What is carding and what are the actions of law enforcement agencies in relation to this?


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In the spring of 2020, law enforcement agencies reported that they detained a group of people who were engaged in illegal activities, namely, they sent messages to the numbers of citizens that their bank card was blocked and, in order to unblock it, you need to call a specific number. Members of the criminal group received information on bank cards and could dispose of citizens' money.

Fraudsters are constantly changing their criminal schemes. For example, in 2020, the material damage to citizens amounted to about 1.4 billion rubles. This is 44% more than in the entire 2019. Over the past 5 years, there has been an increase in crimes related to bank cards by 15 times.

Citizens should be careful not to transfer information on their bank cards to third parties.

Definition of carding

The term "carding" comes from the English word "carding". The essence of carding is illegal operations that are associated with bank cards or bank card details that the cardholder does not know about.

Types of carding

There are several types of carding used by fraudsters to steal money from payment cards.

It is worth highlighting 3 main types of carding:

1. Theft or any other way of obtaining a bank card illegally. Here, open theft of the card can take place by physical impact on the card holder. There is also a possibility of obtaining the necessary information on the card by stealing data when issuing a card or delivering it to a citizen. Thanks to the information received, fraudsters can use the funds stored on the card for their own purposes.

2. Compromising information on a bank card and creating a fake copy of it. Attackers can copy the magnetic stripe of the card and obtain information about the PIN. This type of carding was very common before chip technologies were used in cards. Today, in accordance with Russian legislation, all cards are chip cards. And in general, in the world, bank cards must be serviced by a chip.

3. There is another type of carding. This is an illegal use of payment card details. Moreover, the card itself is basically not needed by fraudsters and they can pay for any goods, for example, on the Internet.

The main purpose of carding is to gain access to the funds of the payment card holder. To achieve their goals, scammers are trying to come up with new tricks to deceive citizens. You should always be careful when performing any banking operations and do not transfer your bank card data to third parties.

What do the police think about this?

As a rule, law enforcement agencies become interested in a crime and an investigation begins when the amount of damage is more than $ 1,000. If this fact is discovered, the FBI sends a request to law enforcement agencies, which contains information about a potential criminal. This may be his name, the time of the illegal operation and other data.

To avoid risks, carders prefer to use assistants who, according to the criminal hierarchy, are below the carders themselves and do the dirty work.

The carders themselves do not come into close contact with their assistants, and often these people know practically nothing about carders. If even the assistant carder is caught and he can evade responsibility, the carder will remain clean, because the assistant does not know anything about him and will not be able to give the police any important information about the carder.

It follows from this that the fraudsters will get away with everything and their criminal actions will remain unpunished.


Some people, doing carding, believe that this is a way to improve their financial situation and not be punished for it. But it should be said that security systems aimed at protecting cards are constantly being improved. In addition, sooner or later, carders will hardly be able to avoid punishment. Therefore, no one should engage in such activities.