We encrypt our calls

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Almost everyone wants their confidential data not to be exposed to the threat of leakage, and even banal, the feeling that you are constantly under the hood of some uncles behind wide doors is sometimes too burdensome. Therefore, there are many ways to encrypt your calls, which, if not 100% prevent the possibility of wiretapping, then greatly complicate the process. We will talk about them today.

At the moment, there are many ways to encrypt your calls using various programs, etc., today we will try to analyze the most popular methods.

Encryption options:

1. Conversation encryption program - this method is quite versatile and, moreover, convenient, since its implementation only requires the installation of a special application. The advantages of this approach are also the fact that the applications used for encryption are most often equally adapted for most popular types of devices (androids, iPhones, etc.) and do not cut the functionality of these devices.
2. A scrambler is a special encryption device that is attached to the machine. With the help of a scrambler, you can perform encryption on both iPhone and Android, successfully protecting yourself from eavesdropping. At the same time, scramblers have one significant drawback - a conversation on a secure line can only take place with a subscriber who also uses a scrambler with the same encryption algorithm.
3. Cryptotelephone is a special telephone that uses two methods to create a secure line. In the first case, communication is encrypted only between subscribers with the same cryptotelephones. The second method is more functional, but has less high reliability - the conversation is carried out via a special secure Internet line with any subscribers. At the same time, crypto phones have one significant drawback - they are quite expensive.