Types of RFID tags

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RFID technology (Radio Frequency Identification) is used in various fields, from contactless identification of goods in stores and automatic animal recognition systems to access to buildings and control of production processes. Chips are considered one of the key elements of the system - they are used to transmit data. Let's look at what types of RFID tags are found and what are their differences.

What is RFID technology​

The technology represents a method of radio frequency identification. It helps to track and identify trade and material assets, people and animals. RFID consists of a chip where information is stored, a reader, software and other related equipment.
Data about the object is transmitted to the device using radio waves. Readers can be handheld, stationary or built-in. They are equipped with transmitters that are responsible for decoding data from the microchip.

Types of RFID tags​

The chips are embedded in embedded tags, sticker tags, RFID key fobs, RFID cards or bracelets. Accordingly, RFID devices differ in form factor.

Embedded tags are attached to or embedded in objects. Such tags are used in the field of logistics and accounting of objects and goods, which simplifies tracking and counting of inventory in the warehouse.
Tags with a chip are attached to objects, most often a mobile phone, and can replace an electronic pass, subscription, and means of payment. The miniature accessory is firmly held and is at hand when needed.

An RFID device can be the size and shape of a standard plastic card. They are used in access control and personnel identification systems.
There is a type of rfid in the form of a key fob. They are worn on keys or clothes. Models are recommended for access control systems.

Chips are embedded in contactless bracelets. The accessory is used as a key, a means of payment or a pass.

Classification of RFID tags​

There are different types of rfid tags. According to the type of chip built into them, they are:
  • Low frequency (LF). The chips operate at a frequency of 125-134 kHz and are characterized by a limited range of reading the radio signal (up to 10 centimeters). They are suitable for access control and animal identification.
  • High frequency (HF). They operate at a frequency of 13.56 MHz and have a reading range of up to 10 cm. Such chips are used to recognize goods in stores, in ticket systems and control production processes.
  • Ultra high frequency (UHF). They operate at a frequency of 860-960 MHz and have a reading range of up to 10 meters. They are actively used in logistics schemes, accounting of goods in warehouses and inventory management.

What types of RFID are there according to the power supply method?

Passive chips do not have a power source, so they use energy transferred from the reader. Such models are inexpensive, but their reading range is limited.

Active chips contain their own power source (battery) and can transmit data over long distances. They are suitable for cargo tracking and access control over large areas.

The classification of rfid tags by radio signal range divides them into three groups:
  • close (up to 20 cm)
  • medium (from 20 cm to 5 m)
  • long-range (from 5 to 300 m)

This rfid characteristic depends on the antenna built into the device. In addition, the settings of the reading device and the operating frequency range are important. According to the memory type, chips can be of three types:
  • R/W. Information on the device is overwritten.
  • WORM: Data cannot be modified, but can be re-read.
  • R/O. Labels are read-only. They are distinguished by a unique identification and a small memory capacity.
Rfid identifiers are classified by the number of chips. Two-chip or dual are used where special access control is required: in the parking lot of ski or water complexes. Such devices help to provide a contactless payment method in payment systems.

Tags are also classified by dust and moisture protection indicators. This characteristic can be both standard and high. In the latter case, the service life of the card increases.

Examples of RFID technology use​

RFID technologies are actively used in various fields. A striking example of RFID tags is the marking of fur products. Since 2016, the procedure has been mandatory. Therefore, fur coats are chipped with special signs with RFID tags.

The technology is used to map stores or shopping centers. Tags help show the locations of certain products.

An example of using an RFID sticker with tamper evidence is the labeling of elite alcohol. The same stickers can be used when repairing expensive electronics. The labels on the case must not be removed before the end of the warranty period. Otherwise, the manufacturer is not responsible if the equipment fails.

When choosing the type of RFID device, consider the requirements and goals of the specific project. Due to its versatility and ease of use, RFID technology continues to evolve and find new applications.
