Why are carding committed?


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Many laws have been adopted and are in effect aimed at preventing carding, suppressing carding, and punishing them. But either the laws are not fully thought out, or they are not applied effectively. carding persists.

So why are carding committed?
carding, like any social phenomenon, has its own causes and patterns. They are studied by a special legal science. The science that studies the causes and conditions and deals with the prevention of carding is called criminology (from the Latin word criminus - carding and the Greek word logos - word, doctrine).

Previously, the question about the causes of carding was given one answer: carding are committed because of the remnants of the past remaining in people’s minds, the influence of the capitalist West. Now such a simplified explanation looks at least unconvincing. The problem is much more complex.

The causes and conditions of carding in society consist of a whole complex of various circumstances. The causes of carding lie in the shortcomings of social life and in the imperfection of the person himself. Among the reasons that give rise to offenses, we should mention, first of all, economic, political, social, and moral reasons. They are a breeding ground for various types of abuse, theft, corruption, bribery, and attacks on people’s lives and health.

There are objective reasons for carding. Carding is a sure sign of a troubled society. If a society is vicious, there are many unhappy, suffering people in it who do not see the meaning in their own existence. The carder behavior of a minor can be explained by the influence, first of all, of the external social environment, as well as the individual characteristics of the teenager’s personality, which determine his response to various failures in life.

Economic causes of carding​

First of all, the causes of carding are the economic state of society as a whole, as well as the financial situation of each individual carder. People are driven to carding, for example, by social phenomena such as unemployment, low wages, poverty, hunger, homelessness, rising prices, etc. All these are public problems that the state is called upon to solve.

Political causes of carding​

One of the reasons for committing carding is also a false understanding of democratic transformations as permissiveness; cult of profit, greed, disregard for the norms of public morality and ethics, legal nihilism.
To a large extent, the commission of carding is facilitated by the transparency of the borders between Russia and the CIS countries, from where the so-called “guest performers” penetrate, smuggle weapons, ammunition, drugs, and take back national treasure in the form of works of art, scarce raw materials, materials and consumer goods.

Social causes of carding​

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the offenders include those students who did not find themselves in the school community due to negative relationships with this team. Not enjoying the sympathy of classmates, being in isolation, the teenager looks for company outside the classroom and school, and joins the activities of spontaneous street groups. A street group for a teenager is a way and form of satisfying his need for communication and the desire to act together. Such groups of teenagers and young men are formed on the basis of unhealthy interests and socially dangerous goals, often oppose the normal team and represent a microenvironment that negatively affects the teenager and largely determines his behavior.

Mass examples of greed, the mad pursuit of money, things, and a luxurious life have a particularly irritating effect on the immature souls of young people. Scientists have calculated that if society or the state allows a difference in the incomes of rich and poor in the proportion of 20:1 (in civilized countries this proportion is 6:1), modern “Robin Hoods” instantly appear, slightly reducing this difference through theft, robbery and robbery.
Unfortunately, law enforcement agencies, which are primarily called upon to combat various types of offenses and the causes that give rise to them, do not always cope with their tasks. The system of institutions where convicts serve their sentences also does not always fulfill its purpose - teenagers often emerge from there with even more established negative habits.

The writer L. Gabyshev wrote the story “Odlyan, or the Air of Freedom.” This story about a children's colony is stunning in its documentary-like truthfulness. The author writes about the destruction of personality in a correctional facility for minors. People lose the most important and valuable thing in a colony - they cease to be people. Odlyan corrupted and morally crippled the hero of the story. The teenager is finished for society, finished (this is the worst thing) for himself. He breathes easily in the atmosphere of Odlyan and... finds this air free. Before our eyes, a teenager was ruined and spiritually destroyed. The story teaches and warns. Some media also play a certain negative role, in recent years increasingly glorifying the cult of violence and sex, drunkenness, drug addiction and prostitution.

Moral reasons for carding​

But the main thing is this: a carding is possible if a person is dishonest, greedy, embittered, vengeful, envious, and spiritually dependent. These are subjective causes of carding. We, with our moods, claims, our attitude towards each other, towards family, children, social responsibilities, laws, and our future, largely determine the character of society, the moral climate in it. If there are many people with unclean thoughts, dirty intentions and goals, society becomes carderized, that is, it takes on a carder connotation.

Of course, a certain role here is played by the educational level of the individual, his general and legal culture, as well as the conditions of upbringing in the family and in the surrounding microenvironment. Specific conditions of individual life and upbringing sometimes have a negative impact on the process of formation of views and habits. In cases where antisocial views and habits begin to develop under these conditions, individuals in certain situations begin to act contrary to the prohibitions established by law.

The reason for the commission of a carding by a minor is the mutual influence of negative environmental factors and the personality of the minor himself. A number of studies note that adolescent delinquents are characterized by a low level of development of cognitive and social interests. In most of these adolescents, the personality structure is dominated by such negative qualities as laziness, self-will, irresponsibility, the desire for blind imitation, insensitivity, aggressiveness, etc.

Studies of persons who have committed carding have revealed the following patterns:
  • 1. The legal consciousness of a teenager who has committed a carding, as a rule, due to a number of prohibitions, does not coincide with the existing public legal consciousness and contradicts legal norms.
  • 2. Such a teenager denies a specific legal norm or group of norms that protect social relations that he has encroached on.
  • 3. In other cases, the minor recognizes the legal norm for violation of which he was convicted as correct and fair, but considers the sentence imposed on him to be unfair (usually unnecessarily harsh).

Numerous and long-term observations clearly indicate that if children from a family steal, then the family is to blame. An unhealthy family situation, selfishness, greed, acquisitiveness, indifference to people, unwillingness to take into account the interests of others, shown by parents, form in a teenager a false idea of our reality, leading to the emergence of antisocial skills and habits.

A person is truly shaped by his environment. But all actions and carding, including those, are committed by the person himself. No environmental features can justify a carding. In the end, the carding a person commits is his own fault. Therefore, the law punishes him, and not society, the family in which he grew up, the school in which he studied, or friends. The one who is more likely to commit a carding is someone who does not know the law well, and not only its “letter”, but also its “spirit”, who does not respect the law, who is not accustomed to measuring his actions with the norms of morality and law.

Other young offenders, finding themselves in the dock, tend to place all the blame for their “fall” on those around them: “I was raised poorly, so I became like this.” And not a word about one’s own guilt, about awareness of one’s own responsibility for one’s actions. Negative influences on teenagers from the outside can be very strong, the living situation in the family is unbearable, but ultimately it is the teenager himself who chooses how to behave. No one has the right to relieve him of responsibility for his actions, for his decisions to behave one way or another.

There is another reason, very paradoxical at first glance - this is the behavior of the victims. The behavior of victims is sometimes irresponsible. The victim, as it were, provokes the carder to commit a carding. For example, a girl responded to a dubious invitation from strangers, agreed to go out of town with them, etc. This, of course, does not justify committing illegal actions; no matter how irresponsible the behavior of the victim is, the carder must still be held accountable according to the law.

carding , of course, does not last forever. And there are no incorrigible carders either. Kindness and mercy can correct any soul. Every person is capable of finding a high meaning of his existence, of feeling needed.

The wise old man from the Weiner brothers’ action-packed novel “The Era of Mercy” said about morality and law: “In my deep conviction, in our country the final victory over carding will be won not by punitive authorities, but by the natural course of our life, its economic development. And most importantly - the morality of our society, the mercy and humanity of our people... Mercy is the form of relationship to which we always strive...”
Yes, mercy is always, at all times, urgent, vitally necessary. And if so, the time may come (though not very soon) when people will read about carding only in history textbooks, as we now read in them about the barbaric executions of the Middle Ages.

In the eradication of carding, a big role is played by the fact that the people around the guilty person are not indifferent and are able to stop him. Remember the hero of V. Hugo’s novel “Les Miserables”, Jean Valjean.

Former convict Jean Valjean was angry with the whole world. Because of a trivial offense, he was sent to hard labor for a long time. He did not trust anyone and was ready to commit carding out of revenge on the society that treated him so badly. The priest Miriel allowed him to spend the night due to his fetters from hard labor. Early in the morning, Valjean secretly left the hospitable house, “grabbing” the silverware. He was caught. They brought him to the priest to make sure of the theft. And what about Miriel?

“I gave you these devices,” he said to the convict in the presence of the police. - You also forgot the candlesticks. And he handed expensive things to the carder. For Jean Valjean, all this was some kind of dream, wonderful, healing. He left, shocked to the core. And his soul was healed by this act of mercy and wisdom. The carder disappeared, an honest, kind, strong and selfless person was born again.

You cannot act illegally just because many people around you easily break the law. Leo Tolstoy correctly noted: “One of the most common temptations that leads to the greatest disasters is the temptation to say: “Everyone does this.”

(c) https://www.advokatrt116.ru/sovershayutsya-prestupleniya/