What a novice spammer needs! Or where to start!


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Good day to all!
Starting this article, I want to say that I will not reveal any mega-private secrets and ways to spam. I'll just tell you how to start people who want to seriously engage in the spam business.

1. You need to decide why you need spam.

To be honest, when I started out, I didn't think you could make good money from spam. For me, it was a way to promote my company. And make money on it already. If you pursue the same goals, then what I wrote earlier should be enough for you!

2. How will you earn money?
Viagra. Software. Casino. You need to decide. Partnerok under viagra. The best of them is definitely spamit (IMHO). Casino (GoldVipCasino), I work on it, others have not met and do not seek. Software - Warezcash.com (I used to work with them now, not anymore). Alternatively, you can spam to order. For dating and jobs, this is not bad money, if you have databases.

3. Databases
One of the main questions for a spammer is "Where can I get high-quality databases?".
If you have large distribution capacities, you can spam any of the partner sites using GI (Global Internet) databases, in short, I call such databases "all in a row". Software for collecting such databases is sold on every corner (from AdvancedEmailExtractor to cluster Vacuum). In extreme cases, you can write a script or program yourself.
If you focus primarily on the quality of delivery and not on the number of ads sent out, you need to buy thematic databases. There are two options: buy from hackers or sellers(not the fact that the database will be fresh and high-quality) or hire a hacker(break it yourself). Of course, the return on such bases is many times greater, having spent 300-800ue on a base, for example, a casino, you can squeeze about$2-3k out of it.

Database processing software
Npust Email List Manager - free of charge.
ListMate Pro Platinum + crack

The first 2 programs allow you to clean well, sort, etc. large-volume databases.
I use the last miniature program to rip out soaps from sql dumps or just from txt.

4. Software
The most important thing in this business is,of course, software.
Currently, scripted spam is very common. The well-known DirectMailer has flooded all ftp services. Of course, this is the cheapest way to spam, but alas, as much as I would not like it, it is not the highest quality, because now various companies engaged in the fight against spam very quickly enter ftp addresses and RBL lists, as well as socks.
Botmailing. No matter what they say, it also dies intentionally for the same reasons as scripted spam. By purchasing downloads 1 time, you will spam these bots 1-2 times. Then all ip addresses will be blacked out. So I can disappoint those who dream of bots, botmailing will soon die for good, just like smtp mailing.
What then is there to grab?
The answer is obvious - Webmailing.
What is it. A program, bot, virus, etc. imitating the browser, they log in to the mailer via the web interface and start sending 5-10 emails per minute. The speed loss is obvious, but delivery is at 95%. IMHO this is the only way to spam efficiently. Of course, they will fasten captchas, they will constantly need accounts, but now there are more and more services providing services of both.
There are not many analogues of such programs on the market. Basically everything is still in development.

As promised, I didn't reveal anything top-secret, but I hope this article will be useful for beginners and they will think three times before starting work in this business. Remember, when you spam with ftp, you may be charged for hacking, when you load a bot, you may be charged for distributing malware, etc.

Good luck to all. Lots of inbox and good sales!