What is the Newest Fraud jobs in 2021


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Hello Guys
i have been asking my self long time ago
What is the Newest Fraud Tricks in 2021?

and what is the most profitable fraud Tricks in 2021
i would like to hear the opinion of the professional in this Group

thank you guys


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In my opinion the best scam trick in 2021 is the creation of a fake cryptocurrency investment site that promises, for example, to double bitcoins in a short time. And here is an example of such a site, please check it, laugh and learn how to work correctly:
Do not think yourself to fall for this hook. Lol.
Just create a similar site and advertise for all interest. There are many fools who want to increase their capital in an easy way.

Here are some more interesting scam tricks:

Fraudsters are on the alert, and it is important to know new deception schemes so as not to be left behind. Scammers hide not only on the Internet, but also in everyday life. Anyone can get hooked on deceivers, regardless of status, age, or place of residence.
  1. Online shopping in social networks. A very developed scheme that many Russians have fallen into. Unfortunately, it is impossible to punish the criminals, as well as to return the money. You saw an interesting product, wrote to the seller in the comments about the desire to buy a thing. In a matter of minutes, you receive a personal message from the alleged manager of an online store with an order confirmation and a link for payment or details. You, without suspecting anything, transfer money, not to the seller, but to the fraudster. The police advise to write personally to the seller's account about the purchase, and not in the comments.
  2. The top list is still occupied by telephone scammers who, under the guise of a bank employee, offer an incredibly profitable promotion or report a purchase using your card, obtaining a loan in your name, expiration of the card expiration date, etc. The main goal in this case is to find out the details of your payment document. In such situations, you need to remember that bank employees will never ask for card details, since the data is in their server. It is also not worth mentioning the passport data. It is better to call the bank yourself and clarify the veracity of the information.
  3. New ATM fraudulent scheme. You, entering the ATM, saw that the previous person forgot the card - it will stick out in the receiver. In no case should you take someone else's card, pull it out and call the person back. Better to get out or use another ATM. The fraudster will take advantage of the fact that you took the card in hand and will say that there was a certain amount of money on it, which is gone. Under psychological pressure and intimidation to call the police, many transfer the missing amount from the card to the deceiver.

Top Card Fraud Methods in 2021
What methods of carding are the most popular, what to do if the fraudsters find out the details of your bank card, how to protect themselves from theft and what are the chances of getting the funds back.
The most common methods of theft of funds from bank cards (carding) are based on psychological methods of persuading, deceiving or intimidating customers. According to the Russian Central Bank, more than 80% of all attacks are related to social engineering. The most popular among fraudsters is telephone phishing - this is the name of the process of defrauding personal data from bank clients.

How scammers work
  • Posing as bank employees ("security service" or "financial monitoring service"), they report suspicious activity and offer to dictate card details so that the bank takes measures to protect funds.
  • They persuade to transfer money to a separate account, ostensibly to protect them, this can be done online or by withdrawing money from an ATM - in this case, the client can even order a taxi to him.
  • They ask to install special software for "funds protection" , with the help of which fraudsters can steal card data and issue a pre-approved loan, and then withdraw funds.
  • Since the beginning of the pandemic, scammers have been actively exploiting the topic of coronavirus, whether it is “free” diagnostics, medical assistance, benefits, compensation, refunds for air tickets and other pretexts, the ultimate goal of which is to transfer money.
  • They inform the elderly about the due payments on behalf of the employees of the Pension Fund, in this case they need to find out the bank card number and other data supposedly to transfer money. In some cases, attackers offer to transfer money to a third-party account to pay the state duty for future compensation.
Important! You should not disclose your card details to third parties, including the four-digit PIN-code and the three-digit CVC-code indicated on the back. When making calls from scammers, real bank phone numbers may be displayed. They may also be represented by police officers or credit bureaus.

According to statistics, about a quarter of cardholders are ready to disclose to outsiders a three-digit security code, as well as the validity period of the card and the code from the SMS message (3DSecure), which cannot be disclosed.
According to the latest data from the Central Bank, in the first half of 2021, almost 10 thousand phones of fraudsters were blocked - almost four times more than in the same period of 2020.

Email phishing, social media, and fake websites
Letters sent by fraudsters may contain links to fake sites imitating the pages of online stores with big discounts, as well as hotels, airline ticket services, insurance companies, and various departments. Letters also come under the guise of receipts for payment of utility bills or in the form of official notices from banks and other organizations.
Another popular method of fraud is associated with sales on ad sites, where a buyer, using a fake link, enters data to pay for a non-existent product.
In social networks, scammers send messages to the list of friends from a hacked account with a request to transfer money to the card. Such information should always be double-checked through other communication channels.
Important! No need to follow links from suspicious emails and download unknown programs. Beware of paying for purchases on suspicious sites, do not transfer money if you are not sure of the recipient. Control all account transactions and use antivirus software.
In the first half of 2021, the Central Bank blocked about 4.7 thousand sites created by fraudsters. More than 500 of them imitated bank sites.

ATM Fraud
Theft with the use of special readers (skimmers) and overlays on the pin-pads of ATMs is becoming less and less due to the improvement in the technical equipment of banks. They are being replaced by simulation of situations with elements of social engineering. In one of the scenarios, a fraudster (usually an elderly person) “forgets” the card at the ATM and then asks to remove it from the person who is nearby. Having received the card back, the attacker, together with his accomplices, checks the account balance and claims that the money is gone, after which he demands to return it.
Important! No need to remove other people's cards from ATMs. If the card has already been removed and threats are received, it is recommended to call the police.

BIN attacks
One of the few existing carding methods in 2021 without enticing data from the client himself. In this case, fraudsters need to find out the first six digits of the card number (BIN - bank identification number), and then, using special programs, try to generate the remaining digits. As a result, online payments are made on the card, for which you do not need to receive an SMS code from the bank. According to a Tinkoff study, the number of BIN attacks in 2020 has tripled compared to 2019.
How much money did scammers steal
According to the Central Bank, in the first half of 2021, fraudsters carried out about 360 thousand unauthorized transactions, about 4 billion rubles were stolen from clients. In 2020, scammers made 577 thousand transactions for 5.7 billion rubles. damage.
According to other estimates, the scale of the problem is more serious. For example, BrandMonitor estimated the amount of Russian funds stolen by phone and online fraudsters in 2021 at 150 billion rubles.
The internet is good. Everyone cares so that you personally earn as much money as possible. Moreover, you don't even need to do anything. Letters constantly come with a request to collect payments, and an hour later they write on Facebook that you are the winner of a competition in which you did not even participate. But you are already entitled to a monetary reward.
It seems that on the Internet everyone is ready to give money away just like that, because you are a good person, however, gullible and naive. But there is nothing wrong with this, because all successful businessmen on the Internet want to teach you how to do business correctly. And you can create dozens of businesses in a month. They will gladly teach everything they know.
Somewhere they ask you to invest all your savings, and in return they promise to make you financially independent. Just a fairy tale. How are things really? The real reality is much harsher. If you are offered a lot of money for nothing, then they want to cheat. Moreover, they will do it in sophisticated ways, which we will talk about in the review-selection of TOP 10 fraudulent schemes of 2021.
If you constantly fall into the traps of scammers and still have not learned anything, read this review from start to finish.

How black brokers are bred
These guys are always active. It is worth leaving your phone number on the Internet, with a high degree of probability it will fall into the database of black brokers . Regular, annoying calls will begin, with an offer to trade on a cool exchange, similar to Forex. Sometimes they talk about some bots that supposedly will make predictions and indicate exactly the best rates.
If you agree to make money like this, the broker will first ask you to invest a lot of money. It doesn't matter if you don't have them. Polite brokers will certainly offer to take out a loan, and even those with a bad credit history will help you do it. A personal manager will be assigned to you, who actually sits at home and pretends to work in the office, and puts a recording with telephone conversations in the background. Although, perhaps, he is actually in the office, where the same "employees" are processing new victims by phone.

Why are black brokers dangerous?
The manager's task is to make you download some software and install it on your phone or computer. He will tell you how to open an account there, invest your money and start trading on binary options. Looking at the high numbers faked in this program, you will start dreaming of buying an apartment and a car, but in fact, everything is much sadder.
Drawdowns will begin very quickly with increasing percentages of your losses. The main task of a personal manager is for you to invest as much money as possible. To do this, he will regularly press, and persuade to invest more money, because soon everything will be fine, and you will supposedly come out in a plus. But you will not wait for the benefits, watching the next drain of your money. And the manager will demand that you take the next loan. Black brokers provide assistance in obtaining a loan, but this is a real, bloody trap. It will be impossible to get money back from scammers.
The more you lose, the more your personal manager will earn. This is why black brokers aggressively keep anyone hooked.
How do I stop calls? Not if you just change the SIM card. By the way, black brokers can offer not only trade, but also go to a phishing site that steals passwords, or invest in a pyramid scheme. The result is the same: it is the loss of your money.

Traders and Binary Options
The next position in our top is binary options. Traders are engaged in them. These guys create a visual image of success for themselves on the Internet: it may seem to you that this person's life is a continuous celebration. They live on the ocean shore, they do not deny themselves anything, they are bathed in success and really wants you to make money on the Internet and become the same. He assures that he will teach this.
Traders lure into certain closed groups on social networks and say that they are ready to share information and trading signals with you. Access to the group is paid or free, but it is important for a trader that you go there using the link that he gives.
Next, the guru will push you to register on binary options with a deposit, after nothing, trading will begin according to his signals. The scheme of cheating with traders is simple: he earns interest on your deposit, but more often than not he profits from losses. Guess that he benefits from your failures on his false signals?
The Internet is replete with advertisements for binary options. She is on all social networks, including Telegram channels. Admins do not hesitate to advertise successful and cool traders. The bottom line is always the same: you completely drain your deposit when playing binary options. After all, there you need to guess where the rate of a particular currency pair will go: up or down. It seems to be simple, but in fact, the deal is often closed against your forecast, and the catch-up strategy does not work there.
If you decide to trade on your own: there are a lot of binary options brokers, but in order to gain profit, you need to be traders and attract naive users to the option referral program. In this case, you yourself will become a scammer, because any binary options is a scam. Do not forget that in such projects there is a "bait", when at first the project pays money, but after a while you will spend a lot more.

Instant games, casinos - scam!
Roulettes, online casinos and mini gambling have not gone anywhere. The essence of these projects is for you to deposit money, play and, in rare cases, even win. However, the negative mathematical expectation algorithm does not work for you: while YOU are playing, the algorithm uses psychological tricks.
No matter how much you win, the result will always be the same: in the long run, you are doomed to lose, at the risk of losing huge amounts of money. This applies to both casinos and services with instant mini-games. There are many of these games now, they are bright, beautiful and pleasing to the eye. But admit it, do you think that the services were created in order for you to get as much money as possible?
Some people start to believe in strategies for winning moves, but it doesn't work. Strategies only create the illusion that you are capable of deceiving the system, but in reality everything will happen the other way around. Addiction to gambling can lead you into debt, in which you wake up from the calls of the collectors. After all, in order to play, many take quick loans and micro loans.

Scammers on Avito and deliveries
Avito is a convenient platform for ads, but there is deception there too. Moreover, scammers are constantly coming up with new types of divorce. They cheat both buyers and sellers. Recently there was an updated cheat on the delivery of an item from an ad. This is classic phishing, but it is still being used against it. Let's analyze a typical example of link substitution via Avito delivery.
The swindler draws up the ad in detail and in detail, indicating the reason for selling, for example, a smartphone: they say, he wants to buy a new device, but sells the old one. At the same time, the price tag is underestimated within 20-30%. Buyers are immediately on such a tidbit, and the transaction process begins.
After a convincing conversation with the seller, the potential victim usually does not remain suspicious. There is an important point: many ad platforms inside their site block other people's links so that the seller does not take the buyer to another messenger and start to breed him there safely. This is for your safety.
Let's imagine that the scammer's plan worked, and your correspondence went to a social network, where no links are blocked anymore. There you will be shown fake photos of a smartphone, where Photoshop is visible to the naked eye (photos are usually taken from other message boards, cropped and edited). Well, then you will be asked to pay for the delivery of the phone.
This is where all the fun begins, but not for you. The scammer sends a link to a phishing site that looks like Avito. The address of the fake site will be different, but the buyer, of course, will not notice this subtle detail. For payment, you specify all the details of your bank card, press enter - and that's it. Your card is compromised, and the fraudster will quickly write off money from it.

How not to become a victim of a divorce on Avito:
  • read the information in the section on security when concluding transactions;
  • do not go to third-party links;
  • work with the official Avito website;
  • communicate through the internal chat of the site;
  • pay attention to the address bar, it should contain only the following characters: www.avito.ru;
Complain about suspicious ads, especially when you are convinced that you are being bred. There are many similar schemes in different variations. It is not difficult to dissolve today to drain bank card data.

Sports betting advertising
You can hear about sports betting on pirate sites where you watch movies and cartoons. Every now and then there are banners with offers to place a bet while watching a movie. It also happens that the voice acting studio itself inserts this ad. Everyone already knows about 1xBet, various services and bloggers do not hesitate to advertise this, considering it the norm.
Bookmakers have a lot of money, but they do not take it on credit, but from the losers, of whom there are always a lot. There are those who have lost a fortune. Sports betting is an old business with its own cheating methods that have been practiced for decades. The topic is vast, it can go as far as collusion with sports teams: who will lose today and who will win.
This is the manipulation of people who place bets. There are also special baits for "suckers", a kind of multi-move, when one team wins many times in a row to start massive bets on it. Then there is a loss, a complete failure and a drain of money. Such manipulations are well revealed in the series "Peaky Blinders".
We, as the authors of the online financial security blog, are against betting. We strongly advise against betting on sports if you don’t know anything about it. To make money in this business, you need to know special neat and careful strategies, which, moreover, are regularly updated. Outsmarting the bookmakers is difficult, but possible. You can even learn one of these techniques.

Scams or scams are sites where a whole show is played out in front of you with the drawing of monetary numbers on the screen. Someone owes you money, is obliged to pay some compensation, or they offer you to take a survey, for which you are entitled to hundreds of thousands of rubles.
Even bloggers advertise outright fraudulent projects. Advertising can be found on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Vkontakte. The text boils down to the fact that a certain site wants to give you money just like that. On scams, they show performances about how money is credited to you using the "loot button", or rather, they draw candy wrappers on the screen.
Please withdraw, but first pay dozens of installments: a securing payment, an unactivated account, documents for a transaction, and dozens of more pretexts and fictitious services. And so on in a circle until you pour all the money there. But drawn candy wrappers will not work.
If you search on such sites for the user agreement, you can find in it the lines: “... we do not guarantee that you will earn. These amounts are just an assumption about the upcoming income. Think of it as a simple game. " Who is interested in such a game when they draw numbers, and you pay your money for it? If a person had read these agreements in advance, he would not have contributed money there, but many are too lazy to read, and such agreements are not always present.
People think that they are in a fairy tale, and everyone should pay them some compensation. Money will not be superfluous! Maybe this is a special kind of masochism - to enjoy the loss of money? But seriously, the advice is simple: don't look for freebies on the Internet, it's not there. Earn with your mind, work, develop passive income - this is possible if you study and apply normal, working methods.
The good news is that our subscribers are able to easily detect a scam and not invest in it. There is no need to disclose this topic in depth, since a separate section is devoted to exposing scams on our website .

Financial pyramids and hyips
What is this TOP without financial pyramids? On the Internet, they are usually called HYIP projects. Are you surprised? Persons in show business often create HYIPs, because their fans, on trust, bring their money there. True, they call them "companies."
Many reviews on our site are devoted to the analysis of pyramids. But what's the use? Our efforts are a drop in the ocean. People still carry money there.
What makes a pyramid[ different from an investment project? HYIPs offer to invest money at very high, incredible, simply fantastic interest rates. You make a deposit, and then supposedly withdraw more than the original amount.
Whatever legend is written on the sites of such projects is an invention. There is no real work going on there, there are no activities. You will be told that contributions go to the development of innovative technologies, start-ups, construction, exchange trading, cryptocurrency, etc. Your contribution is important, and the professionals will supposedly do their own thing. If you invite friends via referral links, it will be even better (as adherents of financial pyramids do).
Pyramids differ from real projects in that they do not conduct real activities, but only collect and accumulate depositors' money, forming a financial bubble. Pyramidists easily hang noodles on their ears, masterly playing on the vices of lazy people. Many victims even stand up to defend such scammers, but if you have at least a grain of skepticism and logic, you are not in danger of financial pyramids.
You will think about how to develop your business, start with at least a small business and develop it by investing your labor and time. This is the only way to build a real business. It is necessary to understand that on the Internet no one will give money just like that, especially HYIPs, where there will be only a few in the plus, and the majority in the minus. After all, the pyramid scam happens suddenly.

Phone crooks
In 2021, a wave of calls from pseudo-bank employees swept the phones of Russians and CIS citizens. If you leave a phone number on the Internet, there is a 90% chance that telephone scammers will use it. Numbers are collected from ad sites, and it also happens that databases are bought from SIM card sellers. And the call begins with a proposal to invest your money in "nowhere".
Fraudsters know your name, patronymic, surname and address. Fake employees of non-existent banks are trying to extract your bank card details, for which a show with several characters is played over the phone.

Divorce scheme # 1
“Hello, are you Ivan Vasilyevich Ivanov from Saratov, living in Ivanovsky Lane? A loan was issued for you. Now I will put you in touch with the security officer. " Then the music turns on and is interrupted, and a man with a competently set voice asks to verify the details of your bank card. They ask to dictate the card number, expiration date and code from the back.
If you are not stupid, then do not inform the fraudster about the card data and the code from the sms. This data cannot be communicated even to real employees of the bank - financial organizations are informed about this in every SMS-mailing. But many report how the divorce scheme ends with a further write-off of funds.

Divorce scheme # 2
If you turn out to be a tough nut to crack and stubbornly refuse to tell the scammers the details of the card, threats come into play. They begin to say that, they say, since you do not provide the data, then we will block your card. You can safely send a telephone scammer to three known letters, or it is better not to start a conversation with him at all.
And he will say this: “You have a loan on your card, let me help fix the problem. In your city, dishonest bank employees took out a loan for you. It needs to be canceled. Go to the nearest branch of bank, we will help you withdraw a loan from an ATM. Just do as we tell you and everything will work out".
A person goes and actually draws up funds through Sberbank online, and then transfers this money to fraudsters so that they can withdraw this loan from him. Most often, pensioners are bred in this way, who are deprived of their savings, and in addition, they also end up in a debt trap.
Do not give your card details to anyone, do not issue loans under pressure for fear of blocking the card. Real bank employees rarely call and do not ask for secret information.


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
im Not Interested to those African and Indian Tricks
thats for me Low Level of Tricks
im happy with carding but
i would like to learn about triangulation fraud on ebay its really profitable
does anybody have any Information about triangulation fraud on ebay


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You can find detailed schemes of fraud eBay in the "Auctions" section of our forum (including the correct registration of accounts, putting fake goods for sale and all possible methods of cashing out), as well as look at the Russian section, there is a lot of useful information.

10 tricks of scammers that even smart people fall for
Charlatans play on our weaknesses and masterfully extort money. But this can be resisted.
This article is part of the Auto-da-fe project. In it, we declare war on everything that prevents people from living and becoming better: breaking laws, believing in nonsense, deceit and fraud. If you've come across a similar experience, share your stories in the comments.
Do you think that only narrow-minded people fall into the clutches of scammers, and you are not in danger? Who now believes that they won an iPhone or inherited an inheritance from an unfamiliar rich uncle? But the swindlers do not just make their bread and butter: they can find an approach to almost anyone.

How is it most often bred:
1. Fees for treatment
Fraudulent scheme:
Information about a seriously ill child who urgently needs expensive treatment, medicine, equipment or something else is posted on the Internet. The ad contains photographs and even medical documents, but often the images are unclear and the medical history is incomplete. And, of course, the card number to which you need to transfer money.
Children, unfortunately, really suffer from serious illnesses, including cancer, and their relatives are raising funds for treatment. By the beginning of 2018 registered in medical institutions consisted of Malignant neoplasms in Russia in 2020 25,000 children. Therefore, desperate parents can really be the authors of ads on the Internet.
But there is a rather big chance that such posts are scammers False charity, or How scammers make money on someone else's grief who simply stole other people's photos and scans of documents, possibly changed the data in graphic editors and use it for profit. Sometimes they even create clones Not a crook. But the scoundrel! sites of charitable foundations.
How not to get caught:
Check information: request a full package of documents and reports on funds received and spent, skip pictures and scans through a photo search in Google. You can find out the number of the hospital where the person is being treated and call there to check if they really have such a patient. If the collection is carried out on behalf of a charitable foundation, it is worth finding official contacts and clarifying whether the organization is really involved in this.

2. Fake Buyer
Fraudulent scheme:
You display your goods on Avito, Yula or other Internet sites for the sale of used things. A potential buyer calls you, asks a couple of questions. Sometimes even at this stage, you can suspect that something was wrong: the questions are very superficial and give out that the interlocutor does not understand at all what he wants to buy. Then the “buyer” begins to lament that he lives far away or is now away. And he offers to send a courier or a taxi driver, and transfer the payment to the card.
Then, for some reason, he needs not only your card number, but also the date of issue, the owner's name and surname and, most importantly, the three-digit CVC code. The explanations are usually rather vague: supposedly the funds are transferred from the account of the organization, there is a more complicated procedure and stuff like that. This data may already be enough to leave you without money, but sometimes fraudsters still ask you to tell them the code from the SMS.
Often all this happens in a hurry and nervousness, because an irritated taxi driver or courier is already standing nearby. Having seized the code, scammers can pay for purchases with your card or transfer money to another account.
How not to get caught:
Do not tell anyone CVC and even less the code from SMS, for the transfer you only need a 16- or 18-digit number. If you still fell for the bait of scammers and told them all the data, urgently call the bank and block the card.

3. Downed pedestrian
Fraudulent scheme:
The victim backs up or drives slowly through the yards. Suddenly, someone falls to the ground in front of the car, screaming. The driver jumps out of the car in horror and sees a crumpled man who claims that he was hit and that he is going to go to the police.
By the way, there is a "random" witness nearby, who, of course, filmed everything on video and agrees to help the victim. They demand money from the driver for a peaceful solution to the conflict, he agrees, because otherwise he is at least deprive "Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses" dated 30.12.2001 N 195-FZ (as amended on 17.06.2019) (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on 01.07.2019) rights and will be obliged to pay a fine.
How not to get caught:
To begin with, put a video recorder, which will show that you did not violate the traffic rules, and the pedestrian himself threw himself under the wheels.
There is no registrar, but are you sure you are not to blame? Themselves insist on calling the police: the scammers then retreat. If possible, look for witnesses and ask security cameras, sellers, employees of the management company for recordings from security cameras - depending on where the incident occurred.

4. Bottle under the bumper
Fraudulent scheme:
This trick is used to lure a person out of the car. Fraudsters quietly place an empty five-liter plastic bottle under the front bumper. The driver hears a crunch and rattle, gets out of the car, looks under the bumper. Meanwhile, money and valuables are being pulled out of the salon.
There are many such techniques: they can puncture a wheel, throw a bag of kefir onto the windshield. And all with one goal: so that the driver came out to see what was going on and left the door unlocked.
How not to get caught:
Always block the doors of the car, even if you go out, as it seems to you, for a second.

5. Costumed gasmen and other specialists
Fraudulent scheme:
Swindlers go from door to door, posing as insurers, employees of gas services, management companies, and so on. They check the stoves, pipes and communications, always find a breakdown and offer to install expensive equipment, for example, meters or a gas analyzer, which will react to a leak and help avoid fire and explosion.
Fraudsters can crush, manipulate, intimidate Scammers profit from the tragedy in Magnitogorsk. For example, they claim that without a special device, a gas leak may occur in the near future, which threatens with an explosion and collapse - as during the tragedy in Magnitogorsk.
If the tenants nevertheless agree to install the device, it later turns out that it is completely useless. And this, one might say, is still a positive outcome of a meeting with such swindlers. In some cases, the case may end up with an apartment robbery.
How not to get caught:
Do not open the door until you find out from which organization they came to you and what the names of the visitors are. Then call the management company or the gas service to see if such employees have been sent to your home.

6. An acquaintance in trouble
Fraudulent scheme:
On the page of a friend on the social network, a post appears that he had a grief. A close relative dies, someone had an accident, someone was arrested. I urgently need help, transfer money, here is the card number. Sometimes even photos of medical documents are attached to the post.
Mailing to friends begins. Anyone who responded to a request for help and sent some amount soon finds out that he helped scammers earn money: the page was hacked, and the images of documents were stolen from other sources and changed in graphic editors.
There is another, more dramatic version of the same divorce. Fraudsters call or write to the victim, saying that her loved one is in trouble and in order to help him out, money needs to be transferred. The options may be different: caught on drugs, hitting a person, killing someone, fighting. Now he is detained and cannot speak himself. The most advanced adventurers call as if from the personal phone number of the "culprit" - using programs that replace "They call from bank numbers": Samara residents are warned about fraudsters who steal money from cards numbers.
How not to get caught:
Check the information carefully, ask questions, the answers to which can only be known by the real owner of the page. Contact your friend or his loved ones by phone, email or other social network.

7. Chickens of the city of N.
Fraudulent scheme:
A stranger writes to a girl on a social network; he introduces himself as an administrator of the group "Chickens of the city of such and such", "Whores of the city of such and such" and similar dubious communities. She says that a post about her was thrown into the proposed community news. Its author claims that she is not too picky about sex and, in general, a woman with reduced social responsibility. To be sure, the fraudster shows a screenshot of the very news: there is a photograph of a girl and a couple of unflattering epithets.
Then the swindler offers to delete the post - of course, for a fee. The victim, although he knows that this is a lie, is afraid for his reputation and transfers the money.

How not to get caught:
Alas, in no way, except perhaps not to use social networks. But if they are trying to blackmail you in this way, the best strategy would be to write a complaint to tech support and block the scammers. Or threaten them with a statement to the police for libel and insults.

8. Blocked card
Fraudulent scheme:
You receive a message that the card is blocked. To unblock it, you need to call the phone number indicated in the SMS.
Further events can develop in different ways. For example, the call will be paid and you will be charged money. Or you will be taken to a "bank employee" who will try to extract from you full information about the card, including CVC and SMS confirmation code. And then, you know, the bill can noticeably lose weight.
By the way, such messages and calls do not always come from unknown numbers. Sometimes scammers use programs thatimitateCentral Bank: Russians trust social networks too much, and scammers take advantage of this real bank numbers.
How not to get caught:
When you receive a message or call, take your time to follow the instructions. Dial the phone number on the back of your card and tell the staff what happened. In addition, no real bank employee will ask you for a code from an SMS.

9. Tea shenanigans
Fraudulent scheme:
On the street, promoters approach the victim and persistently invite What is known about the Hangetsu Tea tea shop on Nevsky Prospekt. They are massively complained about because of aggressive promoters and sellers who force them to buy expensive tea for a free tea tasting. After the treat, they offer to buy a product with a big discount: "Only today, only now, only for you, you are such a pleasant customer." And the sums are not penny - about 2,000 rubles for a pack of tea.
When people refuse, they are asked to pay at least a little for the tasting. They press on pity: allegedly the manager is fined if the client does not buy anything. During tea drinking, manipulative techniques are used: they chatter with a tongue twister, touch a person, often call him by name. And in this way - by blackmail, threats, requests and complaints - they still extort money from the victim.
A similar scheme is used by beauty salons. They invite people for supposedly free cosmetic procedures it turns out ugly. How beauty salons lure money from gullible customers and with the help of psychological pressure they are forced to buy a whole suitcase of "unique" and "very effective" cosmetics worth a monthly salary. Often on credit.
How not to get caught:
Perhaps there is only one piece of advice. Do not go to any procedures in unfamiliar salons and categorically refuse offers from street barkers. Because if you are still lured into some action or tasting, it will be quite difficult to leave with a full wallet: the scammers are good at various manipulation techniques. You yourself will not notice how you give them your money.

10. Money or fine
Fraudulent scheme:
Swindler finds. This is something new! How I violated traffic rules and received a note from extortionists a car that is parked in violation of traffic rules. Under the janitor, he puts a note demanding to transfer money, for example, 500 rubles, to a Qiwi wallet. Threatens that if the owner of the car does not do this, then the photo evidence of the violation will be sent to the traffic police and then you will have to pay fine Administrative Code of the Russian Federation Article 12.19. Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles up to 5,000 rubles.
How not to get caught:
First, park by the rules. Secondly, throw out the leaflet with a threat: even if you pay the scammers, nothing prevents them from fulfilling their promise and sending pictures. It is worth accepting in advance that you may receive a fine for incorrect parking.

How to resist the tricks of charlatans
All fraudulent schemes are always based on speculation with our own fears and vices. Swindlers first build up tension, cause feelings of anxiety or greed, and excessive excitement appears. In this state, a person feels the need to perform actions in order to get what he wants as soon as possible.
And here the fraudster, as it were, offers help, acts as a savior, a support in a critical situation. A person is taught what needs to be done to save himself from problems with the law, big waste, or, conversely, to make a profit. Our threshold of criticality decreases, sympathy arises, an unconscious trust in the interlocutor.

What fears do scammers most often speculate on?
  • Fear of saying “no” and, as a result, seem rude, ill-mannered, insensitive.
  • Fear of making a decision. By doing this on our own, we become vulnerable: we are not always sure that we are right, we are not always ready to bear responsibility for the consequences. Scammers offer a ready-made solution.
  • Fear of losing freedom, money, or familiar comfort.
  • Fear of losing loved ones.
  • Fear of missing out on opportunities to improve your life.
The scam scenario is always based on the predictability of human behavior in stressful situations. Thus, the plot is, as it were, predetermined from the very beginning. If you fall under the influence of deceivers, your task is to change the script so that everything does not go according to their plan.

What should you do?
  • Maintain physical and emotional distance from adventurers.
    Critically evaluate each intervention and ask yourself the questions: "Why am I going to take this action?", "What will they get if I do this?"
  • Behave contrary to expected reactions. Take the initiative away from the scammers, start directing this show yourself. For example, someone who faked a traffic incident expects you to resent, upset, argue, or cry. Instead, sing a song, dance, pretend to be dumb - don't be afraid to sound weird. The more unusual your behavior, the faster you will disarm the swindlers.
  • Asking questions that don't fit the script in order to divert the cheater's attention to another topic and break the habit. For example, if they are trying to find out your card details and you cannot break the contact (leave, hang up), you can say something like: “Hey, what are your cool sneakers! Where did you get it? Let me try it on, our size seems to be the same. What do you feel sorry for? " And then ask the most ridiculous questions until you discourage your "well-wisher".
Many believe that since they are adults and smart, they are not in danger of becoming a victim of scammers. But this is not the case. At certain moments in life, any of us can fall for the bait. Share this text on social networks to tell you what methods are used by scammers and how they can be resisted.


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Carding Fraud Town


Three sips of Balvenie and I'm the top playwright in this town

So get ready for the height, I'll come from far away. Yes, this is a diss on carding. I dedicate it to channels that have a multi-thousandth audience consisting of bots a little less than completely. Subscriptions are spinning, bucks is getting muddled. Carding forum also delivers. Once a graveyard of priceless knowledge, the forum has become a mere graveyard, at least in the eyes of understanding people. 45k for lying around in the public domain. Sucker may not be a mammoth, but neither is Andryusha Malakhov, so as not to progress at all.

Carding can't die, but it's quite capable of dying out, gradually rotting from the inside. If valuable information accumulated by sleepless nights, weeks of testing and meticulous work by a team of professionals will merge into the hall. Be sold by "third parties", go hand in hand and eventually die, getting into the public. If someone came here not as a carder, but as an infocygan rat, ready to turn in everything and everyone. The logic of merchants who don't know how to do anything but fight for the counter.

But how can this justify the scamming habits of those who think of themselves as true carder teachers? What is there to justify the fact that there is more valid on the Joker among the cc than among the information they are pushing? So we came to a combination of these two problems - carding became public property, and she decided to earn extra money on it.

Became a carder before it became mainstream

From here we deduce. The first rule of carding is not to tell anyone about carding?
If you think it's about anonymity, then think again. We're all just elusive Joes here, and no one catches us. The problem is that the spread of information leads to an influx of different kinds of viewers. And it's good if after watching the session, they take their popcorn glasses with them and leave without a trace into the sunset. The problem is that many remain. And I have nothing against people who really need it and who will achieve the most daring success in carding. I'm talking about those whose audience mentality can't be knocked out by any practice.

Who is to blame? Pavlik. Which is Durov. Again, if not for Telegram...
You won't hear stories like the father brought his son to carding, and it went on like this for five generations. People here unite in chats, where they poison jokes of varying degrees of despondency, sculpt thematic stickers and try to somehow unload emotionally. Who nature has not deprived of talent even write songs. It didn't start in Telegram, but look at what's happening - everything threatens to end here.

Why am I running this carding forum? Certainly not for the sake of cheap authority, popularization of carding and even more earnings. Everything is much more prosaic: I want to teach people who are randomly thrown into the darknet to distinguish grain from pleven, to find their way (and find it), and to understand the ESSENCE of things, and not to float on the surface. Your mother, but I'm just a Mayakovsky from carding-I clearly explain what is good and what is bad.
It's a big mission, but I'm still doing it.

So, as long as I am an environmentalist, I can no longer remain in the shadows. For many months, I rejected the idea of training (and there were many temptations, don't worry mom), always explaining it in the same way - leading a group means taking on a very big responsibility, saying goodbye to free time and, most importantly, presenting decent material with dignity. Add to this the fact that I hate the idea of profiting from students, popularizing carding, accepting everyone from the street into the group, and we get a good reason to say: no, I don't teach.

But everything, as you remember, is learned by comparison. And I began to study the market of educational services in the Carder district in the city of Telegram. I became a spy, infiltrating the lair of competitors. Yes, yes, now pay attention, I was trained by these gurus:

Medellin (Sergey pp, fiery respect)
SNG Community (more or less decent ones)

No, I will not cover these scammers and shout about public information, rudeness, and so on. By the way, there were precedents, but this is not important now, and who knows, knows. I, on the contrary, want to pay tribute. Their materials, as my experiment showed, are not bad soil for building analytical turrets on it. A lot can be learned from there as an idea. A lot of things there open up new horizons, a new America - it doesn't work, but you can work hard and fix it. Like the old Volga in your grandfather's garage - in the hands of a skilled customizer, this baby will win the formula.