What skimmer good for start?

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From time to time, people without any experience in skimming turn to for a purchase.
During familiarization with the products of our service (in some cases), the buyer gets an understanding (in possible) lack of knowledge,
on some important skimming issues.

The most common question is "which skimmer should I start with?"
Buyers with no experience in skimming, in principle the word "newbies" is not used, because a person who has managed to find one of the profile, proven forums, carder.market, in the sea of ​​scam forums that have flooded Google, and is such a forum, such a person is no longer a "beginner".

And so, let's consider without unnecessary water what such a buyer wants.
And this is what he wants, without going into details for which country he will work, to find out which equipment to start with.
So much so that the equipment would be suitable for the most common atmas, such that they would be in Europe, and in the USA and the CIS, including Russia.
The buyer, although without experience, understands that the carding community is against working in Ru and the CIS countries, but nevertheless (nevertheless, however, despite this) carefully specifies whether the equipment will work in these countries.
Well, the point of view of such a person is understandable, and in his own way he is really right, being interested in such issues, because it is no secret for anyone that the existence of so-called double standards, as an example, it is forbidden to discuss the topic of work on Ru and the CIS countries, but to work or not according to them, on the conscience of everyone.
And geopolitical events dictate new tendencies, “yesterday” Ukraine was the CIS, but “tomorrow” is no longer in the CIS.
In which country to install the equipment, the buyer himself chooses.
Our service can recommend but not prohibit.

And so, what kit should a buyer with no experience in skimming choose?
As a rule, they want equipment that is not expensive, at an adequate price, quality must correspond and the setting must be complex, or even better, elementary and "according to the same countries" (well, how would everyone understand what it is about), so that the equipment works, and the video camera should preferably be built into the skimmer itself.
After all, attach the bar with the camera and skimmer
to the card collector separately, more difficult than the 2 in 1 skimmer at once.
And the person understands that jcm and other kits are often too complex, both in installation and in the technical part.
Yes, prices can bite, and if you lose the kit on the first installation, then this is not good.
But a skimmer is a consumable, and this must be understood from the beginning.
And after reading at least a little theory, a person understands that flash skimmers, fuels and lubricants skimmers are already (possibly) useless for a long time, in those regions,
where a person is going to put equipment on the atma, and the choice, of course, depends on the audio technology.

A high-quality audio skimmer will cope with proactive protection in the form of jitters (jitter, this is a device that makes the entry of the card into the card reader not smooth, but in jerks, which makes it difficult or in some cases does not allow skimmers to read the map track) and also with electronic warfare (radio electronic warfare, magnetic shumka on atm) in most cases will read.

And so, there are not many skimmers that meet these criteria.
One of these is the Diebold 2 in 1 skimmer, which has a built-in camera.

The skimmer is not difficult to install. Practical. Mounting the skimmer for atm, if you do not go into details, looks like this,
it is enough to glue it on the back side, as shown in the photographs, with double-sided tape on a foam or polypropylene base and attach it to the card collector.
The camera built into the skimmer will record the numbers typed on the pinpad, but high-quality audio electronics, count the dumps from plastic cards and write them to the high-speed Microsd.
Suitable for all atmas of the Diebold Optivea brand, from those in the photographs.

password: reklama999

photo 1. atm without skimmer:

photo 2. atm with installed skimmer:

photo 3. skimmer:

photo 4. skimmer:

The photos show the equipment of our Skimming Service.

This atm is widespread throughout the world. By purchasing Diebold 2 in 1, the buyer gets what meets the main criteria considered
in this study (well, or an essay written with the aim of nudging the buyer and dispelling the very doubts that may interfere with making the right choice).

Let's start with the device, which the author called EW (electronic warfare) - this is an ordinary GSh (noise generator), which consists of a block, i.e. the noise generator itself and the circular antenna, which is installed on the inside of the ATM around the slot of the card reader. Although this antenna does not have directional action, the main effect takes place exactly where the "skimmer cap" is installed.
But what about the ATM itself? - you ask, because there is also the reading of the card tape and all this on flash and no dances with tambourines.
And the trick here is this: the GSH is not the factory part of the ATM, but protection from our brother, invented later by the unpunished actions of this very brother.
And accordingly, like any tuning, all additions to the ATM should not interfere with the operation of this ATM and not cause alterations to the ATM, otherwise the inventor of this very protection can safely install it in one place so that nothing unnecessary is shoved there.
So, the work of the GS is focused on the outer part of the ATM, it turns on when the shutter of the card capture reader is opened (when the card is inserted, you can hear a squeak) and turns off after the shutter of the card capture reader is closed.
So why isn't the ATM responding to it? Well, firstly, because it turns on and off at a time when the ATM card reader is not reading the card, but secondly and most importantly, it is a common ground loop. All the details of any electronic device are combined on the ground and even the most complex apparatus consisting of many separate blocks turns into a single whole. Accordingly, the GS is part of the ATM and the interference generated by it goes into the ground on the parts of the ATM (to describe the whole process in detail, I will have to lay out a pack of lectures on electrical engineering for the third year of the Institute of Communications and Informatics, which I certainly will not do - an inquisitive mind will figure out details).
So what we have come to - you need to properly ground! As the author of the article correctly pointed out, screens are made. What is a screen? - in fact, there is nothing supernatural - it is the metal body of the skimmer, which collects interference on itself and if it is connected to the ATM body (the tape on which the external skimmer is glued, the paint of the ATM body are dielectrics and, accordingly, there can be no talk of any grounding) and drains interference to the ground. BUT!!! the presence of a metal case does not yet guarantee protection from GSH, here the same ground comes to our aid, namely the need to ground its electronic components to the skimmer case.
These two measures are quite enough so that your audio or flash guts do not experience discomfort from interacting with the GS. But there is a third addition, together with which you will 100% protect your device from interference - this is a frequency filter. What is a frequency filter - take a look at the USB printer cord - see a plastic bomb around the cable? - this is a frequency filter made of ferromagnetic material (again, I will not delve into electrical engineering of the 2nd year, who is interested in figuring out what ferromagnets are and frequency filters made of them). So it is enough to pass the wires going from the magnetic head to the electronics through the frequency filter ring and the end of the interference.
To summarize: 1. good immunity to GSH in metal skimmers connected to the common grounding circuit of the ATM.
2. Excellent immunity to HS in metal skimmers with ground decoupling of its electronic components.
3.100% immunity to HS for metal skimmers with ground isolation and frequency filter.
Now let's move on to jitter - a device that ensures the translational movement of the card at the entrance to the card reader (inside the card reader the card moves continuously at one speed).
Everything is much simpler here than with the GSh, modern flash guts allow you to record a track as in one pass forward, in one pass back and also in two passes forward and backward, i.e. the dump is formed from two parts, in addition, they allow you to record even when the card is suspended and then resumed. Therefore, in this part, the advantage of audio over flash is doubtful.

And now about the real electronic warfare (radio electronic warfare), yes, this exists in the protection segment, although I found only a domestic development, which was developed by one office at the request of Sberbank, but this does not mean that their foreign colleagues have nothing like this. And so the essence of this device is as follows: just like in the case of the HS, a circular antenna is located on the inside of the ATM around the card collector, which catches the magnetic field that takes place around the head of the skimmer. So the device detects this field and, usually within three minutes, if this field does not disappear, then the ATM goes to the auto-service, and a message corresponding to the internal settings is sent to the bank's remote control - SKIMMER. Both audio and flash are powerless against this protection. You can identify it by holding the magnet to the ATM body next to the card reader and holding it for about 3 minutes, if it does not turn off - everything is buzzing. You can bypass using an internal skimmer, since the protection action is directed to the external part by the card collector, the external skimmer will be detected at 80%.
There are also a number of skimming protections, but they are no longer related to the electronic filling of the skimmer, we will not touch on them, since in this post I wanted to talk about the "superiority" of audio over flash.
My personal opinion on this matter is this: sellers of audio skimmers deliberately or out of their own illiteracy mislead their customers with a banal purpose - MONEY. After all, it's a no-brainer where in 70% of cases they will go to decode their audio dumps. The buyer - of course, to the one who sold this device to him, because they didn't throw it and everything was "honestly" sold and explained, and the happy seller, having made money on the sale, continues to earn money. decoding, such is the perpetual motion machine.
Well, actually on the topic raised in this article - which skimmer to choose? It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer because there are too many factors influencing this choice, but one thing is clear - quality and as an electronics seller in Harbin once told me: “why do you think that quality should be cheap? Even if it is made in China ”, therefore it is unlikely to be cheap, and you are not rich enough to afford something cheap.
And do not forget that a miser pays twice, a greedy one - three times, but a goof - CONSTANTLY!