US loans in 2021


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Loans in the United States are characterized by low interest rates. The average rate is in the range of 3-5% per annum. But such favorable offers are provided for American citizens.
It is more difficult for migrants to get a loan from an American bank
Not all bankers are ready to issue loans to foreign citizens. In any case, the American credit system has become an example for other countries. To understand all the nuances, you need to consider the issue of different sides.

General information about lending in the United States
Migrants often choose to move to America, hoping to get a loan and work. There are good examples where currently successful Americans have started their businesses with loans. The rate from 3 to 5% per annum allows you to buy goods and gradually pay for them without spending all your savings at one time.
What loans currently exist in the United States:
  • buying a car;
  • university tuition fees;
  • mortgage loans;
  • for business development;
  • for consumer purposes.

The decision to issue a loan has been worked out to the nearest second. First of all, the bank checks the borrower's credit history. You can find out by calling your social security number.
What affects an American's credit history:
  • penalties;
  • late payments;
  • number of closed credits;
  • number and term of current loans;
  • the number of times your credit history was requested.
The generated rating is the number of points. A good rating starts at 650 points. Average values range from 300 to 850. Points are both accumulated and spent. The higher the rating, the more credit opportunities the bank provides.

So customers with a high rating can take out a mortgage or a large loan of several hundred thousand dollars
In case of non-payment in America, collectors do not come. There is no such practice here. The debtor has the right to arrest and remand in custody. Therefore, Americans are very afraid to delay payments on loans. They are subject to heavy fines. As a result, debts snowball up.

Interest rate history by year
Fluctuations in the US loan interest rate in dynamics show the state of the economy in the country. After During the Second World War in the 50s, the figures fell to 05% per annum. The economy was booming. On average, the 1950s and 1960s are characterized by rates ranging from 0.5% to 9%.
The 1973 oil crisis led to an increase in inflation. Therefore, the rate increased sharply from 5% to 10.75%. After the situation stabilized, the year 1980 came. Economic turmoil has led to interest rates of up to 20%. Then the indicators stabilized. Consequently, by the 1990s, the percentage was only 5%.
The historical minimum, comparable to the values in the "fat" 50s, was reached in the period 2001-2003.
Then the interest rate was only 1%. By 2006, the real estate market had overheated. To counteract the growth of the "bubble", the percentage was made 5.25. But with the onset of the global crisis in 2008, the rate was again reduced to almost zero. Now it is in the range of 3-5%.

Consumer lending in the United States
Interest rates on loans in the United States have made consumer loans (personal loan) very popular. These include loans that are used for personal expenses. For example, an American can take money from a bank for medical treatment or purchase of equipment.
The final interest rate at which the loan will be approved depends on the amount, credit history, term, and income of the borrower. The lower the bid, the lower the overpayment.

What is the interest rate on loans from US banks?
The offer depends on the bank. Bids are divided into fixed and floating ones. The first option is suitable for those who do not plan to resell or move. Then investors prefer to take, for example, a mortgage at a floating rate.
It is beneficial for people who pay their debts to the bank for two or three years. Despite the increased interest rate, due to the short term, overpayment is minimal.
US banks issue loans strictly according to the rules. They work in a highly competitive environment. For this reason, customers always have a choice. You can apply to different banks and choose the best conditions. Some financial institutions are ready to work even with migrants.

Required documents for obtaining a loan in the United States
To get a loan from an American bank, you will need to prepare a package of documents. It includes:
  • application form from the borrower
  • credit history
  • certificate of bank account availability
  • social card number
  • passport and its copy
  • green card
Financial institutions are wary of migrants.
You need to confirm your financial viability. Therefore, experts advise you to stock up on letters of recommendation from banks that you have previously successfully cooperated with. Americans have a credit history formed almost all their lives. It is much easier for them to get money from the bank.

American Education Loans
The average cost of studying at American universities is approximately $ 130,000. This is a serious amount for the average family. Banks are willing to issue loans for applicants at 4-9% per annum. By the way, the chosen educational institution can become a guarantor in this situation.
Americans are a pragmatic people. Indeed, it is more profitable to take out a loan for training. Then the person will get a well-paid profession, pay off the debt, start a family, etc. Such loans give a great start.
The PLUS, Perkins, and Stafford programs are popular among students
You can pay off loans after receiving a diploma and getting a job. You can choose a term of up to 30 years. But as a rule, such loans are repaid much earlier.

Mortgage lending
Mortgages in the United States have long been a popular way to buy an apartment or house. The average rate is 3-4% per annum. The overpayment depends on the term for which such a loan is issued. In a crisis, it is profitable to take out a mortgage. But not all Americans now have the option to make a monthly payment due to the events of 2020.
The programs differ depending on the bank and state where the purchase is planned. Against the background of recent events, banks offer favorable conditions to attract customers. You can also choose an option for migrants. Only the rate will be about 6 to 8%.

Buying a car on credit
America is a land of cars and highways. Buying a new car is facilitated by a low interest rate. Many banks reduce it to 0.5%.
If you take such loans for a period of 5-7 years, then the overpayment is practically not noticeable
There are a number of preferential programs. But they apply to specific brands. But with this offer, you can buy a new car for its original price.
Of course, the final offer of the bank is strongly influenced by the credit history, brand of car, the degree of its novelty and belonging to an expensive or budget class. The average rates are in the range of 2 to 3%.

Commercial loans
A loan in US dollars can be issued for the development of your own business. To do this, you need to think through a business plan. It specifies:
  • Business area.
  • Report on the current financial condition.
  • Sources of income.
  • Information about guarantors.
  • Management structure.
  • Description of expenses, i.e. what exactly the borrower plans to spend the borrowed money on.
Banks don't like to risk their money. It is necessary to clearly argue for the security of the transaction

Comparison with loans in Russia
America is considered an economically successful country. But the US government credit is larger than Russia's. At the same time, the Russian banking structure operates on similar principles. At the moment, average interest rates are almost equal.

Differences between loans in the US and Russia:
Type of loanAmericaRussia
MortgageFrom 3%From 6%
Consumer creditFrom 6 to 18%From 10 to 25%
Car loansFrom 0.5% to 3.5%From 6% to 20%
EducationFrom 3.5% (for the benefit) to 10%Unpopular direction
There are no such programs for Russian students, just like in America. Most often, parents take out a consumer loan and pay for their university education in this way.

What is the interest rate on deposits in the United States?
The US has provided many loans and paid out huge amounts in benefits. But banks do not seek to attract new depositors. For deposits, you can get minimal payments that do not cover the cost of maintaining the account and inflation.
Russian banks do not accept payment for opening and maintaining an account. While American financial institutions calmly issue additional invoices to their depositors. Thus, even the minimum income that has accumulated from interest is leveled.
For clarity, let's look at an example of a standard savings account in an American bank. The rate is 0.01%, and the monthly service fee is $ 5. If the account has more than $ 300 stored on it, no fee will be charged.
In general, the trend for deposits is as follows: the more money is stored, the higher the percentage. But it rarely exceeds 0.8%

Why is it necessary to have a credit card in the United States?
Credit history in America plays a crucial role. It is taken into account even when hiring for a job. Credit cards, on the other hand, help you get started and establish yourself as the best borrower.

Obtaining loans from US banks is directly related to the borrower's financial reputation. In addition to forming a positive image of a reliable person, a credit card also provides other advantages:
  • Grace period when the debt can be repaid without overpayment.
  • Profitable cashback for purchases.
  • Special offers and discounts for users.
For example, for cash, the user will pay all 100% of the product price. While the customer gets a discount and cashback from a credit card. As a result, it will save more.
This practice is increasingly being implemented by Russian banks. The main thing is to choose the right conditions and pay on time.