Total FAQ on Network Security and Anonymity


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1. Complete anonymity does not exist in nature at all!

"Complete anonymity" is not required, it is enough to confuse the chain in such a way that its unraveling is unprofitable and the effort spent does not pay off with the result. To reach this level, you do not need any special knowledge and skills, just finish reading this FAQ and have your head on your shoulders.

2. Why is this all necessary at all, when you need to do things, and not talk on the Internet?

- So do your business, why are you here to talk?

I would like to say right away that the absolute majority of those who were caught and those who will still be caught, do not burn on the traces left in the Network.

It will be very sad if you are not tracked down in hot pursuit, not handed over by trusted persons, etc., but caught stupidly because of your laziness and disregard for some simple advice. You can go to the basement with a laptop and modem, hang up your desktop with VPN services, dance with a tambourine with every incoming amount, but the point is in security if you order pizza from the same laptop to your home from the site?

3. I'm not a programmer, I don't understand anything about this and I don't want to understand it. What should I do so as not to get burned? What kind of anonymity is sufficient?

First, let's define your activity:

a) The usual online about, Anunnaki and parade of planets without any active illegal actions. I sit on the forum in the evenings, as I do my homework, click on the buttons.

- They won't find you, because no one needs you. Take off your cap.

b) There are intentions of some real activity in the future (divorces, MFIs) or cooperation (communication, work, buying and selling, etc.) wit ]the maximum approach and opportunities:
- Buy a left-handed laptop, preferably with your hands, a left-handed USB modem or router
- Install Tails on a USB stick
- Upgrade the Tor Browser's "Security settings..." settings to maximum
- Use a password manager to store and generate complex passwords
- Use OTR or GPG message encryption
- Opt out of social not transmit any personal data via these devices.

This will be enough.

c) There is a maximum level of paranoia

Same as above, but still:
- Laptop without or with disabled Intel ME
- A router with open firmware (openwrt, dd-wrt, etc.), connect using a cable.
- Connect to a VPN purchased with cryptocurrency from the router (you will get a VPN=>Tor)
- Complete rejection of phones, even left-hand ones
- Do not download anything, keep your devices in plain sight, and do not insert flash drives into other computers
- Live without a registered residence permit, rent a house without documents

To be paranoid beyond that is insanity...

4. What kind of Tails is this?

This is an already configured operating system designed to provide privacy and anonymity. All Tails traffic is routed to Tor. It does not leave any traces on the device from which it is used, does not store any data, and after each reboot it returns to its original form. After switching off, RAM is erased. For me, this is a godsend, which surprised me with its convenience.

You don't have to:
- suffer with TrueCrypt, the Persistent encrypted section is created there in a few clicks
- install Tor Browser, it is already installed and with even more protection, we pumped it as much as possible
- install programs for storing passwords, transferring files, mashing metadata, working with Bitcoin, encrypting files and messages, instant messengers, programs for editing photos, videos, and audio files

Because it's all already installed and ready to use.

Download "write to a flash drive (minimum 2 GB) or blank" boot from them "install on a new flash drive (from 8 GB)" boot from a new flash drive "activate Persistent" you're done

Spend a few hours and see how convenient it is compared to your Windows...

Learn more about Tails

Tor Browser – with even more protection
Pidgin - jabber+OTR
Electrum - Easy client for Bitcoin
KeePassX - password manager (keeper)
GPG - Asymmetric encryption system
MAT - removing metadata from various data types
Programs for editing documents\photos\audio\video, etc.
Thunderbird - email client

Easy to put Psi or Psi+ (jabber+GPG)

An encrypted container is created in 2 clicks

5. What computer should I buy for Tails and what else do I need?

I strongly recommend buying a separate laptop that has nothing to do with your identity.

What you need for Tails:
- RAM from 4 GB, start and 1 GB, but possible brakes
- 1 USB 3.0 port, for faster operation from a flash drive

-the processor is only 64bit (x86-64), it is difficult to advise a specific model, but remember that Intel has ME(neutralization), and AMD has PSP. Although it is unlikely that the NSA will need you so much

Flash drive requirements:
- Not SanDisk, PNY, Aegis
- USB 3.0
- always on MLC chips, this will give high survivability
- from 8 GB (usually the larger the volume, the faster the speed)
- examples of specific models: JetFlash 750, JetFlash 780

I recommend buying 2 flash drives at once, making one of them a backup, installing Tails on it and copying all important data to it from time to time, in case one of them fails.

6. What about instant messengers: Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, there is also encryption?

You can't use them for dark work:
- Central server (you can't create your own)
- Closed source code (what these programs actually do and where they merge everything is unknown to anyone)
- Encryption is not based on open proven algorithms (GPG, OTR), but on your own proprietary ones (you will be decrypted when necessary)
- Linking to a SIM card or device.

7. Why not just chat in a random online chat and / or communicate in pre-defined words that others won't understand?

It is not enough to hide the subject of the conversation, because the actual conversation remains: its sides, time, location, what devices it was from, and other data that will remain on the server. And you can't trust the encryption of certain "online chats".

8. Then which messenger should I use?

Those that use the jabber protocol (XMPP), are open source, time-tested, and support GPG and / or OTR client-to-client encryption (i.e. no outsider can see it, not even the server owners):
- Psi+ (GPG, OTR) brought to mind Psi with additional features
- Pidgin (OTR) is an old proven client built into Tails
- Tor Messenger (OTR) is still in beta

For Android:
- Conversations (GPG, OTR)
- Xabber (OTR)

9. Why jabber, and not messengers like Tox, Ricochet?

Jabber is time-tested, supports proven client-to-client encryption algorithms (GPG, OTR), and allows you to send messages offline (when the other person is offline). All newfangled crafts do not have this yet.

10. What is the difference between GPG and OTR encryption in a simple way?

Simply put: OTR requires the presence of an online interlocutor, but it gives deniability (after the conversation, the keys are destroyed and the messages can no longer be decrypted, even if the keys were withdrawn from both parties).

GPG is much older, more reliable and has more extensive functionality (you can encrypt files, sign messages, check signatures), keep your keys in an encrypted section, have complex passwords and make backups and there will be no problems.

11. How and where to store the necessary files and how to encrypt them?

You can certainly encrypt your hard drive with TrueCrypt, but can you quickly destroy it if something happens? Is it easy to hide it? Therefore, it is more practical to use easily destructible media. For example, on a flash drive with Tails in the Persistent section (this is a separate folder, everything thrown into it is encrypted on the fly).

12. What about e-mails (email), which ones can be used and how?

Encrypt GPG correspondence via the Thunderbird email client configured for Tor. Choose foreign services that do not require a phone and do not have servers in the CIS (Google has, for example).

13. Where should I upload photos, videos, and audio files?

On foreign hosting sites and preferably in. onion, delete metadata from files before uploading.

14. How can I delete metadata from photos, videos, and audio files?

Using the MAT program, learn more about how to do this:

15. How can I safely send / receive photos, videos, and audio files to the other person? You can't use jabber?

Using OnionShare-secure file sharing via Tor.

You can't send files directly via jabber, but only via third-party servers. This is not safe, and don't do this.

16. What about personal messages (BOS) on forums, including this forum? Is it safe?

Only if you encrypt them with GPG. Keep in mind that all messages are stored in clear text and are visible to server owners. By clicking the "delete" button, messages still remain in the database. Don't send critical information even to your personal account.

17. What kind of sites .onion and how safe are they?

Sites on the Tor network, all IP addresses are hidden and not visible to anyone, including site owners. Traffic is encrypted inside Tor and does not go beyond it. Visits to sites with JavaScript disabled (Tor Browser's "Security settings..." settings are set to maximum) are safe. With it enabled, in theory, attacks on you through scripts are possible, but if you use Tails, the threat is lower, because the browser is isolated and there is a configured firewall that Tor will not miss.

18. What about trust in websites .onion?

It depends on the site and changes over time. It's best not to trust anyone. There are enough scammers in the clearnet, while in the onion zone threats are multiplied by x100

19. What about communication via left-hand phones with left-hand SIM cards? Proven method!

See point 7 above. It remains yours: location, voice, fact of communication, subject of communication, no encryption, sometimes places of replenishment, places of purchase of a SIM card and phone, etc., etc.

20. How can I accept text messages anonymously?

Find a service for receiving text messages, deposit money using bitcoins or anonymous cryptocurrencies, and accept text messages.

21. How do I anonymously pay for something online?

Using bitcoins or anonymous cryptocurrencies.

22. Questions about Tor and Tor Browser:

a) This is a US development and all that?

Yes, just like CPUs, RAM, and everything else. But Tor is open source and has passed some of the test of time.

b) Can I configure Tor Browser?

No. You can't even expand the browser window. You can't make any additional settings. You can't install add-ons. The "Security settings..." settings can and should be set to the maximum.

c) Can JS (JavaScript) scripts lead to deanon if they are allowed?

In theory, very possible.

e) What does the provider see when I use Tor?

Just the fact of using Tor. How exactly you use it: what sites you visit, what messengers you use, correspondence, etc., none of this is invisible. But the sites where you do this, of course, can see it, and if the connection is not over https://, but over http://, then everything that you do on such sites is also seen by the Tor output nodes.

The provider can also see that you are using Tails instead of just Tor.

e) How do I make sure that the provider does not see the connection to Tor?

Use bridges or connect to a VPN first, and then to Tor (you will get VPN=>Tor).

g) What are the general rules for using Tor that you need to follow?

- Do not accept an unsigned certificate (which may be an exit node certificate).
- It is advisable to exclude from the chain of nodes of the CIS countries (there is in the first post in the topic about Tails)
- To avoid leaving your correspondence on servers, you should use client-to-client encryption (OTR\GPG)
- Do not download torrents via Tor, it is advisable not to download anything at all
- Use https:/ / site versions
- Have complex and different passwords everywhere
- Everything else that is described in this FAQ, I will not repeat

23. What's wrong with mac addresses, do they somehow get burned? What should I do with them?

The laptop's Wi-Fi module and network card have Mac addresses. As well as the router and modem.

Sites DON'T see your mac addresses. But they see your provider and neighboring devices (routers and other Wi-Fi access point) and merge this information for example to Google to determine location. Exit: disable Wi-Fi modules and connect to the router via an Ethernet cable.

Tails automatically changes the MAC addresses of your Wi-Fi module and the laptop's network card every time you start it.

24. Why do you need a VPN before Tor, one Tor is not enough?

Tor is experimental software that can potentially contain vulnerabilities, although it is constantly updated. In addition, the VPN hides from the provider the very fact of using Tor, which may be important. Well, double protection has never been superfluous.

25. Which VPN service should I choose?

A good VPN service should:
- the servers and the company itself are not located in the post-Soviet Union and not in the United States
- support work via OpenVPN (only configuration files are downloaded, and no program is installed from the service)
- payment using cryptocurrencies
- ask for a minimum of information about you

26. Do you need an antivirus at all?

Another tool that spies on you and your activities. You shouldn't have it.

Antivirus on Tails, as on all Linux, is not needed.

27. Password manager is what and why?

Tails has built-in KeePassX, it allows you to create an encrypted database with your passwords, logins, notes, small files, private keys, accounts, bitcoin wallets and everything else valuable and encrypt it with one powerful password that you just need to remember to log in to it, and all other passwords will be random, strong and from 20-25 characters. Agree that it is much easier for you to have and store a structured database of several megabytes than huge text files in which the devil will break his leg.

28. Why doesn't https work on sites and forums in .onion?

Https connection for .onion is not required.,. onion already does everything the same as https, only for free.

29 What about public Wi-Fi?

The owner of the Wi-Fi hotspot sees that you are connected to Tor and often sees you through the camera. So buy a left modem and change them more often.

30. Why can't I use Windows, macOS, iOS, etc.?

They have a closed source code (what these operating systems actually do is unknown to anyone), collect all sorts of data about you and merge it "where it is necessary", they themselves are a Trojan and a bookmark. Using these operating systems, encryption and so on is almost meaningless, except in cases of Elusive Joe, when no one needs you (see at the beginning about the anunnaki).

How to either "configure" these OSS is impossible from the word "at all".

31. The devices were removed by garbage or I have suspicions about it. How do I find them or check them for hardware bookmarks?

No way. Sell/give away and buy another one.

32. How can I anonymously use Facebook or any other social network?

Someone will ask anyway...
- Register via SMS on a paid service
- Tails with "Security settings..." turned to maximum in Tor Browser, see above
- Use the mobile version
- Do not disclose your data, do not write to your friends, do not write anything in your personal accounts at all.[/I][/I]