Ways to make money for a beginner in carding

Carding 4 Carders

Reaction score
- Self PP (PayPal)

- Working with brute accounts.

- Carding CC into e-gift or stuff.

Let's analyze each direction .

Self-registers PP.

I advise you to start with them, because if you learn to competently make self-registers and work with them, in the future you will have the opportunity to develop other industries. Such as: BA (transfer, cashout), cheated self-registers, VCC.

Tips for getting started - do not bother too much with the system, self-registers behave very strangely in terms of antifraud, but of course, study what they react badly to.

Make about 20-30 self-registers, and then you will have an understanding of the whole process.

Don't just stop shopping, try making send and deps.

Knit only bank and VCC. The best option for me.

Brutus accounts.

Everything is nowhere easier. You take a brute account of this or that site, adjust the system for it and beat it. Each site has its own nuances and features. Of course, you won't understand them right away, but communicating and working in a good team, the chips will reach you. I also want to note that writing brute yourself is very profitable.

Carding CC.

Carding credit card is also a good start for understanding carding and hand stuffing.

Try options like:

1) Carding USA CC into e-gift for yus. There are still a lot of shops that send Gift. Do not forget to be creative, for example, you can scard the physical gifts and change them to e-gift by ringing. Look for instant shipping shops. Don't just focus on xbox, iTunes, etc.

2) Carding USA CC into USA stuff. There are also many shops that are sent to different beats - thorns, and they can even send goods to your country. Explore the store, do not run dry, call / draw. Work with the middle.

3) Carding EU CC according to EU, there is nothing particularly complicated here. The main thing is to find good non vbv bins, because this is very developed in EU shops. But there is no AVS reconciliation as in USE.

Tip: Work with large EU marketplaces like Ebay Amazon.

4) Carding CC into Asia (large areas). EU CC works well even in Ali, especially if you buy an old account (from Ali). By gently shaking the pads (self-registering), you can card good stuff.

Thank you for your attention and success in carding!