We scan receipts


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Greetings, gentlemen. Today I will show you how to make a scan of a Russian receipt using Russian kvass, Photoshop, a hammer and some kind of mother. Actually, we will need photoshop (I use English kc4), the Internet, a scanner and kvass at will.

First, we go into Google search and look for Sandra Bulok a sample receipt. Any. The main resolution is not lower than 2000 by 2000 points (I had 5000 by 3300).
Now we carefully study the downloaded scan and estimate by eye how much it would take on A4 format. According to estimates, we measure this distance on a blank sheet and tear it off, discarding the unnecessary part of the sheet. We push it into the scanner and get a scan. Set the scan resolution to 600 points. This completes the preparatory work, you can pour in a pint of dark kvass and click on the Photoshop icon with sacred trepidation.

First, let's separate the text we need from the downloaded receipt from the unnecessary background. To do this, go to the
select> color range menu,

click on the black color with an eyedropper on the downloaded scan, set the fuzziness parameter (it is responsible for the coverage of the selected color of different degrees of brightness / saturation) set around 100, click ok.

After these steps, a selection of all black in the document appears. Create a new layer with the combination ctrl + shift + N (let's call it "osnova") and fill it with black (or almost black) color. We drop the selection with the combination ctrl + D.

Now, open our scanned blank sheet in a new Photoshop tab. And drag the osnova layer onto it.

The base layer turned out to be larger, but it does not matter, transform it with the ctrl + T keys and holding shift, reduce our text to the size of the sheet by pulling the corner of the frame.

Having received the desired size, press enter.
Now we arm ourselves with a hard rubber band and erase everything that we do not need in the osnova layer to get a cleaned blank. Tip - where graphs are too narrow and the eraser erases the necessary information, use polygonal lasso to select the area you want to erase.

The penultimate stage of our work is filling out the text. The stage is not so much difficult as long. We analyze our text for possible typefaces used and unmistakably identify everyone's favorite classics. One serif serif and one sans serif. To be more precise, neo grotesque. So ... who would have thought the most suitable for the original font times new roman and aril. Here is such a fucking surprise in the choice of fonts). We determine the required dimensions. To do this, we write a word from the text, after which, through the transformation (ctrl + T) and overlaying one text on another, we find the desired size. Having picked up the font, we register the information we need.

The final step will be to add the mural and handwritten data. Everything will have to be done manually. Use a 2-3 px soft brush and a dark blue color, create a new layer and manually paint the data with painting on this layer. To begin with, we only make the typeface without caring about the similarity with the inscription made with a pen. Cancellation if something goes wrong (ctrl + Z) helps a lot. We make movements smooth, we are not in a hurry. We beat complex elements into several stages. For example, I did not succeed in immediately combining the letter U with the letter D. Therefore, I broke the painting into several stages.

We also do not hesitate to take an elastic band and erase unsuccessful elements. When the style is ready, simulate a variable line width. With a small rubber band with an opacility parameter of 75%, we make the style thinner in the place where the pen finishes writing and comes off the paper.

After that, take the brush again, set its size to 1 pixel, make it the hardest, dark blue. Above the painting layer, create a new layer, and in the places where the pressure of the pen is most powerful, we modify the painting.

The final touch is the refinement of the text with noise and sharpness. Select all the layers of the text with the hold down shift. In the layers panel, we silk along the arrow in the upper right corner and select merge layers (merge layers into one).

Select the resulting layer. Then filter> noise> addnoise and make noise with the parameters 10% - 15%.

Add sharpening by repeating filter> sharpen> sharpen a couple of times.

Well, we can stop there.

Well, a couple of tips in the end. Lines are drawn perfectly with the appropriate line tool 1-2 pixels thick (without the shape of curves) from the shape toolset. Holding shift will make them absolutely straight. If the text is too uniformly black, then you can create a new layer above the text layer. Click between the two layers holding ctrl (an arrow should appear above the top layer) and apply a diagonal gradient from white to transparent to the layer. Then adjust the transparency of the top layer.

PS If this text turns out to be of interest to the audience, then the next text will be about normal work with a clone
stamp and the creation of a cash register receipt.