Watch out for instant messengers: scammers switched to private messages


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How does the government deal with cyber fraud and will the new methods work?

In Russia, cases of fraud in instant messengers have become more frequent. Attackers send out links to phishing sites and malicious programs under the guise of ordinary ones. Alexander Khinshtein, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications, said that measures to combat the problem should be strengthened.

The politician wrote about this in his Telegram channel on July 10. According to him, the number of such attacks has increased two to three times since the beginning of the year.

"After the adoption of our draft laws on blocking calls and SMS messages from abroad using fake numbers, as well as on administrative responsibility for telecom operators for missing such numbers, the number of fraudulent calls has significantly decreased. The attackers had to find new ways and go to instant messengers," Khinshtein said.

The politician also noted that " a new type of cyber fraud has appeared in Russia — hackers have begun to massively attack messenger users." He called for " thinking through additional methods of combating fraud, but already in instant messengers."

In June, Senator Artem Sheikin proposed obliging regional operators to join existing number verification systems to combat fraud.

At that time, the number of phone fraud attempts reached 8.6 million cases per day. Substitution numbers were used in most cases. According to Sheikin, only now only four federal telecom operators have their own blocking systems and by 2024 they will be connected to the state program "Antifraud". At the same time, regional companies do not have verification systems.

It is hoped that the new measures will really help reduce the activity of intruders and increase confidence in telecom operators.