What should the owner of a plastic card do if carders are "shod"?


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Greetings to all, so I decided to write another article about carders entirely, and what to do if you are "shod".
First, let's talk about carders in general, what is carding, and carding from the point of view of the law. Every cardholder should know that they should protect their card as the apple of the eye of the powers that be, and keep their PIN code and other data secret. But often these very simple measures are not enough. I will not delve into banking terminology and will tell you on behalf of the carder, so to speak, in a publicly accessible language. After all, often a simple operation of withdrawing cash from an ATM can end badly for your pocket. The purpose of this article is to find out in advance what you are still risking, and to be prepared for specific actions. First, I will tell you about the most common ways to take possession and spend with other people's cards. These methods, according to their chronology, are both primitive and often ridiculous, and well-thought-out using special technical means.
The most common method is the extraction of card details for further use for purchases in online stores. You don't have to make a copy of the card, but it's very nice to spend other people's money, isn't it?

The next method is to copy credit cards using special software and hardware tools in collusion with the store's employees. In Russia, this method is least common, as there are many nuances: they check the documents for the authenticity of the cardholder, verify signatures, call the bank that issued the card (the issuing bank)
Also, a very rare method is collusion with bank employees, people working in banks can submit (sell) the necessary information to carders. And from this, alas, not everyone is immune.
To the question of so-called savvy, some "scammers" install web cameras on ATMs.
There are also curious cases. For example, in my memory, there were rumors that "scammers" installed their own portable ATMs in places with a large crowd of people. Yes, yes, you heard right, this is not a typo, but still there are such proven methods. I want to note that this method is very expensive, but one hundred percent correct. Of course, the ATM does not work, it just reads the necessary information from the card, and then one day it is removed.

In Russia, the scale of activity of carders (people engaged in scams with plastic cards) is small. Maybe because most Russian carders don't work in the country where they live. This is a kind of moral principle, and on the other hand, the guarantee of safety is not to be seized by our valiant bodies.
While I have abstractly explained the most common methods of fraud, without delving into the terminology, the benefit of the article is written not only for people interested in this (novice carders), but also for ordinary "mortals". I would like to talk a little bit about carders in general. You probably think about the question " who are carders?", "why do they do this?", "do they have any principles?", these and other questions I will try to explain to you.
A carder is primarily a person who has a good command of a computer, well, above average, so to speak. What drives people to make such a specific type of income, I do not even know. Probably, this is everyone's business, how and how to earn a living. I would like to note that caders are divided into so-called unspoken categories. I start down the hierarchy ladder.

In the first place, the so-called "gurus", maybe this word sounds too provocative, but after what is written below, you will draw conclusions. These are well-known, respected and honest people that everyone is trying to imitate. Whose opinion is usually taken into account and whose words are perceived almost as an axiom. These are very experienced people, often with higher education (and more than one), although there are so-called "self-taught" ones. Often, they don't have to bother with work, they are hired by the people they hired (mostly novice carders) and bring them a good income. These are people with extensive knowledge, even in their own way pros in their field, who own advanced security tools, and the most sophisticated cryptography methods. Such people are professionals in everything, and this also applies to banking structures. There are also experienced programmers who earn income from their "creations". Believe me, the income of such people is fabulous figures. These are the people who deserve the recognition of society as a kind of elite carding.
Then there are experienced people, that is, those people who earn a decent amount of money on their craft, and also have mastered all the" charms " of carding perfectly. Newcomers also work for such people. As in the first case, these are people with an impeccable reputation in society. Yes, yes, I did not miss a word again, carding develops a society (community) with moral and ethical foundations and rules.
Then there are people for whom carding is a kind of hobby, mostly experienced people who have a job, or even more than one. There are a lot of such people.
Well, we finally got to the most painful topic-BEGINNERS. I don't think it's worth explaining who they are. These are people who are so to speak "interested" and fluctuate between the law and money. Most of them will consider what area of carding they will work in. And as it should be in a civilized society, the younger ones are helped by the older ones. I can say that newcomers are most often caught by our law enforcement agencies. Perhaps because of their naivety and lack of caution, the desire to make money quickly by spending a minimum of time and money on this, using any means of caution. I would like to note that the age limit of such people is from 15 to 18 years, and rarely exceeds 20, mostly "schoolchildren". Often these people do not have an exclusive understanding of the law, and without the slightest idea of the legal framework of the country.

And finally, as in any society, there is a kind of negative-these are "scammers". That is, people with a minimum of knowledge, and just deciding to make easy money in the most sophisticated way — this is a deception of their own comrades in the "shop". But the actions of such people are stopped, and everything possible is done to prevent this from happening again.
So I told you a little about the hierarchical ladder of the carder community, and, moreover, noting the most significant nuances, and there are other people who are part of the so-called "family". These are hackers, programmers, lawyers, and designers, but we'll cover this in other articles.
There are various reasons that push such people to do this, as I mentioned earlier. These are mainly material problems. After all, you will agree that everyone wants a beautiful life, to drive beautiful cars, to live in beautiful conditions. Why is this so common in Russia? I think there will be a lot of opinions on this question. Maybe because of the specifics of the Russian people, because you will agree, everyone says democracy, democracy, and we have the most that does not eat capitalism. And looking at people who are rich and successful, I feel a little like living like them. Why can they live like this and we can't? After all, it turns out that there is fraud, and here, only some of them do not disdain morals and principles. Maybe this is a specific misunderstanding and dislike of others, against the background of the collapse of the USSR, and what was done with Russia in subsequent years. Mostly the target of Russian carders is America, but recently Europe has been suffering from us as well. Why? That's why everyone decides for themselves, and is guided by their own principles. Carders have their own unspoken code of honor, which everyone understands in their own way. You probably think that these people are devoid of any concepts of justice, but they are not. We often help orphaned children, disabled people and just those people who need it. It may not help all people, but for some it is a tangible help. There are many such examples, but I will not go into details, but often this help can brighten up someone's life, and sometimes it gives them a chance to live. Please excuse me, but we do not shy away from money to help those in need. Most of the time, it may be behind the scenes, but we don't need any publicity, given the specifications of our craft. And it is not so easy to deal with us, there are many holes and nuances in our legislation, which we will often take advantage of. And the security forces are shedding their pants in their offices and biting their nails because of their inability to influence us. As long as there is the Internet and information technology, there will be us, hackers and other similar people. While there is progress, we are also making progress! Demand, as you know, always creates supply. And a small genius and villainy are very common things.
Now let's talk about the purpose of our article, this is how to protect yourself.
How to make sure that my data is not stolen by carders... the simplest rules.

If the most important thing for a counterfeiter is to fake the drawing on the bill, then for a carder it is to copy the information contained on the magnetic stripe of a credit card. Moreover, this procedure does not require any special qualifications — it is enough to be able to use a regular computer, and have certain software and hardware tools to put a set of codes on the strip, by which any ATM anywhere in the world will read what kind of client is in front of him, in which bank he has an account and how much money is on it. This information packet is also called a dump.

Dumps are stored in banks or companies that support the operation of international payment systems, and are protected from prying eyes by dozens of security programs with passwords known to a very narrow circle of people. The carder needs to somehow get into the bank's database. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that he cannot do without an accomplice on the other side of the "window".
If you are a victim of carders, don't despair. Despite the seemingly hopeless situation, you have a good chance to get your money back. The first thing to do if you find your plastic card missing is to call the bank and block it.
Often, the Russian banks card issue agreement states that after a statement about the loss/loss of the card, all financial costs are borne by the bank. So you should hurry up and report the loss to the bank as soon as possible. If your card is stolen, the less time you give the criminal, the more money you will have left in your account. It may also be the case that you, as a conscientious cardholder, keep it with you, without performing any operations, and suddenly, on the day when the invoice statement is due, you are surprised to notice that the funds on your card have "decreased". In this case, you should immediately call the bank and report suspicious transactions. In turn, you will need to block the card, for one simple reason that the fraudster has become aware of your card details, and there is a great risk of repeated transactions.

Next, you go to the bank and write a statement of disagreement with the transaction. In the application, in addition to the standard data (last name, first name, patronymic, contact information, type of payment card, its number and expiration date), you will need to specify the currency and amount of the disputed transaction, the date of its completion and the number in the payment system, as well as the name or code of the store or terminal where it is located conducted. All this can be found in the bank statement, which you need to take with you. After you sign the application, the bank will accept it for consideration. First of all, the bank will try to establish who is responsible for the fraudulent transaction. There are two options: the issuing bank that issued the card for the client, and the acquiring bank that serves the retail outlet where the operation was performed. The acquiring bank is responsible for a fraudulent transaction if "its" store paid with a stolen card and the signature on the receipt is clearly not similar to yours. In this case, the bank will definitely return the stolen amount, and then it will deal with the store or restaurant whose employee served the scammers. In addition, the acquiring bank is responsible for transactions conducted on the Internet. It is much less likely to return money if the issuing bank is recognized as the responsible party. This happens, for example, when the receipt has a signature that even remotely resembles yours.

As a rule, in such situations, the issuing bank is responsible. According to the card issue agreement, the client has the full right to refuse claims for all transactions made before the card was blocked. Often, banks do not want to lose customers, and take out quarrels from the hut by demonstrating their mistake. The money will be returned only if the bank does not have the slightest doubt about your honesty. And these doubts may appear if, for example, you have previously applied to the bank with a statement about a fraudulent transaction. But the chances of compensation for stolen goods increase if the money was withdrawn at an ATM in another country, and you did not leave anywhere. In this case, the claim statement must be accompanied by all documents that can confirm that you did not perform this operation: receipts signed by you about card operations (they will confirm that the card was with you), medical certificates, a certificate from the place of work, etc... But if your application is considered, you will need to: if you are refused, then do not despair, but simply go to court. According to the " Regulation on the Procedure for Issuing bank Cards by Credit Institutions and making settlements on Transactions made with their Use, any document confirming the card operation must contain the client's signature. And the bank does not have the right to charge money from the cardholder's account if this document is not available or it was forged. In this case, the court will most likely take the client's side, without taking into account any points of the contract.
If the disputed transaction was carried out, for example, at an ATM or via the Internet (now many banks offer cardholders to manage their account using the Internet), then the signature will be a pin code or a special digital password-an analog of a handwritten signature. It is not easy to challenge signed transactions in court, but it is possible. After all, "According to Article 7 of the Law "On Consumer Protection", the consumer has the right to provide him with safe services. This article was referred to by a client who was refused compensation for stolen money by our bank. In this case, the client was not provided with such a service, because the fraudsters managed to fake the card. And the court ordered the bank to return the stolen money." So in this case, it is mainly banks that suffer from the actions of carders.
In Russia, there is an increase in the number of electronic attacks on the information resources of banking structures. Now we will try to find out how to understand that carders have taken over your data. This issue is very relevant today, because more and more people are using bank cards. Often, the only way to find out is to pay with a card in a store or try to withdraw cash from an ATM, but to your surprise, it turns out that your money has "disappeared". As I wrote earlier, first of all, it is necessary to apply not to the police with a statement about the theft or loss of the card, but to your bank, so that criminals do not have the opportunity to withdraw all the money from your card. According to bank employees, copying is the most common and painful phenomenon for banks. There are several countries that are most dangerous: Australia, Bulgaria, Venezuela, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine and South Africa. But for Russian holders, the most relevant are their favorite vacation destinations — Thailand and Turkey. Oddly enough, Ukraine, which is close to us, has also become a zone of special risk for Russians in this regard. Moreover, in addition to copying the magnetic stripe, fraudsters learn the PIN code of the cardholder, this happens when the holder uses his card at an ATM. According to unofficial information, employees of Ukrainian banks and processing centers were involved in this. Last summer, by the way, some Russian banks completely closed Ukraine for their holders, operations from there were simply not allowed. But, according to law enforcement agencies, cybercrimes in the banking sector are committed much more than recorded. This is primarily due to the reluctance of banks and payment systems to report successful attacks on customer accounts. Thus, scaring off your customers. How to protect yourself? Hmm ... the question is funny for me as a carder, because as long as there is an Internet connection and high technologies, we keep up with the times by coming up with new and proven methods of stealing data from cards. Well, I'll tell you the most important aspects of how to protect yourself from "cyber thieves". Russian banks, in turn, offer holders to take care of the impossibility of withdrawing money from their accounts themselves, taking on half of the costs associated with using SMS messages. In most banks, the cardholder can connect to the system of informing about card transactions by using short messages that will be sent to their mobile phone. This allows you not only to immediately find out about an unauthorized operation on the card, but also to immediately block it yourself. In addition, you can now manage your card limits. That is, you can make the daily withdrawal limit to about 10 thousand rubles. at that time, if suddenly carders still get to you, and try to withdraw, for example, 100 thousand rubles, then this operation will not work. This service is more profitable than blocking the card, they block the account for you for free, but you will have to pay for unblocking the card.

There are still some ways to protect yourself. In order not to suspect, say, a waiter in a restaurant of potential fraud, do not give him the card in his hands. Request that the reader be brought to your table and that the withdrawal of money from your account take place in your presence. The same thing should happen in various stores and other organizations where you decide to use a credit card to pay for services. Moreover, even if you intend to withdraw money from your ATM account yourself, make sure to block the keyboard as much as possible when typing the PIN code. Well, and, of course, it does not hurt to cover the cherished numbers by covering the keyboard row with your hand.
So — if you still want to use a credit card online, then:
1. Open a card in a large bank that has its own processing center and allows you to quickly control the balance on the account
2. Do not keep all your money on this credit card (do not use salary credit card!!!), you risk losing everything you have.
3. If possible, monitor your account balance. In the case of electronic authorization, the balance amount is reduced in real time. In the case of offline authorization, it must be debited within approximately two weeks from the date of the transaction.
4. If you feel that something is wrong with your card, immediately take a bank statement — where the details of the point of sale should be indicated, allowing it to be identified (at least approximately). If you can't identify "your" transactions, a) ask your bank to challenge them and b) put the card on a stop list (the costs you will incur in this case are incomparably less than what you may lose). However, you can decide for yourself — it may well be that you just don't remember where you were two weeks ago. By the way, usually "attacks" on the account in the form of a stream of transactions for a small amount last for several days and cause damage to the owner from several hundred to several thousand dollars.
5. Avoid questionable websites. Often the site is a trap for card numbers.

Here, perhaps, are the main aspects that should be observed by cardholders who still decided to conduct any operations with cards on the Internet.

But whatever the verification methods, if someone has (often illegally) complete credit card information, then all these sophisticated protections are done quickly and without too much noise. I say this because I've had to deal with it in my line of work.
According to unofficial data, the damage that carders can cause by their actions in the event of a successful combination of circumstances for them can reach the annual income of a solid commercial bank. Although a full-fledged plastic card market has not yet developed in Russia, it is only a matter of time, and therefore it would be at least frivolous to underestimate the danger from crimes and abuses in the non — cash payment system.
This is probably the end of my short educational program, this article discusses the main types of fraud with bank cards, and the actions that cardholders should do to avoid being shod. May the article be correctly perceived by my "comrades in the shop", because as Ostap Bender said, there are hundreds of ways to take money from the population in a relatively "honest" way.