Why does your order cancel?✅


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Why orders gets cancelled while carding?

When a website receives an order of about $1000, we understand that they try to protect themselves. What is the first thing that a website will do to verify the order? That's right, they will call the issuing bank and will check if the billing phone number you entered is correct, otherwise they will ask for it and will ring it. You can receive the call, or the cardholder will, depending if you ATO'd the account correctly.

This is why orders get canceled when newbies enter a credit card order and expect to receive a free iPhone from the Apple store. They are not fools and want to protect themselves. However, if you took care of changing the billing number on file, you will get the call and you will be able to confirm the order.

Not so fast, a call is not simply “is everything okay?”, but rather a verification call where they want to see if you are really the cardholder or not. They sometimes ask you for verification questions similar to Verid questions, but all the questions are taken from public reports. They can also ask you if you put the shipping address on file with the bank (you hopefully did), and they will call the bank to verify. Also, in some rare cases, they can make a conference call with you and the bank, but you will be asked for the usual questions, which means last 4 of SSN, DOB, last transactions, etc.

If you are a newbie and just put some credit card information on a website hoping to get a free iPhone, you will just see the order passing to Canceled state without any details and you will not even get a call. This is the reason why people post threads about “carding does not work” and get the same answers.

If you passed the verification call, the representative will tell you that everything is okay and that they will have the order shipped out today. This is good news! At this stage, I received 100% of my items, I never had problems past the verification stage. Now you may be tempted to hit another site; resist to the temptation. You ATO'd card can almost be considered a level 4 card, at you own the account and can do whatever you want, so it has a high sentimental value. Wait for the order to ship and the package to leave the merchant before you hit another webstore.

I recommend carding in the morning, to avoid letting a charge sit on the card for too long. You never know how often a cardholder checks his statement online. I had cards that died within hours, and other ones lasted 3 months. Once the package is shipped, you can card another store, no need to call the bank, as your drop address is already on file. Repeat until the card is burnt. Once it is burnt, never show your face at the drop again. The alternate address is on the bank's records and they can send Law Enforcement to this place. A drop is like a condom, use it once, do all your business, and trash it, because it becomes dirty.

Another verification step they can take is send you an e-mail asking for scans of your ID documents, such as passport and driver's license. These can easily be photoshopped and there are templates available everywhere. Utility bills are pretty easy to forge too, so don't worry about this part. Do what you have to do, but be quick.

Another step you can take, is to put the shipping name on the package to a family member of yours, for example if the cardholder's name is James Latyon, send the package to a certain Harry Layton (find a name that's on the report and have their DOB, in case) and say you are sending the package to your son / brother / whatever relationship you have on your report.

Also, keep in mind that no method is perfect, and the website can cancel the order simply because they feel it is not safe to process it. Nothing is perfect, but if you ATO'd the account successfully, it should be easy. Remember to stay under $2000 per order. You never know what other tricks they may use to catch you.
Always choose the fastest shipping method. Some say it raises flags, but if you did everything else correctly, that will not be the reason why your order fails.


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Bonjour j’ai un problème de commande cancelled pour des giftcard a 5$ pourtant j’ai mis toutes les informations correcte. La carte est valide la commande est validée puis supprimee


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1. Set the operating system language, keyboard layout under the cardholder's address.
2. Set the time and time zone for the cardholder's address.
3. Use a quick socks5 under the address of the cardholder, check it for presence in black and spam lists.
4. Find out in the store the exact reason for the refusal to make a payment, so that we can help you. You may need to provide scans of the cardholder's documents to verify the payment.
5. Don't buy $ 5 gift cards, it's ridiculous, doesn't make any sense. A valid card costs $ 10 at the average price, most likely you are using a non-valid card that you could not verify properly or your verification result is incorrect.
6. Make sure the card has the required balance. It may be empty. Use the methods described on this forum to check your card balance.

P.S. If it doesn't work on one site, then try on another. Gift cards can be purchased from various websites.