Traffic monetization: make more money online!


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In the era of the Internet, only the lazy did not ask the question: how to earn extra money without leaving home? Right! We need someone who will pay us for our work on the Internet, namely advertisers who are interested in receiving an unlimited number of visitors to their site, and ultimately, buyers of their product.

What are they willing to pay for?

Of course, for every unique visitor, who will then definitely become their client, preferably a regular one.

As you know, demand creates supply, and therefore, over the past few years, several models of working on the Internet with such advertisers have appeared:
• CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) - payment for 1000 impressions;
• CPC (Cost Per Click) – payment for going to the advertiser’s website;
• CPA (Cost Per Action) – payment for the action performed by the user who went to the advertiser’s website.

Recently, advertising on the RuNet, almost every advertiser has determined for himself and realized that paying for real customers is much more profitable and promising (CPA) than paying for users who can see (CPM) or even want to go to the website of his product (CPC ).

In this regard, over the past couple of years, more and more pay-per-action affiliate networks (Affiliate Networks) have been appearing on the Internet at an incredible speed.

They represent an intermediary service between advertisers and publishers, and provide the latter with several affiliate programs (offers) to monetize traffic.

Now, for every novice publisher, in principle, as well as for an experienced one, questions arise: where to get traffic for monetization? And how, exactly, to monetize it?

Where to get?

• media traffic (traffic from large media platforms, websites)
• search traffic (traffic from search queries entered by users in Google, Yandex and other systems)
• contextual traffic (traffic purchased in contextual services, as well as placement of text blocks on forums, blogs, their own resources, etc.)
• teaser traffic (traffic purchased in teaser networks, as well as placement of text and graphic blocks on forums, blogs, their own resources, etc.)
• social traffic (traffic from social networks, groups and applications)
• aggregator sites (traffic from websites that accumulate several offers on one or more related topics, for example, a banking aggregator that combines offers for consumer loans, credit cards and mortgages)
• service sites ( for example, a dating site)
• E-mail traffic (Email lists of subscribers to the newsletter from your resource)
• stimulating traffic (or Incentivized, Insentive - traffic that motivates a person to action, i.e. offers to receive a benefit only if he does some action on the advertiser’s website, for example, “To gain access to viewing, fill out our partner’s form” or “Download and install the application to win an iPad2”, etc. )

It is natural to assume that some traffic will be monetized faster and better, i.e. conversion will be higher (conversion or CTR - click-through rate - click-through rate, the ratio of actions to clicks), and some will not. This is where the concept of traffic quality appears, despite the fact that this concept is almost the most key on the path to getting rich.

Also, don’t forget that a lot depends on what kind of offer you decide to take to monetize your traffic; this also directly affects the CTR.

As a result, we get 2 variables that are the keys to the successful monetization of your traffic:
• quality of traffic
• conversion rate.
These components can be divided into 4 categories:
• high quality traffic
• low quality traffic
• high conversion
• low conversion.

By analyzing these 2 variables with each other on your traffic, you can understand which traffic you are the owner of (Fig. 1) and where to move next.

So, now the main task before you is to move the significance of your traffic by any means into the first square of VKT+VK, namely high-quality traffic with high conversion.

Here we come to the second question.

How to do it?

In order to gradually transfer your traffic from one category to another, you will need a lot of time, experimentation and effort. But anything is possible.

Each type of traffic will have its own ways to improve quality and increase conversion.

In this article, I will start with teaser traffic and share my experience and numbers. We will work backwards and take category 4 for the value of our traffic at the initial stage, i.e. We have low quality traffic with low conversion.

Let's start with what is a teaser?

Teaser (English teaser “tease, enticement”) is an advertising message constructed as a riddle, which contains part of the information about the product, but the product itself is not demonstrated.

A teaser is a text-graphic block with a bright picture corresponding to the theme of the advertised product and intriguing text, which must motivate the user not only to read the teaser text, but also to click on it.

You can use teaser advertising in different ways, for example, by placing them on your resources or purchasing advertising space in teaser and social networks.

Having chosen one or several offers in any affiliate network, it is worth starting an empirical trial and error method, but still, some can be avoided during the first attempts to make money on teaser traffic.

So, we create a teaser ad and place it on our traffic; a relatively small amount of time is needed to understand the CTR of your ad.

The easiest way to identify the best conversion rate is to create several ads at once. Then, by analyzing the results, you can disable one or more ads, and increase the amount of traffic to the most profitable ones.

It is important to remember that the following parameters have a strong influence on the conversion of an ad:

• headline (must contain an incentive not only to read the text in the teaser, but also to click on it)

• teaser text (must necessarily reflect the idea of what is being advertised product, but not completely, but only to be a bait to arouse the user’s interest in going to the advertiser’s website)

• picture (the image must be bright, eye-catching, but at the same time reflect directly or indirectly the content of the advertised product )

After experimenting with different headings, texts, pictures, we will get our “Golden” ad, which will bring you your long-awaited high conversion, moving your ad to category 3 “sufficiently valuable”, namely low traffic quality, but with high conversion.

Here it is important to understand why your traffic turned out to be of poor quality, i.e. It’s impossible to do without assessing the quality of actions of completed users who clicked on your ad. Here the managers who serve you in affiliate networks will come to your aid. In some networks, for example, CPA Network Russia, they can even provide a detailed report explaining why this or that action turned out to be of poor quality, for example, it does not correspond to the required geotargeting, age, gender, etc.

Having received and analyzed this information, it will not be difficult to be more competent target your ad and thereby increase the quality of your traffic, but at the same time there is a high probability of a decrease in conversion, so the value of your traffic will move to category 2 “valuable enough”. Next, you should repeat the previous step of finding the highest conversion, which will ultimately lead you to the first category “very valuable traffic”.

All that remains is to increase the volume of traffic in order to receive your long-awaited income. But you shouldn’t rejoice ahead of time and think that you have found a “Gold Mine”, because... Teaser ads can be influenced by various external factors, for example, during the holidays, ads emphasizing the theme of the celebration (New Year, March 8, Valentine's Day, etc.) will be more convertible. It is worth remembering the seasonality and not neglecting the promotions provided by advertisers, whose product you are driving traffic to.

Therefore, you should adhere to the most important and main rule that will definitely make you rich: experiment!

(c) Sigacheva Tatyana
Chief specialist for work with partners