Traces in the code: MaxPatrol EDR reveals the disguise of intruders

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Why is MaxPatrol EDR becoming a necessity for modern companies?

Positive Technologies has introduced its new product, MaxPatrol EDR, designed to detect cyber threats at endpoints and respond to them in a timely manner. The new product was announced at the Positive Security Day 2023 event.

MaxPatrol EDR performs static and behavioral analysis, is supported by PT Expert Security Center expert rules, and provides flexible configuration of detection and response rules. This allows the system to effectively track complex and targeted attacks in real time, which is especially important when attackers disguise their activity as legitimate processes.

One of the features of MaxPatrol EDR is the ability to instantly stop malicious actions, both manually and automatically. The system can be installed on various types of devices, including personal computers, laptops, virtual workstations and servers, supporting popular operating systems, including Windows, Linux and macOS, as well as Russian certified operating systems.

According to research by Positive Technologies, the number of complex and targeted attacks continues to grow, making endpoints the main targets for cybercriminals. MaxPatrol EDR allows you to effectively detect and stop attacks, even if legitimate operating system components are used, such as PowerShell, WMI, CMD, Bash. Thus, the survey revealed that 14% of Russian companies already use EDR or XDR solutions, 26% plan to implement such systems, and 30% understand the need to purchase them, but face limited financial resources.

MaxPatrol EDR is presented as an independent product, as well as as part of the complete PT XDR solution, released in 2021. The system provides compatibility with other security tools and can function independently, providing analysis and countering threats at endpoints, even in isolated networks.