What is carding and why is it dangerous?


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Carding is one of the many ways of unauthorized acquisition (theft) of financial and personal data of a credit card for use without the consent of the owner. Information obtained through carding may be resold.
This scheme was especially popular in the 90s – early 2000s. Subsequently, law enforcement agencies gained experience and began to more effectively combat this type of illegal acquisition of other people’s data and funds.
The growing spread of debit cards for cryptocurrencies, operating on the principle of compatibility with MasterCard, Visa, etc., raises fears of a new wave of carding, despite the fact that hacker attacks on individuals are mostly a thing of the past.
The development of technologies to counter cyber attacks has made, for example, physical scrimming and hacking POS systems and terminals almost useless.

Features of modern carding.
Today's hacker attacks are aimed at finding vulnerabilities in mobile banks, when making interbank SWIFT transfers and others. Carding attacks on e-commerce stores and marketplaces that use certain software also remain a popular means of hacking. The malware reads financial and personal data downloaded by the client during payment and transfers it to another server, where attackers already have access to it.
There is an increased interest on the part of cybercriminals in users of online crypto exchanges and, accordingly, in the accounts of individuals on the crypto exchanges themselves.
Hacking using phishing attacks has become a common occurrence, and cases of unauthorized access to Wi-Fi networks have become more frequent, when control of one device allows you to gain access to almost the entire network.
This method of obtaining personal data of payment card owners, such as confirmation calls, also remains relevant. The hacker pretends to be an employee of a certain bank and calls the victim to confirm the details of payment instruments. Under various pretexts, scammers try to obtain payment information, after which they use it to purchase goods and various kinds of certificates.

Punishment for carding.
Carding is a criminal offense on both sides of the Atlantic. In Russia, carding has become such a significant phenomenon that since 2012, criminal liability for fraud using electronic means of payment has been introduced (Article 153.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The least that threatens is a fine in the amount of up to 120 thousand rubles. or imprisonment for up to 3 years.
If carding is committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy or on a large scale, a fine of up to 300 or up to 500 thousand rubles is imposed. or imprisonment for a term of up to 5 or up to 8 years.

What about abroad?
In the United States, illegal carding offenses, including conspiracy or attempted carding, can result in penalties ranging from a fine of $1,000 and/or up to one (1) year in prison.
Depending on the damage caused, penalties can range from a fine of up to $250,000, or twice the benefit or damage caused by the crime, and up to 15 years' imprisonment.
But this is only responsibility for a single crime. In the case of responsibility for organized criminal activity, the terms of imprisonment can reach a significant 30-40 years, or even life imprisonment.

(c) https://dzen.ru/a/YcCaESZfcCPQVoiA