Where to blame a dishonest person?


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Russia has an extradition treaty with only a third of all countries in the world, but do not write off going to the remaining countries, because do not forget about interpol and many other factors. Remember 3 rules that must be followed to get people interested in you:
- You are a citizen of the Russian Federation. Even if you have dual citizenship, the Russian Federation still considers you its citizen. If you do not have Russian citizenship or have revoked it, then live quietly anywhere.
- You committed a crime while on the territory of the Russian Federation. If you have committed a crime while in another country, even without being extradited, then all Russia can do is send the materials it has and hope for a fair trial.
- You have caused major damage to the country or citizens of the Russian Federation. I suspect that at least $ 1 million must first be obtained by criminal means in order to start expecting someone to think about sending a request for your arrest and subsequent extradition.

At the same time, it is not so important whether or not a bilateral extradition treaty has been signed, only the current political relations are important.

First of all, I will consider the countries that are close to us.

It would seem that it is obvious that the Russians need to fall in love with Russia - Ukraine. But this is a bad choice, because despite the war and the occupation of the territory, Ukraine has not severed all diplomatic contacts. Officially, only businessmen and those charged with political crimes were excluded from extradition. Its landmarks are also constantly changing - forget about Ukraine.

And here Georgia has not forgotten the aggression and occupation of a fifth of its country. In this regard, even despite the extradition treaty and the warming of relations after the conflict, it does not make contact with the Russian Federation. Georgia is also the cheapest choice. But the standard of living leaves much to be desired and we hope that the country will continue to develop, and also never forget a stab in the back from its neighbor.

Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia. A warming of relations with the Russian Federation can not be expected as long as the Soviet generation is still alive and as long as Russia, at least, has not apologized for the occupation of these countries in the second world war. What is most confusing here is controversial legislation, such as the extradition of their own citizens. If you choose a specific one, then Estonia looks the most promising, and my Latvia looks the least promising.

From the near abroad, of course, there is still the Republic of Belarus without issuing to the Russian Federation, but with its legislation, it is better never to go there. China, which also does not have a treaty with the Russian Federation, but the legislation is not at all humane.

Once the east is mentioned, it is worth noting South Korea, which is not involved in such matters as extradition and Japan, which has not yet reconciled with the Russian Federation since the latter's attack in 45.

Great Britain, USA, Sweden.

And the most interesting thing is not recognized countries

The perfect choice for not the most honest people - Northern Cyprus.

Of the unrecognized ones, there is also, for example, Kosovo.