Where to start for a beginner in carding?


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Hello everyone!

Today we will analyze how you can start making money for a beginner in carding.

Working with PayPal / Ebay / Amazon logs
Logs are data from the stealer, which has a cardholder system, ip, accounts, cookies, autocomplete, a screenshot.

In logs, you can raise your first 2-3k dollars with a small start-up capital.

You can even take detention and beat Gift. If you want a larger amount, you will already need a whole log that is not used by anyone. I advise you to take the EU PP in this case. You can try making sends or deposits to the balance, after which sends.

Everything is simple, see our article

(by the way, one of the methods to raise the first capital),
we do the same with logs. We take EU countries and hammer with a change, you can safely grab the last iPhone.
You can work both with vpn, and adjust closely to the cardholder through the sock, if the acc is bold.

Gift goes well, the main thing is to find a decent seller or shop.

Here things are more complicated, if you want to drive in the stuff, you will have to reroute.
It is best to drive in Gift here if you have no experience in reroute. If it asks for the card number, we look at the autocomplete, if the exp, then we check in other accounts that are in the log.

Working with PayPal self-registers
Who has not done a manual on PayPal self-registers, so I will not paint too much. I will tell you about the errors of these manuals:

1) Work with English Basics + Portable Mozilla / Chrome. Not many people know how to work with the sphere.
2) Use openvpn or pptp.
3) Don't be afraid to go shopping. Antifraud points are given for donation.
4) Learn to refat correctly.

Carding CC
The most costly start for a beginner, since often invalid + you need to break through the af of one or another shop.
Read this article, it may help you. I advise you to work with CC in the direction of the bays, since now there are a lot of people working on various sites / funds / hosts. Likewise, you can bend and fill yourself.

For training, you can beat e-Gift Card and Stuff with a different billing - shipping, but you will need to look for a shop.
Profit with gulfs and competent work starts from $ 20k per month.
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Everything about carding 2024
Hi anonymous. In this article, I would like to tell you about carding, what directions there are, how much you can earn and where to start.

Directions in carding
First of all, let's start with the fact that there is online and offline carding, I will not touch on the latter, because everything is quite clear there and the risk of getting caught is very high.
  1. PayPal self- registers - well, I already wrote about them in previous posts, you create an account in pp using other people's data. And then you swing, refactor, deposit and withdraw the balance through the cashier. The level is medium.
  2. Driving into eBay is the most hackneyed topic. All that is needed for work is a Dedicated Server (RDP), a stolen ebay account, with a screwed on ss or pp. You go into your account - you buy a product. You give the rerouter $ 5 per reroute and he sends the goods to the drop / buy. The level is easy.
  3. CC is a pretty interesting and complex topic. You buy cards, look for the shop you need - you hit (but there are sooo many pitfalls). And if you could have spent 500 rubles to drive in things from the ebey, then here you will have to spend much more on training and driving in. Cards here cost from $ 5 to $ 50 and not all purchased cards may be valid. But it also gives here for much larger sums. The level is difficult.
  4. Hotels / Air - Would you like to send your parents to a free resort in Cyprus? Paying only for the mat? Then this topic should be of interest to you, I will not paint here at all. This is done only by the most experienced of the experienced, usually for a hotel they charge from 30-40% of the hotel price. Level - Expert.
  5. The gulfs are a topic that everyone has heard about because it is the most profitable. The bay is when, for example, with one (stolen card), money is poured into another (already their own). The level is difficult.

How much can you earn?
- It all depends on your skill and how many hours a day you work. Earnings can be either $ 1k or $ 20k. Everything depends on you.

Where should you start?
- From reading the carding manuals, also start with a topic that you like, but I do not advise you to go straight into complex topics, as you need to get comfortable in terms, to know how fraud works, where you can find stingy / customers.

Well, that article comes to its logical conclusion and it's time to say goodbye. In general, as always, good luck to everyone, do not score and achieve your goals. Well, I went.
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