and easily without putting in much effort. However, in most cases, this is not the case. Making a lot of money takes time, effort and skill. If you expect to get a lot of money quickly and without much effort, then the likelihood of success in carding will be extremely low.

2. Lack of knowledge and skills
Another reason why not everyone makes money from money-making schemes is the lack of knowledge and skills. To make money in carding, you need some skills, they can be different everywhere, some of them are knowledge of English, patience, perseverance, calmness, etc. If you do not have these skills, then the likelihood of success may be low if this knowledge is not given to you through paid training.

3. Lack of persistence and patience
The most basic reason why not everyone makes money from money making schemes is due to lack of persistence and patience. To earn a lot of money, you need to be persistent and patient. In most cases, success does not come immediately, but after many attempts and errors. If you do not have persistence and patience, then the likelihood of success will be low.

4. Lack of planning and strategy
Another reason why not everyone makes money from carding schemes is the lack of planning and strategy. Many carders simply start working without a clear plan or strategy to help them achieve their goals. If you don't have a plan or strategy, the likelihood of success will be low.

In conclusion, making money from carding schemes can be a good way to make money, but only if you understand how to work and know what to expect. If you want to make money from schemes, then you need to be persistent, patient, have knowledge and skills, and have a plan and strategy.


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Thank you for this post.
I’ve failed numerous times and am yet to succeed. But everytime I fail I learn something new.
I’ve found a great proxy that is clean, finally found a good vendor, and have learnt how to check bins to ensure they are non vbv.
Now I’ve got my setup and carding info done I’m moving onto exploring methods to cash out ccvs. I’m looking at the Ticketmaster method you showed earlier, however I am also exploring purchasing electronics and sending them to a drop address.
Can you recommend anyone who I can send goods to and in return they transfer me my portion of it? Lots of the drops section are filled with people looking for drops, not the other way round.
I’d really like to learn some methods to put my theory into practise!


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Thank you for this post.
I’ve failed numerous times and am yet to succeed. But everytime I fail I learn something new.
I’ve found a great proxy that is clean, finally found a good vendor, and have learnt how to check bins to ensure they are non vbv.
Now I’ve got my setup and carding info done I’m moving onto exploring methods to cash out ccvs. I’m looking at the Ticketmaster method you showed earlier, however I am also exploring purchasing electronics and sending them to a drop address.
Can you recommend anyone who I can send goods to and in return they transfer me my portion of it? Lots of the drops section are filled with people looking for drops, not the other way round.
I’d really like to learn some methods to put my theory into practise!
Hello, friend

Can you recommend me the clean and excellent agent you mentioned? This is what I urgently need at the moment. If possible, thank you for your recommendation!


Reaction score
Thank you for this post.
I’ve failed numerous times and am yet to succeed. But everytime I fail I learn something new.
I’ve found a great proxy that is clean, finally found a good vendor, and have learnt how to check bins to ensure they are non vbv.
Now I’ve got my setup and carding info done I’m moving onto exploring methods to cash out ccvs. I’m looking at the Ticketmaster method you showed earlier, however I am also exploring purchasing electronics and sending them to a drop address.
Can you recommend anyone who I can send goods to and in return they transfer me my portion of it? Lots of the drops section are filled with people looking for drops, not the other way round.
I’d really like to learn some methods to put my theory into practise!
Hi ,
Can you recommend some legit vendors ? For the drops maybe we can discuss about . I have some idea in mind thou.


Cloned Boy

Reaction score
Drop addresses from verified buyers for receiving goods from online stores
you can find it in the proven section "Drops for Stuff".
If you write to them for cooperation, do not say that you are a beginner, since many drop services and buyers prefer to work with professional carders and do not like to cooperate with beginners.