7 skills of highly effective people
The Seven Skills of Highly Effective People are a comprehensive approach to self-development.
Author Stephen Covey is an American leadership and life management consultant, teacher, and organizational management consultant.
What will Stephen Covey's book do for us?
Sounds great, doesn't it? But after reading this book, you will really be able to do a lot. Of course, this book doesn't offer simple solutions or guarantee instant miracles. For any positive change requires time, effort, and perseverance.
But know this! When you adopt the skills of highly effective people and start actively applying them in practice, you can be sure that your life will change. It will change for the better in all directions: in relationships with people, in your career, in your personal life. This is a fact!
So, here's a quick rundown of the skills of highly effective people. Stephen Covey has identified 7 such skills. Here they are:
Take responsibility for your life. Only you are responsible for how you live and what happens to you.
And only you can change the situation if it doesn't suit you.
Be proactive — that is, take responsibility for your life into your own hands.
There's no point in blaming anyone. Don't look for excuses for your failures in other people or external circumstances — this is the position of the victim. It is much more effective to draw conclusions and prevent this from happening in the future. This is the creator's position.
Know your ultimate goal. When starting any business, clearly imagine what you are striving for.
After all, to achieve something, you need to at least understand in which direction you should move. In other words, start with a specific end goal.
Having knowledge of the final destination of the route, we are able to almost blindly navigate the road to the goal. Even if it's not clear how this can be achieved right now, just defining the goal clearly brings us much closer to it.
If the goal is set, then the means to achieve it will also be found. Sooner or later, depending on the effort we put in, they will definitely be found. The main thing is to know the goal and take steps towards it.
Also, having a goal allows you to control the process of achieving it. After all, you can always set criteria by which it is easy to assess whether you are moving in the right direction, whether you are approaching the intended goal. A well-defined goal is like a beacon in the pitch dark!
Do what's important first. Often we are engaged in all sorts of nonsense and urgent matters.
Because of this, we don't do what's really important. This is a vicious practice. Only by doing important things do we get closer to our goals.
Often we find ourselves buried under urgent matters. We do them, we do them. But there are still new urgent, but not important things to do. And again all in a circle. We postpone things that are very important to us in order to have time to deal with current problems. But really important things — family, health, self-development, business — are endlessly postponed, and this can happen for years.
All we need to do is set priorities. Important things must be done first — because this is the basis of our life. Try not to allow the regular appearance of urgent, emergency cases. Of course, you can't get rid of them completely, but they should be the exception rather than the rule.
So, friends, try to do what's really important first.
Offer mutually beneficial cooperation. The key word here is mutually beneficial.
Strive to ensure that everyone wins. In other words, agreements and decisions must satisfy both parties.
When you adopt this skill, life will not be an arena for competition, but a field for cooperation. By mastering the skill of mutually beneficial cooperation, you transform competition into a mutually beneficial relationship.
How do you master this skill? Very simple. Always try to imagine the problem from the other person's point of view. Try to understand it and identify key issues and concerns. Decide which results of cooperation you need and which ones your partner needs. By combining your interests with those of your partner, you are more likely to find a mutually beneficial solution! If your partner doesn't take your interests into account and pushes their own line, just don't cooperate with them.
First you need to understand, and then be understood. The ability to communicate is one of the most important things in our lives.
To communicate well and influence the other person, always try to understand them first.
Don't try to impose your point of view. This is most often a hopeless idea. It is more effective to use empathic communication — that is, complete immersion in the conversation and the problems of the interlocutor.
When your interlocutor sees that you are genuinely trying to understand him, he will listen more to you, to what you want to convey to him. And that's what you need! That is, you get what you initially refused.
To achieve great results, join forces with like-minded people.
Here the principle of synergy applies — this is when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. For example, 1+1=10. Yes, this example looks strange and violates the laws of mathematics, but it works.
Suppose we have two logs. Tied together, each of these logs will withstand a much greater load than they could handle individually.
Also with people — together they are able to cooperate fruitfully, bringing more results in a team than when working alone.
Imagine a family conflict: the husband wants to spend his vacation fishing, and the wife wants to go to another city to visit her mother. They can argue and fight without finding a compromise. And they can achieve synergy and work together to solve this problem. There will definitely be an option that will turn out better in the end and will be able to satisfy the interests of each party.
For example, a husband may choose a fishing spot near his mother-in-law's house. Or they can go fishing on vacation and then visit their mother on the weekend. In short, mutually beneficial options always exist. There is always an option that is subject to the law of synergy — when such a mutually beneficial solution turns out to be better than each of the proposed options individually.
It is important to come together when solving a problem, and not look at it from two different poles. Then everything will work out!
It is important to come together when solving a problem, and not look at it from two different poles. Then everything will work out!
Sharpen your axe. You should always set aside time for self-development and rest. This will allow you to act much more efficiently!
Do not forget about the rest. Sometimes you need to rest, then move on at twice the speed. For example, if you overexert your health, you will not be able to continue working at the same level of productivity. Therefore, my friends, always take time for rest and development. The final result will definitely show the effectiveness of this approach.
Instead of concluding
You have read a summary of Stephen Covey's book "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People". Some of these skills you already use, some will be new to you. One way or another, apply the information you receive in practice. This is the only way to evaluate the effectiveness of what you read. Stay tuned, cyberstalkers-more interesting things to come.
The Seven Skills of Highly Effective People are a comprehensive approach to self-development.
Author Stephen Covey is an American leadership and life management consultant, teacher, and organizational management consultant.
What will Stephen Covey's book do for us?
- First, we will define our life goals and priorities.
- Second, we'll learn how to always reach a goal.
- Third, we will become more efficient in life.
Sounds great, doesn't it? But after reading this book, you will really be able to do a lot. Of course, this book doesn't offer simple solutions or guarantee instant miracles. For any positive change requires time, effort, and perseverance.
But know this! When you adopt the skills of highly effective people and start actively applying them in practice, you can be sure that your life will change. It will change for the better in all directions: in relationships with people, in your career, in your personal life. This is a fact!
So, here's a quick rundown of the skills of highly effective people. Stephen Covey has identified 7 such skills. Here they are:
Take responsibility for your life. Only you are responsible for how you live and what happens to you.
And only you can change the situation if it doesn't suit you.
Be proactive — that is, take responsibility for your life into your own hands.
"Take responsibility for your life and start solving the problems you face. They exist to help you grow, not to overwhelm you. " (c) Steve Pavlina
There's no point in blaming anyone. Don't look for excuses for your failures in other people or external circumstances — this is the position of the victim. It is much more effective to draw conclusions and prevent this from happening in the future. This is the creator's position.
Know your ultimate goal. When starting any business, clearly imagine what you are striving for.
After all, to achieve something, you need to at least understand in which direction you should move. In other words, start with a specific end goal.
"Tell me, please, where do I go from here?"
— Where do you want to go?" - said the Cat.
— I don't care... - said Alice.
"Then it doesn't matter where you go," said the Cat.
(c) Alice in Wonderland
Having knowledge of the final destination of the route, we are able to almost blindly navigate the road to the goal. Even if it's not clear how this can be achieved right now, just defining the goal clearly brings us much closer to it.
If the goal is set, then the means to achieve it will also be found. Sooner or later, depending on the effort we put in, they will definitely be found. The main thing is to know the goal and take steps towards it.
Also, having a goal allows you to control the process of achieving it. After all, you can always set criteria by which it is easy to assess whether you are moving in the right direction, whether you are approaching the intended goal. A well-defined goal is like a beacon in the pitch dark!
Do what's important first. Often we are engaged in all sorts of nonsense and urgent matters.
Because of this, we don't do what's really important. This is a vicious practice. Only by doing important things do we get closer to our goals.
Often we find ourselves buried under urgent matters. We do them, we do them. But there are still new urgent, but not important things to do. And again all in a circle. We postpone things that are very important to us in order to have time to deal with current problems. But really important things — family, health, self-development, business — are endlessly postponed, and this can happen for years.
All we need to do is set priorities. Important things must be done first — because this is the basis of our life. Try not to allow the regular appearance of urgent, emergency cases. Of course, you can't get rid of them completely, but they should be the exception rather than the rule.
So, friends, try to do what's really important first.
Offer mutually beneficial cooperation. The key word here is mutually beneficial.
Strive to ensure that everyone wins. In other words, agreements and decisions must satisfy both parties.
When you adopt this skill, life will not be an arena for competition, but a field for cooperation. By mastering the skill of mutually beneficial cooperation, you transform competition into a mutually beneficial relationship.
How do you master this skill? Very simple. Always try to imagine the problem from the other person's point of view. Try to understand it and identify key issues and concerns. Decide which results of cooperation you need and which ones your partner needs. By combining your interests with those of your partner, you are more likely to find a mutually beneficial solution! If your partner doesn't take your interests into account and pushes their own line, just don't cooperate with them.
First you need to understand, and then be understood. The ability to communicate is one of the most important things in our lives.
To communicate well and influence the other person, always try to understand them first.
Don't try to impose your point of view. This is most often a hopeless idea. It is more effective to use empathic communication — that is, complete immersion in the conversation and the problems of the interlocutor.
When your interlocutor sees that you are genuinely trying to understand him, he will listen more to you, to what you want to convey to him. And that's what you need! That is, you get what you initially refused.
To achieve great results, join forces with like-minded people.
Here the principle of synergy applies — this is when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. For example, 1+1=10. Yes, this example looks strange and violates the laws of mathematics, but it works.
Suppose we have two logs. Tied together, each of these logs will withstand a much greater load than they could handle individually.
Also with people — together they are able to cooperate fruitfully, bringing more results in a team than when working alone.
Imagine a family conflict: the husband wants to spend his vacation fishing, and the wife wants to go to another city to visit her mother. They can argue and fight without finding a compromise. And they can achieve synergy and work together to solve this problem. There will definitely be an option that will turn out better in the end and will be able to satisfy the interests of each party.
For example, a husband may choose a fishing spot near his mother-in-law's house. Or they can go fishing on vacation and then visit their mother on the weekend. In short, mutually beneficial options always exist. There is always an option that is subject to the law of synergy — when such a mutually beneficial solution turns out to be better than each of the proposed options individually.
It is important to come together when solving a problem, and not look at it from two different poles. Then everything will work out!
It is important to come together when solving a problem, and not look at it from two different poles. Then everything will work out!
Sharpen your axe. You should always set aside time for self-development and rest. This will allow you to act much more efficiently!
The moral of this parable is: take the time to improve yourself. Develop spiritually, physically, emotionally, and socially. This will serve as a powerful support for further victories!Two people had an argument about which of them could chop wood faster. They each took an axe and started. One of them worked without a break, and the other stopped and rested. When the first one cut the last log and prepared to celebrate the victory, it turned out that the second one had long finished harvesting firewood. "How so?!" — exclaimed the first, — "After all, you spent time on rest, and I did not waste time in vain and continued to stab!" It turned out that the second person during the rest sharpened the axe, and also restored his strength. Thanks to this, he completed the task faster and won!
Do not forget about the rest. Sometimes you need to rest, then move on at twice the speed. For example, if you overexert your health, you will not be able to continue working at the same level of productivity. Therefore, my friends, always take time for rest and development. The final result will definitely show the effectiveness of this approach.
Instead of concluding
You have read a summary of Stephen Covey's book "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People". Some of these skills you already use, some will be new to you. One way or another, apply the information you receive in practice. This is the only way to evaluate the effectiveness of what you read. Stay tuned, cyberstalkers-more interesting things to come.