Useful information for young scammers


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There is a problem
I think all those who cheat on prepayment are familiar with the moment when mammoth merges, refusing to pay: "I'll pay when I see the track number and track the parcel." Yes, this is really a problem, because of which more than half of the warmed mammoths are lost.

There is a solution!
One day I got tired of it, and I just created a website for a transport company, and with the help of it I "sent a parcel". With the creation of a site, even a beginner will not have any problems, because the open access is full of guides on free designers, the functionality of which is enough for the eyes!

You also need to create an email address of the transport company, from which we will send information about the parcel to our victim.

What does it look like from our customer's point of view:
You send them the tracking number and the website of the transport company. A person goes to the site, enters the track number and their email address, and then receives all the information about the parcel. There should be no doubt.

Some useful tips:
  • Don't offer this option right away. Maybe the person will pay immediately, and you will not spend extra time on it. You can offer this option to those people who refuse to pay in advance, because there is a chance that a person will be satisfied with this option. I've had this happen many times.
  • After the person has tracked the parcel and made you an advance payment, write to him from the mail of the transport company that you still need to pay for insurance or other similar nonsense. And also that storing a parcel costs 200 rubles a day (so that he doesn't think for a long time). Thus, the mammoth will drop an additional money.