Where can I get materials for my carding work?


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Introduction: In the current reality, it is quite difficult to talk about the quality of the material sold, and even more so about any guarantees.But still, the main points about where to get the material, and how not to get caught in a divorce, read in this article .

Basic Methods Of CC Mining.​

Method 1

You are creating a website, such as an online store.
Link the payment merchant to the site(if it exists, but it is not always required). You buy a program code called-JS Sniffer. The snifak is embedded in the site. They pour in traffic and get a profit.

The main problem is what kind of traffic you will have if the LC profit is small enough.

It also depends quite a lot on the offer you are sending to, and so on.

The banality lies in the fact that having garters for high traffic you can earn more from adult or gambling, so everyone's choice.

What does Sniffer do ? Copies the victim's entered information and sends it to your server.

Method 2

Access to someone else's site is purchased,
called - Shell. The site already has some stable traffic. The shell price depends on the quality. If the site has a good flow of customers, then the price list will be appropriate. Then a sniffer is sewn into this site and the entered cardholder data is sent to you on the specified server.

The main difficulty lies in the fact that for an ordinary "Mother's Kirder" this is not available, the entry threshold is not even$ 10k, if we are talking about passing resources. If we are talking about the top ones, there will be less than$ 100k.

Method 3

Phishing callback
. There are entire call centers dedicated to this topic. Most often, they are looking for drops in other countries for linking CC to a Gpay / Apay and then going to the shop, or they will be sent via an ATM with NFC (contactless payment) function, but only if you can find out the PIN.As for me, this is не особо актуальное движение that doesn't even make sense to enter, the entry threshold is too high + you need to have a lot of connections, there is not enough major here.I will not even raise the topic regarding work in the field + the viability of drops with which you work, the service life of 1 msc ceiling, then interrogations and unnecessary questions to the employees to whom they serve.

Better score, score 1/10.

Method 4

A keylogger
. They infect the PC with some stealer or other virus and throw a keylogger in the kit. This is such a thing that records all your keyboard inputs, mouse movements and clicks, date and time, and additionally screenshots and videos of the screen can be made, as well as copies data from the clipboard.Stealers. A much scarier tool that I really respect. If it's easier: when you get stealer, you automatically say goodbye to all the data on your PC (Passwords, cookies, history, your accounts, and so on)This fun movement comes across very famous brands, which is only worth the story with ikea who gave$ 400k for their Instagram account, so there is a lot to roam.

Obviously, when buying material, be careful - always check what they sell you, make a bin check, connect check, bg check, valid check - absolutely, and if you are dissuaded - send the fuck these guys, nothing else. In our life, first the chairs - then the money, and nothing else!

My personal opinion is that stuff carding
is the easiest / safest/ most profitable direction. You do not need to have seven spans in your forehead to drive a thing, but in fact the turnover and income will be in the first echelons.[/B]