Very hot: why the risks of running into scammers are growing in the summer


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On the eve of the holiday season, the number of fraudulent sites offering ticket and hotel reservations has increased. So, when a victim gets to such an Internet resource, when paying for tours, hotels or tickets, he transfers bank card data to the hands of intruders.

According to the company F. A. C. C. T., phishing resources for selling tickets for New Year's events or booking hotels are one of the types of typical seasonal fraud. Especially a lot of them appeared before the start of summer holidays or New Year's holidays. For example, two years ago, more than 30 active phishing sites appeared on the Internet, copying popular Sochi hotels. This was also the case last year.

Sites almost completely copy the original ones, but when you try to pay for a reservation, the victim ends up on a phishing page. The resources also offer payment via the Fast Payment System with a 10% cashback.

Example of what a phishing page like this might look like:

Experts recommend checking the travel agency's presence in the Unified Federal Register of Travel Agents. “Pay attention to errors in the site address, as well as on the page itself,” he specialist in information security on the Internet Andrey Starikovsky.

F. A. C. C. T. specialists constantly discover new fraudulent schemes that arise under various information channels.

So last month, experts found sites that use the theme of Victory Day to deceive veterans. By March 8, fraudsters were actively creating resources for the sale of bouquets, and on Valentine's Day, the attackers earned 2.2 million rubles.


The reasons are different, but the scheme is the same

Such fraudulent schemes, although they differ in their subject matter, have a similar algorithm and tools for interacting with the victim:
  • An actual event (holiday, time of year, political situation, etc.) helps to involve as many users as possible in the scheme;
  • Further, social engineering methods are used to attract a potential victim to the site.
  • Affiliate programs allow you to scale illegal businesses, attract more victims, and increase profits.
  • Mimicry under well-known brands allows scammers to mislead the victim