What does Python, Pandas, and a lifetime Meta ban have in common?

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When AI decides that you are a snake seller, not a programmer.

Reuven, a Python and Pandas instructor who teaches face-to-face courses at companies around the world (such as Apple and Cisco), and also has a range of online products, including video courses and paid newsletters, spoke about his experience with advertising on the Meta platform (formerly Facebook).

A few years ago, Reuven decided to advertise some of his products on Facebook. However, after some time, he discovered that his advertising account was suspended for violating the Meta advertising rules. Trying to understand the situation, Reuven filed a complaint, but received a response that he violated the company's policy and is now prohibited from placing ads on the Meta platform for life.

The reason for the ban was quite unexpected: the Meta artificial intelligence system, analyzing Reuven's advertising materials, came to the conclusion that he was selling live animals, which is prohibited on the platform. In reality, Reuven teaches courses on Python programming and working with the Pandas library, but the AI system mistakenly interpreted these terms as animal names.

Despite attempts by Reuven and his friends working in Meta to resolve the issue, the account was never restored due to the company's data retention policy. As a result, Reuven concluded that when he started advertising his courses again, Meta wouldn't see a dime of his money, unlike companies like Google, which seem to attract at least some people to their advertising department.